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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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Please do not tell people to 'kill themselves'…

I really doubt that you can prove that they will reincarnate or will find some sort of favorable afterlife.

These posts could be an attack on /fringe/ users…




>doubt that you can prove that they will reincarnate

Even better for them. Isn't the whole point of most Eastern spiritual traditions to stop the cycle of reincarnation?



kill yourself

stop existing

stop being a strain on humanity

you're all worthless pieces of shit

I'll be back with programs to help even the most wasted shitlords

but it seems you fuckers will never be worthy. feel free to prove me wrong


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I sparingly use it as a scruppled banishment



Post image with clearer text, please.



If by Eastern you mean Christianity or other Eastern Medditerranean religions, I'd reckon not.


I think the problem being that people who tell others to kill themselves aren't much better than others and how self aware of it they are is the key.

I see it all the time around here but it is usually something so small I don't think they actually mean it, but trying to read sarcasm on the internet is next to impossible.

>>100044 case and point.


KYS is a meme that originated from underground bases. It's further propagated by the soulless and weak.



I could fathom an impressionable or afflicted person interpreting "kys" as one of their next steps (in this case, a false or presumptuous 'step') in their pursuit of God, salvation, or spiritual enlightenment.



what is your case and how is my post a point?

sorry you're too retarded to articulate your thoughts

if you care at all for humanity you should just kill yourself since you're obviously not capable of anything other than bitching and moaning.

feel free to prove how lacking in self awareness I am. good luck LOL



You're funny. People have been telling others to kill themselves ever since humans learned to talk

And as far as memes go, an hero has been around for over 10 years



Everyone must do so symbolically if we are ever to collectively wake up.

Whoever can't look through harsh words (and, by extension, the harsh realities of life) is weak. This obviously only applies to the internet, where nothing should be taken seriously.

kys please



Yes the phenomena of ego death is integral on the journey of self discovery to the path of enlightenment

people who get offended triggered at being told to kill themselves literally have a big ego, and they must stop being so self-important. this requires humility/humbleness, and ego death is the ultimate experience of this.

I am not sure if being smug in humility is healthy or not though. like the troll philosophers who go 'i know i am ignorant and my awareness of ignorance means I am smarter than you since you think you actually know anything thus you are arrogant!'



Actually, it shows a deep psychosis and is not normal in the slightest despite what your impotent meme culture tells you. The fact that it has been weaponized is merely reason to increase the concern and not negate it.



My case is that I doubt most of the time it's serious or the guy is just nit picky. They probably haven't gone through anything traumatic.

>feel free to prove how lacking in self awareness I am.


>I'm hilarious in my own mind


right but none of you guys would do it in real life and I'm pretty sure you wont be able to play it off as a joke. Then they figure out you circle jerk in a image board and don't have any prospects. Then what? If this only applies to the internet then got nuts.



Humour is subjective and only exists in the mind. noob

What does trauma have to do with anything? It seems you lack reading comprehension or just utterly lack comprehension skills overall, which of course leads to your complete failure in articulating anything

And there's literally nothing wrong being "nit picky" or not 'serious'

>none of you guys would do it in real life and I'm pretty sure you wont be able to play it off as a joke.

I do it all the time faggot. Not everyone has zero social interaction outside of the internet, like you

Go get a life smoke some weed or fucking do anything ya useless shit


>inb4 fallacy of pointing out potheads are useless

yes, but in comparison to this guy potheads might as well be usefull


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come on guys don't you want a darwin award? just do it! embrace stupidity


Dude survival of the fittest. ya snooze ya lose


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

guys everyone has to listen to this song it's really important



>Humour is subjective and only exists in the mind

what does this have to do with anything?

>What does trauma have to do with anything?

nothing just projecting

>and there's literally nothing wrong being "nit picky" or not 'serious'

wasn't saying it was wrong, I was saying people cant tell the difference. But is right >>100158

it's the internet so cant take everything TOO seriously.


dope song


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

This one is pretty relevant too they are great


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I think this anon's narrative is a bit false…

…i.e. 'not accepting suicide is egocentric'

I think that sort of rhetoric could be hi-jacked by n'er do wells to try to subjugate others

In reality, there are spiritual paths which are not Abrahamic which do not look favorably upon suicide


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…there is some truth in those whom you call "troll philosophers"

who can really say they "know" the ultimate truth about anything?

Experience demonstrates this…



>And there's literally nothing wrong being "nit picky" or not 'serious'

If you are saying that it is okay to 'not take life seriously', I'd say what about those whose life is suffering whilst you live well….it is easy for you to not take life seriously, but for those who've received suffering in this world, I am sure they are not jovial about life and would insist on the value of life



Are you retarded ego death has nothing to do with suicide




What "ultimate truth" are you looking for anyways. It's idiotic to claim the truth is impossible without even trying to look there's plenty of people here that think they know the ultimate truth. If you care to know then ask, or you can choose to be an arrogant bigot

Realizing the ultimate truth logically on your own requires understanding of subjectivity and objectivity, the things philosophers learn about; leaning this also allows one to become a master troll.

Whether that's a coincidence or not is something you can think about. but 'experience' is inherently meaningless in terms of understanding and logic. Although experiences can be considered to be the only 'real' thing in the tangible sense, the only way to get 'real meaningfulness' is to apply logic to these experiences

Don't bark up trees when you don't know what's perched there.

Don't kid around with philosophy or act like you know what you're talking about unless you got the time to dedicate the potential for how you are wrong


Well I am not saying that. Don't use a black and white fallacy to make your strawman fallacy

There is no 'right and 'wrong' for those things require context or at least an intention.

Those who suffer can get fucked. Why should anyone care? I do not personally support this perspective but it is not invalid


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



The singer sounds like Ed from Ed, Edd n Eddy during the line that starts with "yo."


>muh posts are gone

>fucking codemonkey

this better fix it

ego death motherfuckers do you know it



>People have been telling others to kill themselves ever since humans learned to talk

Objectively incorrect. They didn't have a concept of suicide.

DUBNER: All right, so Dan Everett was sharing this sad, intimate story about his step-mother’s suicide with the Piraha …

EVERETT: When I asked them why are you laughing, they said: “She killed herself. That’s really funny to us. We don’t kill ourselves. You mean, you people, you white people shoot yourselves in the head? We kill animals, we don’t kill ourselves.” They just found it absolutely inexplicable, and without precedent in their own experience that someone would kill themselves.




what the fuck are you talking about

Obviously you are a stupid mother fucker that needs to kill themselves.

>The first recorded reference to suicide comes from ancient Egypt (about 4,000 years ago) in The Dispute between a Man and His Ba, in which a man describes the injustice and greed of his times to his ba, or soul, which has threatened to leave him if he kills himself, thus depriving him of an afterlife. There was no dishonor associated with the act of suicide itself, for death was seen as a mere passage from this life to the next and as a convenient way to avoid excessive pain or dishonor. The dead were considered coequals with the gods and to have the same physical and emotional needs as the living.

Hmm there are no Egyptian flags?


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>implying egyptians invented language



>implying we have proof of who invented language

fuking kill yourself ya fucktarded piece of shit. religion came before actual communcation, maybe after ticks and snaps but you can bet your ass humanity has always considered if their life has any worth, probably the moment there was enough advancement to allow free time from realizing you don't have to spend all day hunting


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Is this your 'spiritual vibing'?

Is this your blossoming of self-expression?

Cool MSI. Very scene. Perhaps I will pop some molly and chat up some high-schoolers so I can chat up high-schoolers while I wank to high-schoolers.




>Whether that's a coincidence or not is something you can think about. but 'experience' is inherently meaningless in terms of understanding and logic. Although experiences can be considered to be the only 'real' thing in the tangible sense, the only way to get 'real meaningfulness' is to apply logic to these experiences

…Are you saying this just to say this and reiterate this sort of rhetoric or is there a tangible spiritual or existential conclusion to be drawn here. I apologize, I may not understand just what point exactly it is you are trying to convey here, anon.

Please, if you know the 'ultimate truth, do tell. I am dying to know. I do not doubt you, but for me as of yet, such understanding has exceeded my grasp.

Ty, anon.



No idea what you're trying to say. I think the implication is clear regarding each specific use of the three MSI videos if one considers the context of the preceding conversational exchanges and overall subject matter of this thread

I can even provide serious analysis connecting the deep meaning of these songs but I don't think anyone wants that as they would only perceive it to be full of pretentiousness which is what I see in your post though you are attempting to hide it with feigned confusion and curiosity. This is just speculation though and I would be wrong to assume such things ;)


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I've read part of that book, "Freakonomics" from the University of Chicago professor. I must say, I found that author to be rather just a bit of a snarky c*nt. Wasn't really surprised to say the least by his ideological immorality being an economics specialist in a city famous for thuggery and rampant capitalism which produces economists famous for engineering economic collapse in "3rd world" countries.



What one considers the ultimate truth would be different for everyone. There are many so called ultimate truths, but to share them without wasting much time would first require the seeker to provide whatever they feel to be "the ultimate question"

At least try to 'look' as I said.

>Whether that's a coincidence or not is something you can think about. but 'experience' is inherently meaningless in terms of understanding and logic. Although experiences can be considered to be the only 'real' thing in the tangible sense, the only way to get 'real meaningfulness' is to apply logic to these experiences

What did I mean by this you ask? It requires understanding concepts in philosophy like objectivity and subjectivity.

I will say it as short as I can but surely I will not be doing it justice.

The only thing that is "substantially objective" is phenomena (concluded from discourse in 'cogito ergo sum' and it's criticisms). Phenomena can only be perceived through experiences, thus the only real thing is experiences, especially in the tangible sense.

But this is meaningless. If the only thing that ls 'real' is that phenomena exists, then that's a dead end. Nothing is objective, and all phenomena (within this grand encompassing 'all phenomena' ie phenomena interacting with itself) is actually subjective. All that we know is inherently subjective, other than the fact that phenomena/perception/experiences exist" for this is the only objective thing.

This conclusion is 'real' but meaningless. For there to have any meaning, logic must be applied so that objective mechanisms can be derived from these subjective phenomena. What is this process of applying logic entail? It entails creating axioms. It is these axioms that give meaning to this single meaningless objective phenomena (for example all of science is meaningful only relative to the axiom of cause and effect).

I think that's enough to explain the green text, though there are so many directions I can take to further this explanation. Pick your poison and will will continue from there, if you so choose.


lol I would say the same thing but it's unproven speculation. Ad hominem fallacy and the like



Please forgive me, I am familiar with MSI but did not watch the videos.

I did not catch the implying, though feel free to articulate it and I will take your perception seriously if you are serious.

Unfortunately, anon, I am personally not very perceptive in inference.



I take great care in my choices, please take great care in considering this :")

MSI songs vary a wide variety of topics, but the first two I posted are very relevant regarding 'suicide' and how those who consider suicide and those who even are successful in doing so, are ultimately attention whores. Egotistical arrogant people with delusions that their suffering is somehow unjustified or unequal to those on the rest of the planet. Give the first two a listen. The second one is specifically of the sentiment 'Oh you are complaining now? Your bitching and moaning isn't going to make life any better. In fact, it get's worse. And there's nothing you can do about it. So suck it up buttercup'

The third MSI video is just basically calling the listener or whoever a complete moron. Which is how many people act when they respond to things without even comprehending what they are responding to. People who refuse to be logical cannot be helped, so I choose to call them as I see them. Stupid mother fuckers.

I could go on and on but think there are more important things worth paying attention to for the purposes of discussion.

Basically the fundamental principle of these songs is to stop being stupid, stop trying to escape reality and




I see.

Unfortunately some folks will kill themselves literally, IRL. I made this thread perhaps a bit impulsively hoping that it would be meaningful to the discourse, to help the whole "/fringe/ commonwealth"… Perhaps could even save a life?

>I could fathom an impressionable or afflicted person interpreting "kys" as one of their next steps (in this case, a false or presumptuous 'step') in their pursuit of God, salvation, or spiritual enlightenment.



I will tell you that I posit that there is indeed objectivity beyond subjective or collective human reasoning.

Our reasonings most certainly must be only a scratch on the surface of the spirit world (;



Human reasoning is objective though.

There is the notion of something being 'substantially objectively true' and this notion would be the essence of what is considered to be 'objectivity'

The words objectivity and objective are two different things. Though the flirting between subjectivity and objectivity, there is something more objective than objectivity itself. The objective mechanisms of subjective phenomena, logic itself; these things are more objective than 'true objectivity' could ever be for this is how we get objective meaning.

The entire spiritual world, ALL phenomena spiritual mental nonphysical physical or otherwise, ALL things can be described logically and objectively. It's not that hard really

Yes it is arrogance to claim understanding and knowledge of all things, but at the same time to claim this is impossible is a limiting belief.

Simply by definitions and axioms of inferring from the notion that all things come from universal forms and archetypes, one can conclude that there is an element of logic and objectivity in all things, even if only by definition/axiom.

Once the axiom has been made, it is true until proven false.



>The only thing that is "substantially objective" is phenomena

>Phenomena can only be perceived through experiences, thus the only real thing is experiences, especially in the tangible sense.

>But this is meaningless. If the only thing that ls 'real' is that phenomena exists, then that's a dead end. Nothing is objective, and all phenomena (within this grand encompassing 'all phenomena' ie phenomena interacting with itself) is actually subjective. All that we know is inherently subjective, other than the fact that phenomena/perception/experiences exist" for this is the only objective thing.

>There is the notion of something being 'substantially objectively true' and this notion would be the essence of what is considered to be 'objectivity'

>'true objectivity'

In case what I am saying has flown past everyone's head, what I am saying is that the only TRUE thing is that "all is one"

There is only "one phenomena" and we are "all" in it.


>All that we know is inherently subjective, other than the fact that phenomena/perception/experiences exist" for this is the only objective thing

the only inherently objective thing*

I surprisingly didn't butcher the semantic nuances except here I think. Consistency and integrity is itself a virtue. Please do offer criticism though



IMO, very well put, anon.


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Perhaps one could say that collective 'progress' and collective understanding are signs of an 'existing objectivity'.


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I have crippling depression


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I'm glad someone comprehends.

If absolutely no one comprehends, then maybe I am crazy. Thanks for assuring my sanity


Perhaps. It is trippy. Like the saying goes, are inventions discovered or created?

Are we discovering the objectiveness or creating it? Of course one must subscribe to the belief that we discover it. In my experience on drugs allowing any chance of the belief that we are creating the objectivity, suffice to say it is just unhealthy for godhood. It defeats the purpose of reality.


Let me guess. you don't know why? People who have depression, they just simply don't know why. Make sure to watch vid related. I suspect the cause of actual depression that is on the rise nowadays, is due to the calamities plaguing humanity today and the lack of any meaning in life.

Actual depression that has nothing to do with arrogance, it's a hopelessness of why the fuck should I stay on this piece of shit rock with retarded monkeys that only know how to fling shit at each other

Anon, be the change that you want to see in the world. One person DOES have the power! Don't let anyone take away this belief from you


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The background music is nujabes. a gift from the heavens. check the most viewed tracks out

once you start feeling

consider meditating to find what's hiding in your subconscious to cause such things


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>hipster faggot offering generalized "one size fits all" greeting card advice for depression

Depression is a byproduct of being under constant threat. Usually the threat is low level, but consistent.

Constant or persistent threat causes the brain to rewire itself to deal with the stress.

It's what gangstalking is about.

You suicide someone by being their "friend" then covertly undermining their self esteem at every opportunity.

There is a spiritual element to it. If you are someone with a lot of light, someone who makes the world a better place, then you are going to attract the walking dead like flies.

Fastest way out of depression is high dose niacin. The flushing kind, turns your skin red. It's likely this is a chemical or a precursor chemical that the constant stress depletes in the brain.

People you love, people you think of as family and friends, if you feel like shit after being around them, there's your source.

But as I stated before, if you have a lot of light then people you don't even know will go out of their way to treat you like shit. To say and do just straight mean shit to you.

On the upside, there is a lot of spiritual help available if you ask for it.

But don't be surprised when after you sincerely ask for help all the "normies" around you suddenly start having bad things happening to them.



Is this the worldly 'recoil' of practicing magic?



>accusing me of giving overgeneralized advice

>I have crippling depression

wow look at all that I have to go on


wait waht… that's not normal at all to believe

>borderline trolling or general insanity

I'm going to assume you're not trolling… but what you suggest is preposterous

you can assume everyone is going to "go out of their way to treat you like shit" even before they do anything. there's many ways to describe this funny phenomena. feedback loop, self fulling prophecy, I simply call it a perception problem.

defending from a problem without checking if it exists is obviously going to force it to happen

threat is literally only something you perceive. unless someone is trying to actually kill you right now in an active manner… there's no reason to ever be under constant stress. unless you are very deep behind enemy lines which you obviously aren't. sometimes you may think you are in enemy territory but of course that's just what you perceive. and your perception creates your reality

>You suicide someone by being their "friend" then covertly undermining their self esteem at every opportunity.

why or how would someone "covertly undermine" someone else's self esteem? this is crazy. no one does this consciously except at the work place or truly devilish people that need to be cut out from your life. there are the subconscious element that get hijacked though…

>There is a spiritual element to it. If you are someone with a lot of light, someone who makes the world a better place, then you are going to attract the walking dead like flies.

that's why you shouldn't actually be making a world a better place on a significant level without protection. very few people actually get to this level anyways though; helping people individually doesn't really have any effect as that has noting to do with the core problem. the hostile elements don't care if all you are doing is symptom relief, but the moment you come close to the root problem, it's almost like it will send out antibodies


no one ever said anyone should be anyone friends fyi

if you ask me you should never trust anyone. you mention "people you love" well there's your first problem. having a bias will distort your perception so if you have to love you must love everyone equally as in treat everyone with the same amount of respect

>On the upside, there is a lot of spiritual help available if you ask for it.

no, no one will help. what can help is you. whether a higher you will help you is dependent on your reality, but don't ever count on it.

>But don't be surprised when after you sincerely ask for help all the "normies" around you suddenly start having bad things happening to them.


>But as I stated before, if you have a lot of light then people you don't even know will go out of their way to treat you like shit. To say and do just straight mean shit to you.

yea this can happen. that's why you trust no one, unless they are awakened beings, or at least have awareness of themselves and their thoughts. because if they don't, even the slightest negative energy can stir in them the most unexpectedly abnormal behavior that is just down right rude to you but somehow they are not aware of it. because they aren't aware of anything. no one actually even understands what respect means, to say the least it's mutual

they are victims of society, brainwashing and etc. it's incredibly typical. sit them down and give them a good talking. you have to the the mature one here, the aware one always must be. it's taken over 5 years of talking with my parents and only now do I see significant breakthroughs

>over dose on one specific vitamin… basically saying to do drugs but worse

at least drugs get you high every time. vitamins only do immediate effect the first day. but yea eating foods with vitamin b is probably a good idea

and yyea in retrospect you could have schizofrenia. at the very least your post indicates very scatterbrained thinking


no it's pretty normal. a bitter reaction to hostile elements attracted to light that has turned sour. or just insanity and delusions. maybe even delusions of grandeur

or someone who got paranoid from smoking weed, and never stopped. lol


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


It's the rise of the machine mind.


Hunting down and destroying all that lives.

For the living, magic is natural, born from the fire of the imagination.


Everything the machine mind cannot understand.

because the machine mind operates on rules alone. it breeds bureaucracy. it is religion without life. government without purpose. soulless/empty/dead

Everything dead, working relentlessly to kill off the living. To replace life with autonomous facsimile.




What we have today is just hunting down the shamans.



that't quite the poetic description of brainwashed people

normies, sheeple, etc. does make you mad doesn't it



wake these fuckers up

how hard can it be?? for those that matter, the hardest. that's just life, for the awakened mind.


The Matrix is a system, Neo. That system is our enemy. But when you're inside, you look around. What do you see. Business men, teachers, lawyers, carpenters. The very minds of the people we are trying to save. But until we do, these people are still a part of that system, and that makes them our enemy. You have to understand, most of these people are not ready to be unplugged. And many of them are so inert, so hopelessly dependent on the system that they will fight to protect it.

Sentient programs. They can move in and out of any software still hard wired to their system. That means that anyone we haven't unplugged is potentially an agent. Inside the Matrix, they are everyone and they are no one. We are survived by hiding from them, by running from them. But they are the gatekeepers. They are guarding all the doors. They are holding all the keys, which means that sooner or later, someone is going to have to fight them.


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Gangstalking is pretty common.

Pedowood is real.

Monarch programming, the finders, frankin scandal, and the list continues. I took the red pill when I sat down with a new notebook and decided to take an objective look at what I thought was a ton of bullshit about the "Illuminatti". I made notes of everything that was verifiable and ignored all the bullshit.

That was it, just everything that was actually proven, documented, reported, and confirmed.

And gangstalking people is a real part of all of that.

I'm not schizophrenic.

You aren't going to O.D. on niacin.

And asking for help from a Higher Power is a sure fire way to get help from Higher Powers.


>I'm posting on fringe and freaking out because "fringe"…


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>I'm going to assume you're not trolling… but what you suggest is preposterous

video for clarity

The advice I was talking about was the scarf wearing hipster faggot in your video.

The idea is to maintain a level of "threat". People sense when they are being stared at on an unconscious level.

>why or how would someone "covertly undermine" someone else's self esteem?

Because psychopathy/narcissism. Because it takes a lot less work to be part of the dead machine than to be a living soul with empathy for other living souls.


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fuck higher powers they are useless. like I said the only higher power is you

you are schizophrenic when you are obsessed and overreacting and feeling fear and it seems you have not yet learned how to deal with paranoia. you need to take the real red pill of not giving a fuck. once you get over your fear, paranoia is just perception into potential future timelines

so what is all that shit is real. gangstalking is some pussy shit. more intimidation tactics by worthless beings. intimidation is all they can do so if you stop being a pussy and tell them to fuck off a few times they actually will. they feed on your fear, the more 'threat/fear/stress' mode that you are, the fuller their bellies get. that's literally all they want. this is how demons work. they have no real power other than fucking with your perception so they can feed off your energy and live a little longer. without connection to the source they must be a predator of energy/emotion

everything is real. real fucking pussy. and a real distraction too


yeah the faggot never actually said to chase friends. he's just showing that's what a real friend does and to allow that to happen if possible. anyone who doesn't trust their friends already aren't going to start from watching that video

the point is to show that feelings of depression are not abnormal and that some other people do feel this way and how not knowing what to do and being anti social when depressed is pretty normal

more importantly was my advice,

why would you want to maintain level of threat? people can sense my dick I don't give a fuckk. why should you? fuck em. they can't do shit.

stop being a pussy and even giving them the time of day long enough to fuck with anything let alone self esteem. they can fuck off and die


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Because psychopathy/narcissism. Because it takes a lot less work to be part of the dead machine than to be a living soul with empathy for other living souls.

yes I already said this

>no one does this consciously. there are the subconscious element that get hijacked though…

>even the slightest negative energy can stir in them the most unexpectedly abnormal behavior that is just down right rude to you but somehow they are not aware of it. because they aren't aware of anything.


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File: 728ab6a96dbd007⋯.gif (63.57 KB, 1548x929, 1548:929, wtpage1.gif)

File: 6976258ef89d41f⋯.jpg (25.83 KB, 400x245, 80:49, shrineowlnew.jpg)


>fuck higher powers they are useless. like I said the only higher power is you

Useless edgy bullshit.

>you are schizophrenic when you…

Schizophrenia is an actual condition. I'm not schizophrenic.

The person who shot that video of being gangstalked isn't fucking paranoid.

This world is full of very fucked up shit, and scarf wearing hipster faggots giving greeting card advice to people on how to deal with it are part of the problem.


Saying no one does that shit consciously is pure bullshit.



you are too fucking stupid to read aren't you. this is my original quote

>no one does this consciously except at the work place or truly devilish people that need to be cut out from your life.

if they do it consciously, why are they in your life? you give them permission. you're the pussy that they take advantage of. you give up your power by letting them even come close and enter your reality

being part of a dead machine means they aren't doing it consciously so i excluded it the second time. since you seem to get confused so easily

>Schizophrenia is an actual condition

LOOOL HOLY SHIT how brainwashed can you be

oh and if you think you did find any higher power, it's pretty useless since you are in such a pathetic state

probably a demon masquerading as a good entity to encourage and enable your pathetic ways. what did I say about trust? trust no one not even your self. especially not your thoughts or ego.

the world is a fucked up place. and it's entirely your fault. you are an agent of ignorance. you are still plugged in. you are pathetic disgusting scum. you should probably kill yourself. get mad. stop being a pussy.

at the very least fuck off from here before you spread your insanity onto anyone else


>Sentient programs. They can move in and out of any software still hard wired to their system. That means that anyone we haven't unplugged is potentially an agent. Inside the Matrix, they are everyone and they are no one.


Gang stalking is real. they've gotten to your mind and stalking you internally.

And now you're part of the gang of the ignorantly arrogant. and now you're stalking me trying to infect me



File: 5d1e4653e9b17e6⋯.jpg (25.33 KB, 476x473, 476:473, 1b8.jpg)


> what did I say about trust? trust no one not even your self.

>the world is a fucked up place. and it's entirely your fault.



Your deficient in both knowledge and understanding

and its fun to watch.


File: 85069604b0e8da2⋯.webm (497.69 KB, 640x360, 16:9, 85069604b0e8da26036d0e8b6….webm)


kek. step up your meme game


File: 1771ddd5fd903ad⋯.png (6.13 KB, 252x200, 63:50, images.png)


Are you shilling or are you a gangstalking anon?

It seems that somebody keeps posting material that is difficult to decipher such as this audio gibberish and the images with text that appears to be intentionally to blurry and difficult to read.



You seem to believe you're omnipotent. I would say that's rather schizophrenic in comparison… the psychological projection you've once mentioned seems to be in full effect.

An aura of confidence and bad-ass-ness is a useful deterrent but in no way an absolute.

You do nothing but play yourself and others, your foolishness is overbearing.


File: 47746acf8ac4f2b⋯.gif (3.64 MB, 366x420, 61:70, mother of fuck pepe.gif)


well the black dude saying TOP KEK is a meme on /pol/

meme's are often difficult to decipher. that's why

if I was really gangstalking I would have posted this one. I really wanted to but that would have truly been mean

be forewarned. it's pretty scary


>You seem to believe you're omnipotent

nice projection.

if you're serious, what did say that could possibly lead to that impression?

you can fling accusations all you want but if they are baseless then they probably are projections

if you think I am doing this, please do name an accusation that you perceive to be lacking in evidence and I will point out the evidence that I have posted


that's why I posted a meme I was quite sure that schizoid anon wouldn't be familiar with. just to show how spicy my meme game is. yes spicyness is an adjective used for fresh/impressive/nice memes or something. internet is a funny place



I'm not playing your games, confused soul.


File: 05e886892cf5964⋯.gif (3.77 MB, 284x297, 284:297, your fate.gif)


you come here accuse me then walk away?



I see that here on /fringe/, it appears by this thread, logic gets thrown out the window and reasoning and 'right and wrong' is flushed down the toilet, so to speak.


File: a4d9307e45e87bd⋯.png (2.23 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, sun moon.png)


sometimes righteous people have to wrong others.

you can't care for yourself and other people at the same time.

it is the objective mechanism of the subjective nature that is morality

anyways, I think it's really obvious that this kind of board is going to attract the most schizophrenic people around. probably almost half


File: e24b81c154e9e7d⋯.jpg (49.76 KB, 540x386, 270:193, 1768834687cad3fc70fbc4f9fe….jpg)



….or so 'tradition' says to us.



>sometimes righteous people have to wrong others.

Easy and bunk cop-out for being guilty of sin, I'd reckon. A highly controversial thing to say. How is it applicable in this thread?

>you can't care for yourself and other people at the same time.

Wrong, anon! (:

>it is the objective mechanism of the subjective nature that is morality

Perhaps you could explain this further, anon?


File: 2b3a575c6c1e08a⋯.jpg (6.15 KB, 225x225, 1:1, images.jpg)

A spirit has requested that I post this symbol in here: "immortal symbol"



I was responding to your observation

>'right and wrong' is flushed down the toilet,

my response I think was very appropriate to that

>>sometimes righteous people have to wrong others.

Well you CAN care for other people and yourself at the same time, if you IDENTIFY with other people. It's best to identify with all of hunanity

but if someone is disrespecting you, I think identifying with sources of disrespect will lead to negative health effects that I'd rather not have

I can't bear other people's suffering, so I just give it back to them. Also a good bonk in the head for good measure. metaphorically speaking

I suppose a truly righteous person can bear the burden of all humanity. That's some jesus level shit. I have not attained christ consciosness and haven't determined if it is even possible for ordinary humans…

So maybe what I meant to say was self-righteous. Sometimes you have to be self-righteous to sustain healthy levels of self-esteem. Having a duality of righteous and being self-righteous sounds good to me!

I explained mechanism a plethora of times. I will copy paste what I posted elsewhere on this board, maybe after tidying it a bit. I guess I can refer you to said posts. it's a lot of crap slinging between me and noobs though so be warned. probably better off to wait for me to summarize but maybe that will be a few days


to the rest of the thread till


also it's in a lot of the esoteric literature recomended around here. I refined my unrerstanding from reading Montalk's stuff

Just have a google of STS service to self, and STO service to other, concepts


yes is why I like to say we are infinite beings. immortality and being eternal is just one aspect of infinity

now about being applicable to the thread, yeah nothing has been on topic for a while. well I haven't responded to these posts yet, didn't feel it to be pertinent enough but I will in time. sorry about that but I got lots to say about it too







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