The Greenpill


• Awareness • Will • Intention • Ideation • Imagination • Emotion or Desire • Faith

The awareness is the most basic, most essential aspect of yourself, that can not be stripped away. It is YOU.

The will is also an essential aspect of your true self. It can never be purged, it is YOU, not part of YOU but actually YOU.

When we say "spirit" we refer to that which is aware and which wills through a body. It is analogous with the element of fire.

When we say "soul" we refer to the mind, the first formation or layer, upon which the spirit works through. It is more fluid, more responsive to thought, because it is not as heavily condensed. It is analogous with the element of air.

When we say "body" we refer to a condensation of mental substance so strong it has become "physical", "solid", hard to change. That is what your physical body is. Highly condensed thought. That is the what the whole world is. It is analogous with the element of Earth.

When we say "emotion" we mean it the same way you understand it but with an additional understanding; that emotion is causal energy. That just as the every action of man is motivated by what we call emotion or desire, so too is everything else in manifestation ("the universe"). We know this by the principle of correspondence; that man is the microcosm and god who we call "The All" is the macrocosm. It is analogous with the element of Water in its passive and active phases, but with akasha (quintessence) in its undifferentiated acausal state.

We understand that the universe is mental, that All is Mind, that everything is composed of mental substance at various rates of vibration/condensation/density. This understanding allows us to turn our faculty of spirit upon anything in manifestation without regard to space or time and interact with it; the infinite vibrations of spirit acting upon mental substance to change its state.

Our intention is felt throughout all of manifestation, at once, instantly. Our intent is the programming factor for any manifestation. By intention we call to us others, we change their attributes, we see into their soul, and we see the connections.

When you want to influence anything in this world, focus your attention upon it, and vector in by approaching in awareness closer and closer to the actual target. You do this by imagining the target increasingly more vividly until your subjective or symbolical idea of the target connects with the actual target and you are able to draw the target into your scope of awareness.


Q. How do I curse someone, make someone fall in love with me, or otherwise influence someone?

You do so by mental influence. You become obsessed with them and build up an idea of them, imagine all kinds of things about them, and these things you imagine about them eventually break through into their astral matrix (the emotional/causal body and its connections) and work their way down into their mind and into their body. You may also focus upon events on a timeline and change them. There must be some idea of duration as well for these changes to be effective, whether that duration is explicitly a timelimit or decided by some equation or operation that follows a formula such as "until x condition has been realized".

Your ability to influence someone is related strongly to magickal authority. Your authority over something or someone is obtained by an increase of awareness and great investment of emotion into concepts, ideas, etc. such that you obtain faith in them.

We all influence each other all the time already, to varying degrees. It is by prolonged and heavily concentrated thought paired with intense emotions that we can exert an influence so intense as to unfold exceptional abilities or cause very strange phenomena.

To influence physical matter, your thoughts must become physical, you must meditate so long that whatever you are creating with your mind is condensed to a physical state. The more you do these things, the easier it becomes, until it becomes second-nature; like how you don't have to think about how to walk anymore you just do it without thinking.

Q. How do I increase my faith?

First of all realize that doubt and faith are the same thing. For example, doubting your chance to fail in some endeavor, is the same as confidence or faith that you will succeed. They are one and the same thing, a polarity. You just focus your attention and emotions then on the pole you want to energize until it becomes much stronger. If you feel that your doubt is stronger, than doubt something until you get the result you want "I can't possibly fail"; otherwise use the positive polarity "I will most certainly succeed"… or do what I do and use both at once!

Q. How does suggestion work?

Suggestion works in two ways. Either the person giving the suggestion does it forcefully with great emotion, creating a very powerful thought that impresses itself upon the target strongly, or it works simply by directing the attention of someone to an idea (over and over again or for as long and often as possible) and letting their own mentality do the rest. Parapsychological research has shown that verbal suggestion still works on people who don't even know the language of the person giving suggestion and also that suggestions may be given mentally, not spoken out loud at all, and still they work.

If you want to become very good at suggestion practice it often when you talk to people or just do it mentally and watch how people and events change around you. If you are practicing self-suggestion, then center your awareness within Spirit (your true self) and maintain the awareness that you are not your mind or body but working through them, and then from this angle of mental approach you will be able to work on yourself.

Q. How to connect with (resonate) a target?

If the target is a person then imagine the target as best you can while intending to see an objective representation of them as they are in the present moment OR create and use a symbolical representation of them and imagine that whatever you do to this representation of them will have an actual effect on the target. The symbol is thus strongly linked to the target and anything done upon the symbol is done to them.

If the target is an object then practice imagining objects around you vividly and regularly. An example would be to find a rock, clean it, keep it in your room, and regularly flare up your emotions and then stare intensely at it and imagine the rock as best you can until even when you blink your eyes you still see the rock. Eventually you should be able to examine the rock at any angle, feel it, etc. and anything that happens to the rock you will see it. When you can give the rock to someone else and have them write on it with a marker and you can see the writing made upon the rock and write it down for yourself before coming and checking to see you wrote it all down correctly, you have achieved the level of resonance required to complete this exercise.

Q. What is the most efficient path of ascent?

When you focus upon abilities and self-change, that is more efficient. You should identify an ability with yourself until it becomes a permanent part of your mind, easily wielded at any time. If you work very hard doing ritual work and concentrating for a long time and using your emotions very strong to brute force some change such as to move an object or projecting your mental body, it is less efficient than to focus on the acquisition of the "ability", making said ability a permanent part of yourself. There is a different between acquiring the ability to move objects vs intending to simply move an object once.

Q. What is the most efficient way to control fire, electricity, gravity, etc.?

When you want to command something or otherwise control it, the best way in my experience is to remember that you are communing with the mind in every part of the area/object/etc. being commanded, and to connect with it by anthropomorphizing it and talking passionately to it, or else just imagining repeatedly over and over many times some change upon it (e.g. sticking your hand in fire and it doesn't burn you) until it reaches objectivity. However even better than these methods would be to create a tulpa assistant whose purpose is to help you learn these abilities or get you in contact with intelligences that will help.

Q. How do I enchant x?

Enchanting is just the process whereby you create a thoughtform and attach it to something. If you want to enchant an object to perform some function you must think of for whom it should work, you must connect the function to an energy source (such as your own vital energy or the universal supply of energy), and it must be heavily charged and used repeatedly until it is working very well.

Q. How do I protect myself against negative influence?

Create a mental shield around a place, your own body, etc. or generally impregnate the space you want protected. Then make it register and process the intentions of incoming influences and block what in your ideation falls under the category of "negative influence". You can make it block specific people/entities, specific actions such as people entering the area, etc. Like with enchanting you need to charge this barrier/filter/protection.


The Ritual of Devotion

The ritual of devotion is performed by devoting yourself to a person, a people, or a cause for a set duration of time (such as a year). It can be renewed after the end of the set period. I shall assume it's to a person (such as in marriage) but you should be able to understand it from what I am writing well enough to re-purpose it for other ends. It has intense magickal power and can bring great pain or joy. What you must do is, carefully think over the terms of the pact, and you must resolve yourself to follow it through to the bitter end no matter what happens. You must be ready for the worst case scenarios and be 100% deadset on commitment to the person. When you have attained to the state of mind of absolute loyalty, devotion, etc. and that you will throw all your will into trying to manifest and maintain the pact then you will attain the powers granted to the devotee. Even if death and other calamities are to fall upon you, even in the event of betrayal, you are to remain true to the person until the time has come you are released from your vow.

You should be very careful what you devote yourself to but not to the point of fear of making such a pact. If it is "fated" that you will break your oath/vow/pact before it's over, then you will never actually benefit at all from it, not even from the start. God already knows from the start the outcome of your pact and only rewards those who are actually capable of keeping it.

It is the mark of a very advanced individual to be able to achieve this level of devotion. It will show in their aura, it will set them apart from lesser men, and they will have the respect of their deity. This ritual proves your true worth and demonstrates the strength of your spirit.

The Time-Traveler