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A few years ago strange "energies" appeared in my body. It is physically "bumping" under my skin. Sometimes it is only in the legs, sometimes it is many places, even the face. Doctors just look at me like i'm crazy and telling me i'm vague. It's like something is crawling under my skin, and i can feel and see it.

I'm just asking here to see if it could be some kind of spiritual connection.

(2. No making threads just to ask questions, actually present substantial information if you're going to make a thread )



Have you had many stressful experiences lately? It could just be psychosis. Better do some banishing just in case.



I feel it physically. At one moment i tried some yogic practices, i felt energy vibrating through my spine. I'm not sure if it is related, but it feels like i fucked up the energies in my body.

I come from a family where many are psychic, and i don't know if i am more suceptible for activating this than others. I don't want to brag or anything, but i think i messed with some energies by mistake.


>I'm just asking here to see if it could be some kind of spiritual connection.

Everything is spiritual.

Maybe you mean is it caused by thoughtforms.

In which case I tell you everything is caused in that way.



Whether you feel it physically or not has little impact over whether it's a hallucination or not. Regardless, you should do some magic shit to make it go away and if that doesn't work, get help.


I see bugs crawl through me all the time. You just have it tactile.

Nothing weird going on, all psychic phenomenon are an increase in sensitivity, not a strange deviation from reality or disease… unless you consider sensitivity a disease, which is sometimes the case.

If that's the case, then here's a simple way of resolving the issue: Become a sun. Just focus on radiating light, heat, and becoming massive like the sun. The sun is large thus inert and largely immovable. The sun is superficial and thus the least esoteric (night, dark) vs exoteric (day, light). It will overpower any small energy changes.

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