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Guys first of all, I don't visit this board, but I did think this was the place to ask my question. I was sitting at my desk, half awake half asleep can't remember it all quite well. And a sudden moment I knew my eyes were closed but I was seeing everything perfectly. Has anyone else experienced this or was I just dreaming or am I just a scrub.


That's astral projection. Kind of like sleep paralysis; I got a sneaking suspicion that your eyes are shut and what you see is all in the astral, not just spoopy hallucinations in your vision

BTW you broke the second rule lurk moar

also at night you can get astral abducted and/or get brainwashed though suggestive hypnosis and you'd never even know! But Montalk knows



Stop lying.

There are three realms that one should be aware of:

Physical realm - the one you see with your eyes open, down to atomic level and up to macro level.

Etheric realm - The mental image of the physical realm, the one you can see when you project and remember vividly.

Astral realm - like the etheric but has no resemblance to the physical world. Most things here are abstract in nature.

It is possible to enter sleep paralysis when still awake. This can happen when the body is fatigued but the mind is alert. To be able to see through the eyelids is when you are close to an etheric projection and can leave the physical body. But because of amazement, the individual may try to open the eyes while seeing through them, effectively coming down into the body and opening the eyelids, which cancels the projection.

On /x/ some time ago, a user described a successful projection in which he was offered etheric vision by an entity. When he woke up, he had his eyes closed for a couple of hours while still being able to see around him. But when he opened his eyes, he claimed to have lost the ability and then experienced a really painful headache.

If you can get abducted and brainwashed and not remember it, then who remembered it first? It's as dangerous in the astral as in your hometown. Take the right turn at the right street to avoid getting stabbed. Also wear body armor if you don't know what you are doing.



>then who remembered it first?

what do you mean first? There are many memories in the subconscious that affect your thoughts and actions but you may not consciously be aware of these memories.

You said I was lying but then seemed to have completely forgot you ever said it. Care to explain exactly when I was "lying"?

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