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Esoteric Wizardry
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I would like to discuss the apparent incursion of esoteric (?) topics into the mainstream. I'm not talking about half-assed 9/11 symbology embeded in Back to the Future. I'm talking about straight-up inserting lessons or concepts pertaining to real magic, wittingly or unwittingly, into works of art and entertainment products. Anyone who has seen at least three episodes of pic related will know what I mean.

The (especially lately) very shitty series, Doctor Who, has been doing this as well in its last season. Heavily. Perhaps even before, but I hadn't noticed it.

Relating to that a question arises. Is there an increase in this "permeation" of popular culture with legit occult-isms for real, or is it in the eye of the beholder? Of course there's always the possibility that it's both, but I'd rather leave it aside because it takes us nowhere.

Have you noticed this kind of thing? Do you have any personal experience proving that this phenomenon is directly related to one own's progression in their path? I have certainly noticed people around me are oblivious to the stuff, but not seeing it doesn't mean it's not there. The question is. Am I seeing it because it is there more and more, or because I have turned my gaze towards it?

Also, "X show/film/book got Y thing right" thread.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>half-assed 9/11 symbology embeded in Back to the Future

u rtarded


It is both and that doesn't mean it goes nowhere

media and culture evolves in cycles so every so often you get lots of magick stuff wittingly or unwittingly by writers and such.

If you are mundane you will never notice it but if you are not then you will

in fact, as far as I see it, the greatest media, the greatest art literally reflects the greatest truths. My most cherished ones are the lore of Kingdom Hearts, Avatar:The Last Airbender, and the Lateralus album of Tool. Other good ones are the first season of Heroes, Lost, FMA Brotherhood, AoT, at least the first Matrix movie… What else. The Ender's Game series I read like 5 of the 8 or so books and they are incredibly smart books. The Halo lore is kind of an interesting interpretation of Christianity. Hell ODST was heavily influnced by Dante's Inferno. The first few Assassins creed are just super insane, fucking apple of eden hidden in the ark of covonent. The very first mission of the first game is in solomon's temple…. I can add more as I remember. And I can explain what Y was gotten right if asked about X. As you can see I'd have to make 10 essays to explain everything from the get go.

Just remembered some characters in LoL have some epic epic quotes. I'll post them later.

There's the obvious anime that I am sure will be mentioned ITT but I haven't watched them yet myself so I won't mention them



I have been putting off playing Kingdom Hearts for almost 10 years, but I suppose I will have to.

Cmon ou tease, what anime were you talking about?




BEST ANIME EVER after Brotherhood


Oh you know, I forgot most of the names so I went to look just now. Elfen lied, NGE, Ghost in the Shell, Ergo Proxy, I just did a cursory search on Code Gueass and it seems the show isn't deep at all not sure why I thought it was. Fate/Zero seems interesting though I had never heard of it bedore.

I have seen a few episodes of Occult Academy. That shit was lulz. Also Haruhi and Gurren Laggen I saw a bit, is also good; can get pretty deep from what I could tell

But dude, as far as I'm concerned the Lore of Kingdom Hearts is so rich in it's allegory if the truth it might as well be a religion/philosophy



of* the truth


It's always been like this. In ancient times, the common folk believed the mythologies literally while the initiated understood the true symbolic meanings behind them. I don't see why it should be any different now.


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"No technique is forbidden."

"Brave the shadows, find the truth."

"Do not fear the shrouded path."

"Balance is a fool's master!"

"Secrets kept are weapons wasted."

"The shadows have enlightened me."

"Balance is weakness."

"The truth lies in darkness."

"Tradition is the corpse of wisdom."

"What I have done… cannot be undone."

"Only the worthy will survive."

"The shadow is within."

"Punish restraint."

"None escape their shadow."

"Ignorance is fatal."

"Embrace the shadow… or die in darkness!"


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>he plays lol

>he plays zed




Fuckers. You got me excited when I saw someone posted on this dead board.

Make better posts.


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yea. this board is dead. definitely only mundanes here not talking about anything magical. carry on

move along nothing to see here

just anime shitposting



>>he plays zed

I wish. my dream literally one time


It's hard to see any magical concepts on anime and movies than half assed magic.

Info with desinfo always.



Please point out any disinfo present in any anime or any other sort of media referenced in this thread

maybe you can say 5% info 95% fluff, but the exact same can be said for basically all of the "esoteric" books that everyone tries to recommend on this board

The moment anything has disinfo, it's immediately disqualified as being esoteric in anyway



I thinl you don't undestand my point. There seems to be something that rubs off on media, either intentionally or otherwise. That's what I find interesting and wonder how objective it is.



Are you thinking of archetypes and memes? They are a sort of mind virus really. But in a good way! And bad. The absolute forms and universal concepts that all things are made from come in an infinite amount of flavors

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