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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




Randy Stair lives 5 minutes away from me. I have been to the supermarket many times.

I'm willing to participate in evocation of the Ghost Squad.


evoke a tranny? what if it tries to stereotype us as wizards



Nah but is he really that fragile. I wouldn't want to evoke something that isn't able to bring me anything but guilt. I might've already evoked him from watching his memoir, he sounded fucking tense.


Going by his videos and writings the guy certainly believed that his waifus were real, that he was in contact with them, and that he would join them to haunt the world after his death.

I wonder where he got his ideas about the afterlife from. They were not from the TV show his madness is based on, at least from what I can gather, and he does not strike me as an avid student of the mysteries.



Probably from the astral / from entities.



My guesses are that he either got them from the entities he was in contact with (or imagined he was in contact with), or that he cobbled them together from various sources of popular media and young adult/children's fiction. I wish I had the time to study his "work" in this regard. The diaries of a madman sound like a fun source for a new magic cosmology.


I lowkey want to steal his waifu by either making a tulpa or contacting this being through the astral plane and then expand this autistic headcanon. I wonder if I'd go nuts as well.



You most likely would not go postal, because you would know and understand what's going on. Unlike the poor guy, you are, hopefully, certain of your identity. And you know that you would be dealing with a bloodthirsty entity. That would make it a lot harder for her to seduce you into doing anything you would not do without her.


So was "Ember" an actual entity or just one he created?

What are some less modern examples of this phenomenon? Pygmalion and the Bhagavad-Gita come to mind.



I think his waifus were both, similar to Pygmalion's story. They were his creations which then got "filled in" by the forces/entities surrounding him.

Also, please help me out with my Hindu mythology. Which story or creatures in the Bhagavad Gita are you referring to? All I can think of in relation to this case is the big guy telling Arjuna to kill everybody twice, for good measure.




Ember is a character from Danny Phantom.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


He had a whole harem of pallet swapped waifus based on her visual design. I would also consider his Ember to be his creation. The cartoon version did not go around and murder people with a shotgun. She just played the guitar and siphoned energy from the audience.



Just didn't know if you guys knew that or not.

I agree with what you say. The aesthetic obviously had some influence too though.


Btw these are 10 ~ 11ft tall


File: 5f8e6d4909e17db⋯.jpg (205.86 KB, 900x620, 45:31, krishna and arjuna.jpg)


>All I can think of in relation to this case is the big guy telling Arjuna to kill everybody twice, for good measure.

Pretty much. Randy's justification for killing people reminded me of what Krishna told Arjuna.


I knew that but as >>100455 said, his version was different.

I've since learned that his favorite waifu was named Mackenzie.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Turns out Mr. Stair started "getting ideas", hearing voices, and meeting Ember after suffering injuries in a severe car accident.


I remember this character when watching the show long ago, but looking it up

She shows up in an impressive 9 episodes! One would need to watch all 9 to really understand some of the archetypes that constitute any and all forms of her existence

Wish there was a Carl Jung flag. Everything can be resolved with analytical/Jungian psychology; the application of archetypal analysis and application. You don't even need to know the academic definitions or specifications of any archetypal concepts, they become incredibly self evident during analysis itself


File: 8f3c61f36a54ad6⋯.png (1.55 MB, 1440x902, 720:451, ember tongue.png)

File: 082d2e9cd224c3a⋯.jpg (565.36 KB, 1783x2520, 1783:2520, kali tongue.jpg)


Just watched the first episode featuring Ember because of your post. The theme of mind control plays a huge part in it. A subliminal brainwashing machine even shows up at one point. I may or may not watch the other 8. Would you mind tipping us off to what archetype(s) you think Ember represents?

Shortly after the shooting happened and I was first researching Randy Stair, I tried to find clips on youtube of Ember, to see what she was all about, and maybe what he saw in her. There were plenty of people impersonating her in some way, but no simple clips of her in the show. Oddly enough, one of the videos I saw was an obviously male voice-over of the part in Fanning the Flames where she starts her show and it finally gets foiled. What are the odds another male would intertwine his identity and hers?

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