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Tipp's Fringe Bunker


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The term comes from the law of one, the cassiopean material and related channelings.

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Good luck fringe! Thanks for sharing your knowledge.


The assertion that he had eyes of fire ( or smoldering coal like Buddha in some texts) is referring to ancient ( and still held) beliefs that the Genesis 1:27 people made prior to Adam and Eve or the un-gendered/ un-split persons ( as Isis/ Shosho or Anunaki) in all other creation myths; that humanoid deities made man. All are depicted with grey outside/ red heterochromia iridis and wool hair, not curls or straight. This indeed is a find-able race in genetics. The genes are all very rare, higher in lineage priest families and those with IQs over 189 familialy and root to a pre- neanderthal man.Neanderthals also had frizzy hair from some reports.The "gods" are the ones before the split ones. As with all other names for the gods: Dios,Netjeru, Bon they are pan Atlantic sailing metal trading peoples who's DNA roots in the United States. All the lineage priest families' DNA roots to R1 and a few other haplotypes all in the US pre-Siberian population. It does refer to Jesus being the image of God in Acts as well. ( keep you as the apple of my eye. A phrase God says to Jacob them David more than six times is a reference to this same eye color. Seraph a clan of Shela/Sela/Chela Judah means only ancient fire.

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I really wish the effeminate impotent mods would actually delete off topic posts for once.


Tell chodemonkey to switch to Bitmitigate, they are protecting Daily Stormer



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Holy shit. GTFO koolaid drinking bullshit occultist niggers. They want to shut down all of it, not just the people that hurt your nigger feelings on /pol/. Especially when they want to shut you down, personally, how the fuck do you accept the what the news tells you at face value?


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>is it ogre





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i think i just need to watch some T.V. for a bit or something and i'll be alright about it and find somewhere else to hang if they shut it down…it'd be a shame to lose the progress of , though (if there is any progress to be had, if even LARP value…)


Will be the time the great American Civil War takes off.

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>2 mass shootings in a row

uh guys?


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Awesome. The more blood shed the better.



literally nothing


I guess I'm not going to be a race-mixer since that seems to trouble some white people. I believe that is the Christ-like reponse.


Maybe /pol/ is part of the conspiracy to disarm U.S. citizens (U.S. military loves Clausewitz, who speaks of 'disarming' your enemy) by making a lot of race-oriented white people look like nutjobs online.

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In this thread post all of the atrocious misinformation you've read on over the years…

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>Kind of like what you are doing by trying to syncretize all trinities into one meaning, which is reductionism.

Syncretize? You mean reduce, in this context? Stop using big words you don't understand.

And I'm literally doing the opposite of those. Did you not see the giant block of text I pasted from Montalk about unholy trinities?

Or is that precisely what you are trying to derail? The truth of that level usually gets forces really mad. And most are at their mercy. SAD



>I engage with the ideas therein and form my own conclusions, however.

Then do that. Share them here if you want, but for fuck's sake don't tell people to read shit especially without engaging in any real dialogue.



Okay, but are you really going to deny everything I said before just because I read it from somewhere else, despite the fact that you were eating that shit up earlier?



No one has been denying anything, all I said that I didn't want to read any books right now. What you want me to read an entire book and come back and post? What the fuck is wrong with you?

You've been arguing without understanding for like 10 posts now, get a fucking hold of yourself



"How to spot a conspiracy theory."


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The average person spends at least 45 minutes a day defecating. That's 11 days per year, or 2.5 years of your lifetime wasted on inefficient defecation. This is time that can be freed up for personal improvement activities such as meditation. Furthermore, improper defecation leaves you vulnerable to spiritual mischief. In this thread I will uncover the secrets of defecation taught to generations of professional alcoyotes.

The first rule is no premature shitting. Just as we eat when we aren't really hungry, getting fat, we shit before we need to. You should only shit when you have a properly full colon and the need is urgent.

The second rule is to have proper log formation. This is achieved by adding enough fiber to your diet, but not so much that you are constipated. The goal is a uniform, dense log that slides out nice and smoothly without leaving much of a mess. Ideally it would leave next to no mess on your anus. Proper exercise is also crucial to get your guts moving so they can digest properly, as is a good diet not too high in fat.

The third rule is haste. When you shit, push it out firmly and aim to empty your colon completely in a few seconds. If there is any "remainder" (there shouldn't be if you followed the second rule) rock bath and forth on the toilet and/or lift up to bounce up and down a little.

The fourth rule is position. Proper colonical orientation is a force multiplier. The squatting position is ideal, install specialized or trough-style toilets if possible, though squatty potty is also great.

The fifth and final rule is total sanitation. Toilet paper won't do. Try a bidet, incorporating morning defecation with your shower to clean your anus, or in a pinch sit on a sink and clean your anus with soap.

You now know the secrets to master shitting on your way to enlightenment.

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I need a guide for how to overcome kratom shits



>The fifth and final rule is total sanitation. Toilet paper won't do. Try a bidet, incorporating morning defecation with your shower to clean your anus, or in a pinch sit on a sink and clean your anus with soap.

This is literally why white people have so many problems



All that baby wipes do is smear the shit all over the place.

You can buy a portable bidet that fits into toiletry bag/daypack/fanny pack. There is no reason to use wet wipes anywhere you have running water available (e.g. in a bathroom).


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Thanks, that's what I thought. I appreciate the response all these years later, it was a conversation I had with someone on /b/ like 5 years ago that someone tried convincing me that wet wipes are an acceptable alternative…

Squatting and washing master race reporting in



toilets are for crowd control.

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Here is the current recommended reading list that every neophyte is faced with when they get here:


>William W. Atkinson


>1. The Kybalion

>2. The Arcane Teachings

>3. The Arcane Formulas

>4. The Science of Breath Note: Contained within the 2013 Series Lessons book

>5. Mind Power: The Secret of Mental Magic

>6. Psychomancy

>7. Mental Influence

>8. 2013 a Series of Lessons (2014 edition sucks)

>9. Personal Power (of special importance is the Desire Power subsection of this book, which deals with how to use loosh)


>Franz Bardon


>10. Initiation Into Hermetics

>11. The Universal Master Key


>Robert Bruce


>12. Energy Work




>13. Key Concepts

>14. Reality Creation Redux

>15. Realm Dynamics - v0.2

>16. Synchronicity and Reality Manipulation.

etc… (faq.html)

Did the recommended reading list and its book order work for you? How woPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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>Feel free to quote yourself to show where you said this, because it sounds like you are just going back on your own words.

I said it here.

>People who have managed to achieve this apotheotic state report feeling infinite, unfathomable bliss beyond words (not to get confused with happiness or sensory pleasure), un-attachment, and stillness of thought.

It logically follows that the only way these people can give these reports is if they are alive, don't you think?

>Who the fuck are you to say who is suffering and who isn't?

I was merely explaining the difference between the ontological states of mystical experience and enlightenment, and I was only stating usual reported feelings of those who are living it. I was not pontificating at all.

>This is completely antithetical to what you are saying now. What you are saying now is that anyone who has reached Nirvana while they are alive are always in that state. IF THEY ARE ALIVE THEY ARE STILL EXPOSED TO SAMSARA.

Nope. Their minds are unconditioned and are no longer influenced by samsara through subject-object distinctions. They see everything as it really is.

>So how fucking retarded is your question now?

I have answered these questions several times already. You are deliberately being obtuse.



You said that just now, not way back when you were asking me what the point of Samsara was. You didn't know what Nirvana was until I explained it and baby fed you, because otherwise we wouldn't have been arguing all this time. It's sad your ego is so big that you are STILL arguing

Posting in ignorance facilitates the spread of ignorance. I have to point out the distinctions in the way you're talking. Before it was basically disinformation. Misdirection through omission.

Getting a nuance incorrect completely warps and corrupts the entire teachings; this is why Zen warriors are so zealous in clarifying all misconceptions of Samsara.



>Their minds are unconditioned and are no longer influenced by samsara

>They see everything as it really is.

Yeah yeah that's basically what I've been saying all this entire time

>through subject-object distinctions.

don't pretend to know what that means. Most philosophers, academics, etc don't seem to know or rather can't seem to agree on those terms like subjectivity and objectivity. It is quite sad actually



This is actually top tier list of books.


>James Joyce

I literally can't see that in the picture, or am I blind



>I don't know what this term means, so you're full of shit.

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We perceive concepts like "house, "dog", "the color yellow" and apply it to the world around us. If you removed the concept of "house" you'd be left with a stone square, but even "stone" and "square" are concepts that we apply to this reality, it doesn't have any differentiation between one set of atoms from another, one set of geometrical patterns from another.

It's a matrix that we ourselves apply to the world around us, it's not this world.

I always believed this matrix to be born out of evolution in this world. We developed the concept of "square" because it would be evolutionarily beneficial to recognize cubes from planes, we recognized different types of material because it would be evolutionarily beneficial to separate stone from dirt. Same for other concepts such as "shelter" and so on until more abstract concepts.

But lately I've been delving into more topics, and stumbled upon the opposite idea. What if this matrix we apply to the world, comes from outside this world?

That is, concepts such as "house", "dog", "the color yellow" are pre-existing on a higher plane (the astral, 4D etc.) and we're just applying these concepts to the world around us.

There exists a concept of "home", a concept of "geometric square", a concept of "solid material" outside of this world and it is us applying this higher system on a lower existence.

We might have (if you still believe in evolution) developed to perceive squares, but squares come from elsewhere, we're just filtering this meaningless world to perceive squares, which do not really "exist" in this world.

What does think? It's a bit autistic but I hope I explained it properly, it's been bugging me for so long.

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Kind of similar but that's not it.



The idea that as we recognize ideal forms, ie squares and circles, we are remembering/accessing information from the ideal realms.

As said, technically there isn't even such a thing as a circle or square in the objective physical world as atoms just don't work like that…



Do they? Seems more like they see pretty colors and can recognize a base pattern of behaviors that can lead them to rewards. The most simplest form of pattern recognition as created in the circuity of the brain through reward molecules like dopamine and etc. As in this is entirely a subconscious phenomena, absolute minimal consciousness is required to run the circuit often times.

I mean crystals are conscious as well, they just don't have circuits with direct physical impact, but there does seem to be an input output for gemstones in terms of etheric energy

I think some animals are really smart though, like maybe cats.



>more like they see pretty colors and can recognize a base pattern of behaviors that can lead them to rewards.

I say this because it reminds of being high as fuck, in all the different ways drugs can get you high.

Animals are obviously just permanently high as fuck, like babies.

Once you figure out shit, it get's real depressing.

That's why God was mad at Satan for telling us that we are naked and to put on some clothes. Ideals were forbidden knowledge up until that point



>objective physical world

>implying it is




Sure the notion of physical phenomena breaks down somewhere, but I will still call the fundamental mechanisms of the objective reality that results in our physical phenomena, as physicality. Perhaps simply for a lack of a better term. What other term can be used with respect to objectivity?

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If you can do magic then why aren't you rich?

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It sucks when money owns you. I know lots of rich businessmen that have no time for anything ever because all their time is taken up by business.



In what fucking universe was I defending the NWO people with that post?


That is an excellent question OP. Despite all the arguments given, it is a fact that living comfortable is something most people prefer and makes everything easier.

Asking this is very important for a magician IMO.

I have found my greatest personal shortcomings are directly related to my difficulty making good money. So I want to work towards solving those. Not for the money directly, but because doing so will make me better.



Okay I shall narrate the back and forth of our responses to you

>why haven't a bunch of wizards taken over the world

<posts pictures of celebrities with one eye covered. Clear evidence of asshole ILLUMINATI attempts trying to create their shitty world order

>I notice this and make fun: let's use the weakest magick possible to keep people blind

<A resourceful occultist doesn't waste energy on things that don't need a ton of energy.

>???? I notice you defending the illuminati, and say an hero

<denies defending illuminati hurr durr



"Making money" isn't the solution to this, there's a reason the illuminati or whatever you call them can do what they do. If you merely have the attitude of working for a salary or starting your own business, you're not understanding how things work. All of this can be reached with pretty mundane methods, but you can't take any shortcuts even if you do use magic. Read up on materials for early retirement plans, this is a rather new topic for most people but there are things available publicly.

You need to get out of the idea that work=money or that you're just going to collect a large sum in the bank or win the lottery.

Protip: if working makes you rich, why is it that the truly wealthy do not work? In every other area, you're told to copy what successful people do, not doing the opposite, but with money you're told to work more to make more. This is a false moralistic thinking.

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I'm curious if anyone perusing has any actual experience with the Mandela effect, and if so do you think its cause was by something you yourself did/believed?

I'm pretty sure I've altered my own timeline repeatedly since early childhood and continue to do so. Most of it seems to take place on an unconscious level but there always seems to be recollections of different outcomes.

not really, I just needed an excuse to post a sigil

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>IMO higher self is how you get assraped

Yeah limiting yourself to a single notion of a higher self does tend to lead to assrape…

The higher self is supposed to be the ideal version of you. and you are supposed to be the highest manifestation of your ideal.

Putting a particular to the abstract of ideal is the limitation, and shows an arrogance of the imperfect physical being in concluding that they truly understand any particular ideal…

Limiting yourself to an ambiguous symbol is a decent middle ground, or even a phrase. I like 'cultivation of consciousness' but I'll be damned if I even know what the hell that is supposed to mean…


Practice Tantra with your wife and you will not have energy shortages. Casual newspaper reading (which, absurdly, is a technique for ultra-grounding) for mental stability and social acceptability.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.





Read all of them in Bogart's voice.



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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



spinal bifurcation and the soul

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I'm trying to figure out what to do with my life and I feel lost. About to go crazy.

As my contract is about to finish and I analyse what should I do next, I keep arriving at the same point.

There are billions being thrown around left and right purposelessly and I am stuck here with a vision, which is a result of a diligent, honest work, with which I can't do anything with, becasue it is too abstract to commercialize in the next 7 years.

1. I cannot just stop working, becasue I need money to eat.

2. I cannot go to work, becasue the stiff hierarchic structure does not allow strive for your vision. If I am to be honest, I will just get fired.

3. I can continue my research, but academia is just a circlejerk of connections

4. I can find some foundation to work on it, but I need money.

5. Investors have money, but they don't care about anything beyond that.

6. There are various insitutional funding opportunities, but they hire morons who can barely interpret their guidelines, let alone see the horizon. Taxpayer money being thrown into the trash.

7. I am not sure if I shouldn't just destroy my notes, becasue this research can be misused in the future, but then I'm back at point 1. But the fact that my publication has been rejected 3rd time suggests maybe it shouldn't be published.

So, you've got money, vision and brain. All are needed, but there always one missing.

Does it make sense?

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Yeah, I'm naive enough to think I could change anything.

With perspective of time, I see that the best option is just buy some land and live by.



Trends aren't made with money

Trendsetters make the money



Why not post your work here?



Better yet, explain why the hell anyone needs money?

In the era of IT, you need zero capital if you have time to code shit



>you need zero capital if you have time to code shit

But time IS money, that's opportunity cost

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Does anyone know how to get rid of malicious implants placed in the astral body by people for whatever reason?

Picture unrelated.

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sorry got that title wrong. I think it was a vampyre's guide to psychic self defense.




Thanks. It's a very good book with direct techniques. I will be trying it. The title I found is Vampire's Way to Psychic Self-Defense by John Kreiter. He seems to know what he's talking about by personal experience. I will have to read his other work to see what he has come up with.






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2 years ago I used chaos magick to get money, fame and pussy. It fucking worked. Beautifully. Now I’m stuck in this weird place. I’m way better than I was but I want more. A lot more.

Help me /Fringe/ to get more. A lot more.

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I want to thank everyone for your support. It means a lot to me, having you here in one of the darkest points in my life. I'd never felt so hopeless and alone, but having you witness and try to help me lifted my spirits. I'm sorry if I didn't engage you in a fulfilling manner. I try to tell you every bit of my experience, no matter how humiliating, so you are prepared for such events in the future.

Some closing comments.


They came as a pair of angel's suggestion in the beginning. Arguing with me, mistakable for my own thoughts. However, I never consciously identified them as angels. It was just plausible and I accepted it without reason. Then the shape of the con became one pretending to be God and God presence, while the other was the questioning angel. They alternated between these roles while that thing was latched to my chest.

Given how easy it was to cast them away, I believe they try to instill a sense of powerlessness in the target with suggestion and emotion. They began antagonizing me as a pair of angels at the end, then dropped the act when I was down. I sensed the only way out at that point was suicide, but I still was fighting their suggestions and eventually that technique came to mind.

This was all in my mind's eye. The entire time I was coming to terms with the fact that what I was seeing with my mind's eye wasn't an imagining and neither was the sense of presence. However, there's a difference between imaginings and these creatures, so don't be afraid to imagine them.

I still feel horrible sometimes. Like I'm dangling over a pit of demons to be tortured for eternity for no reason, but these dark spells always end. I think it's a symptom of what they did to my heart and was targeted to inflict such hopeless feelings. I make a conscious effort to never believe these feelings because there is no reason to. I have never observed such things and cannot.



*they try to instill a sense of trust and powerlessness

I genuinely believed and trusted them. Their power of suggestion is incredible. No more trust or powerlessness. No more accepting plausible ideas or suggestion. Nagging thoughts get scrutiny for thoughtforms.

Fuck, I'm spiraling. I'll just leave it at that.



>Thank you for riling me up.

MY PLEASURE you got me riled up more though. And staying away from estoeric phenomenon is good advice sometimes. I forbid myself coming to this board because it felt appropriate, because i felt I had nothing good left to say. Clearly what I already had said, was more than enough! But it always is. Your efforts are only the icing on the cake that is humanity.


By the way, although I was incredibly skeptical I didn't say anything. Because I am always open to the idea that God or something legitimate COULD directly contact me, but then they would be violating my free will in which case they are no good!

Anyways, the legitimate attempts to make contact are always incredibly subtle. They surely are not direct, and the best you can do is develop mechanisms to 'decrypt' the synchronicities which is what I let my autonomous thoughtforming do for me since I consciously don't even give a fuck and just consider everything as input sensations for consideration to my output phenomena so might as well let my idle processing power be put to good use



>Just learning this from this post

>Burned first sigil last night

>Should have left it

Oh well. It was my first sigil. I'll get over it if I fucked up. It was insurance for a guarantee anyway.



The one time act of burning is a one time etching of the sigil into your subconscious, creating a one time guarantee, so to speak

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Do you guys know some Satanic Rituals?

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I'm literally taking your own words and nothing else.

You contradicting yourself later doesn't make you more legit, it makes you more retarded. Two wrongs don't make a right

You will never learn from your mistakes if you can't accept them. Your egotism simply knows no bounds. Keep at it though, maybe you will learn something eventually



And incase you are so fucking blinded and naive…

You will disparage all dialogue on religion, except when you have something to say about it. Only you are allowed to bring new topics in a discussion when you are having a discussion. PURE CANCER



I admit I didn't express myself as precisely as I should have, but that doesn't make your conjecture any more correct. Since you're so obverse to clarifying these misconstructions, I can only assume you're loosh farming, and don't really care about the quality of discussion.



Okay I shall narrate to you as well

>I say you disparage all dialogue on religion

<You must have missed the part where I recommended two books on that exact subject.

>I say You will disparage all dialogue on religion, except when you have something to say about it. Only you are allowed to bring new topics in a discussion when you are having a discussion. PURE CANCER

>Since you're so obverse to clarifying these misconstructions

All I have been doing is trying to clarify YOUR misconstructions holy fuck you are retarded



>but that doesn't make your conjecture any more correct.

Well if you've actually been paying attention to a single thing that I said for myself, then yes by all means refer to anything that I have said and I will gladly elaborate

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