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Esoteric Wizardry


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Great news everybody!

December 25 2016, the storm Urd clashes against the Scandinavian west coast, Urd is not a cause but a result.

Many of us under that time period reported experiences of suffocating in their sleep and night terrors and I have the answer why.

I have acquaintances, a couple of initiates, indigo children with very varied backgrounds, among them a beautiful redhead girl with immense latent abilities, they were all spooped by the storm cause they felt evil things tagging along, my personal experience was that of an attempt to choke me, along with a brooding, dark week, my barriers negate most things.

We have been meditating on it and looking for information and we have strong reason to believe and can confirm that our universe partially merged with another, this raised the energetic charge of Earth substantially, stronger poltergeists and other ghosts have in some cases become three to four times stronger and very strong encounters are not rare anymore.

The fallen angels, ego and spirit(?) of those who have no body to reincarnate, cooperating with the elites trying to bring back giants, suitable vessels, have some, many, risen from a state of dormancy.

This is related to the Berenstein Bears bullshit and what not. Its also very likely related to CERN.


Worth mentioning, we had this guy who was a week into "hunting" as they call, lame, yes, i advice against but they keep at it, they go around looking for spoops to exorcise and that guy has been missing since the start of the year and is assumed dead.

We speculate he was possessed and jumped into the ocean or something alike, his phone was found but the GPS was strangely malfunctioning.



The end of the Mayan calendar and entering into the age of Aquarius, these are the two milestones of this century. Age of information and disinformation, timelines merges, psychedelic drugs is abundant, technology is on the verge of creating augmented reality.

Unidentify with your suffering and you can be the eye of the storm as we go into this new age and time. Enjoy the ride, the ride never ends.



>psychedelic drugs is abundant



meh, that would explain cern's cult i guess, wasn't there a video of a human sacrifice performed by them at that time?

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