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Iraqi Transportation Minister claims ancient sentient creatures lived at Iraq thousands of years ago.

By the logic, the bible might have been caused by humans interacting with creatures the Iraqi Prime Minister is referring to.


File: 11384a0fd9d8e7b⋯.png (326.04 KB, 634x354, 317:177, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c2365baca2d988c⋯.mp4 (3.25 MB, 640x360, 16:9, 640x360_MP4_14089825667837….mp4)

>Iraqi Prime Minister

uhh no it says

>Iraqi Transportation Minister


>the bible

how high are you

This guy is fucking insane tried commandeering a plane for the lulz almost killed everyone


The government that the kikes put in after killing Saddam Hussein are all 100% wankers that give no fucks about anything let alone the country they are supposed to run.

if this guy actually cared about the launching pad of the space aliens from 7000 years ago then why the fuck

>Iraq's Transport Minister has claimed that the country's new airport will be constructed on the site of an ancient spaceship launcher, which was built by aliens 7,000 years ago.

is he destroying the evidence???

Anyways, I guess that's not the point. He's talking about Sumerian records.

>He told journalists: 'I invite those who doubt to read the book of the great Sumerian historian Zecharia Sitchin, or the books of Samuel Kramer including one entitled 'History begins at sumer', which speaks of the first airport constructed on planet earth, and it is there at el Naciria,'

>'The Sumerians were the first to discover the 12th planet, which was acknowledged a few days ago by NASA and named Nibiru, and which completes its orbit around the sun every 3,600 years,' he continued.

well there's your references now go read that shit


This makes me deeply happy.

The Romanian government also came very close to disclosing Annunaki bases discoveries in their country.

That history goes much further back than 7,000 year which was the tail end.


I think the mexican government said something similar a few years ago:


not sure what came out of this


you feelin' it fellas? its happening.

the future is golden.


There have always been eccentric people in government, careless of their subtle ostracization.

it the job of people like us to pay attention to them. we should be having powerful esoteric organizations that have actual open communication with any eccentric with authority


He's a Zecharia Sitchin shill. He probably had one or two wacky experiences and then looked some keywords up and took everything Sitichin said as 100% truth. Actually the reality is Sitchin is a disinformation agent and illuminati puppet. There is no Annunaki, and there is no Nibiru.


that aint shit, look what they found in peru nigger



File: 6c25bd6258e9b71⋯.jpg (130.2 KB, 494x411, 494:411, bane1.jpg)

Yes it's true Ancient iraq was ruled by the Dingir a race of advanced aliens.


>This guy is fucking insane tried commandeering a plane for the lulz almost killed everyone.

Did this big guy crashed it with no survivors?

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