I spent all of today reading through a ton of tripe on some other boards including /pol/ in which everyone speaking was full of shit, noise, and disinformation.
After all that there are some points I want to stress for anyone interested in this topic.
Satanism means a lot of different things to different people first of all. Under the banner of Satanism there exists every kind of theology or philosophy. The conceptions self-identified Christians have of Satan also varies greatly but it's usually just a boogieman for everything they dislike.
Here is something I really want to emphasize about this whole Satan thing. If you believe in Satan, you're a Christian. Satan is part of the Christian pantheon or cannon of entities/heroes/deities/archetypes. You're obsessing over a figure out of the Bible, you're taking inspiration from Christianity.
Satanism isn't a distinct religion from Christianity. Yeah, there's Enki worshipers, and other cults operating under the guise of Satan, and it's used as a symbol of rebellion against Christians by atheists and other sorts who were hurt by mainstream Christianity in one way or another. Where did Satan come from though? The Bible. Christianity. It's a Christian thing, a Christian concept. Yeah you don't like Jesus, but you're buying into the religion and its symbolism, taking inspiration from it, shaping your life around the character of Satan.
So do you want to be a Satanist? Just be a Christian. Study Christianity, immerse yourself in its holy text the Bible, learn from fellow Christians what is Satan. Then it's just a matter of disliking Jesus and having reverence for the figure of Satan.
Christianity is Satanism. Satanists are just Christians who've decided that Satan is very special to them, in some way identifying with or making Satan a central focus, instead of the usual practice in Christianity where Jesus tends to be, shall I say, "the central sun of Christianity".
Now here are some thoughts I want to share on Christianity as a whole. I've been talking with a pastor for awhile now and sharing my thoughts on various metaphysical issues and he's able to find stories for me in the Bible that correspond with my thoughts on prayer and various other "occult/magickal/hermetic practices". What I am realizing from what this is that the Bible in actual fact is a collection of stories that reveal the eternal truths and give us direction in our spiritual lives.
So you know what this makes me think of the Bible? It's like the Internet. Put it in the hands of retards and they abuse it, warp it, completely misunderstand it, and fuck up their lives and that of others with it. Put it in the capable hands of a sage and it's a tool for self-empowerment and understanding, for knowing the reality of God.
It has been said before that there is only one religion; truth. All these different mass religions we have are political tools. That's not what they're meant to be but your average follower of any religion doesn't understand anything and wears his religion as a part of his identity. It's his traditions, his tribe, his mysteries. You can't fault them for it but it creates a lot of confusion; for example what is this whole Islam coming to Europe thing about really? Is it just another religion, valid like any other as a path to God? No it's not, it's Arabs conquering our people, and subjecting them to their laws (they call it Shariah, there is not one Shariah, it's just the racial laws of the Arabs). Islam as it's studied by people like me is a religion and we can appreciate it as such; though I will say what both Franz Bardon (Golden Book of Wisdom) and the pastor I've been talking to have said and it is this; it's completely unnecessary to study other religions, god provides you with what you need.
Think about what I'm saying. May it bring clarity to your minds.