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Esoteric Wizardry
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The rules are simple and mostly apply to the creation of threads on /fringe/:
1. No duplicate threads of topics that already exist unless the previous thread has hit the bump limit
2. No making threads just to ask questions, actually present substantial information if you're going to make a thread
3. No creating new threads purely to no-effort shitpost (you will be forgiven if it's a major GET)
4. Post threads that fall under the subject matter of /fringe/ (creepypasta is not allowed here, take that to /x/)
5. Respect anonymity. No identifying posts.
6. Do not sit on the default flag or post with no flag all the time
7. Do not raid/attack the board
8. Meta board discussion goes in >>>/fringemeta/
If the board goes up for claim and the board owner can't be found anywhere, please contact live:chanseywrites on Skype to give the board to her.

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>Find /fringe/

>"Oh cool, a board about the less discussed phenomena of the mind!"

>Turns out it's just a bunch of fags who believe in magic preaching their stupidity.

Is there a /fringe/ without the magic bullshit; or rather, without the pretentious preachers? Because don't get me wrong, I know "imaginary" doesn't mean "not real", but the way some people here talk… Jesus. I mean, I get it if they're just doing it to strengthen their own beliefs, but this is a discussion board, not a church.


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Go fuck yourself you self-righteous cunt. You come here and then you start whining about the board, FUCK YOU. How about you turn around and head back to whatever cesspool you came from.

Nobody forced you to come here, nobody forced you to read these posts, and most of all you have no reason to complain whatever about this board.

Its like going to /v/ and saying "Hey you're all a bunch of pretentious preachers because we can't discuss how great Hitler is here!"

Look at the top of the board faggot. It says "Esoteric Wizardry" NOT "Discussion for the phenomena of the mind and other bullshit".

Also, the image you posted is nothing new. Read a few occult books and you'll understand far more then a shitty screen cap of the most retarded little bit of information.




Agree with this guy.

Fuck off mundane OP, it clearly shows that this shit is beyond you, and in this lifetime you will stay blind until the end. I'm sick of simpletons like you who come to new territories and fail to aknowledge the culture and philosophy of the place, then starting to boast with your own silly bullshit everywhere.

>this is a discussion board, not a church

It is both faggot, get lost




/fringe/ is for those of us who haven't fallen under the illusion that we're right about everything and have it all figured out. We preach only what we can confirm for ourselves with results, and we discuss what we believe could be done based on our research and experience. Read the Kybalion or GTFO.



Common sense defeats magic pretty fast.


Simpleton? I'm not the one who needs to lie to myself about the world to feel better with my inadequate mind, brainlet.


That comparison made no sense, and I can see you guys are really getting along. These are all the threads:

>pretentious fuck who believes he's got it all figures out posts some bullshit written as if it were the absolute fact of life.

>Bunch of other pretentious fucks retort with their own assinine assumptions writen in the same mightier than thou way.

>Somebody finaly calls them all faggots.

But sure, keep defending preaching tthreads.

Also protip: Im not new to the board.

(6. Do not sit on the default flag or post with no flag all the time. (aka put your fedora flag on silly))



Common sense tells us that germs don't exist and the earth is flat. Only idiots believe solely what their senses tell them. In a society where everyone were deaf, nobody would believe that music existed. Look into the experiments done by the Society for Psychical Research. Unless you let your emotions and self-righteous bias overcome your judgment, I'm sure you will find them to be controlled under standards as valid and scientific as any. Then you can decide whether to believe success amidst odds of several hundred million to one are coincidence or telepathy.



I will concede, though, you have a really good point in your greentext.




So you're not new to the board. You lurked for some time in a board about something you don't believe is true, you don't even like the board. After some time you have some kind of breakdown and proceed to make a thread about how you don't like the board you've been lurking in for some time. Is this timeline correct? This might be some phenomena of the mind really worth discussing.


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This is what you sound like. There is a fedora flag for people like you


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I was almost going to fucking reply; almost.

Have fun in the next life, friend



You're wrong, by the way. I've been here for a while, and I'm not just a lurker; I like the board, and I created the thread to bitch about the specific problem of self righteous cunts who can't have a discussion.

My favorite (and the only useful), threads in this place are the ones about things like meditation, lucid dreaming, thought forms and other things like that, and those are pretty broad subjects that we could discuss probably forever, I just don't see why people feel the need to bring in magic, that's all.


There is no "next life" bud, if you think a bit you'll see why it makes no sense. Maybe the next life comes before you die, in an incredible twist of fate, but after that, time's over for you. The intricacies of a "next life" just make no sense no matter how you look at it.



(Just to add)

Although reincarnation doesn't even make much philosophical sense, due to things like memory, there is one argument against this and all other forms of "magic", like gods, for example, which can never be refuted, and that's how it came to be. By extension - if you're aware of how memes work - if you are to believe one of these things, there would be no real reason to not believe another one of them, or at least to regard them as equaly plausible. There is no real reason to believe the Christian God without believing Thor; nothing about their conception is different, they are merely two memes, one that died out, and one that evolved and reproduced. You cannot trully say there were "mystical" origins for one and not for the other.

And then you may say "how do you know THIS isn't the correct meme?" I don't, but I do know one thing, there are many ways to be wrong; if we were to deem any subject worthy of discussion we'd be well dead before we got anything substantial out of our ramblings.


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>There is no "next life" bud, if you think about it a bit you'll see why it makes no sense.

Okay, have fun living a mundane life. I mean it, if its the life you want to live, go for it. I wish you well.

I'll think about the next life too and see what conclusions I come to. But, because I will, I want you to think about something too.

I want you to scroll up to the top of the page, and look at the very top big bold red letters that say "/fringe/ - Fringe".

Then I want you to look at the tiny red letters under it which say "Esoteric Wizardy". I want you to specifically think about those two words, what they mean, and what they might imply for the board.




Mundane is the one who delegates phenomena of their mind to external entities which they have no power over.



>The intricacies of a "next life" just make no sense no matter how you look at it.



>there is one argument against this and all other forms of "magic", like gods, for example etc.

>You cannot trully say there were "mystical" origins for one and not for the other.

But what you are saying is actually in accord with occult philosophy. There is no "one correct God", there is multitude of Godforms, which you can contact btw, they are all real. You don't even know what are you bitching against, how can anyone take you seriously?

You are assuming that people here "believe" in magic. I don't believe in magic, same as I don't believe in electricity. I don't need to believe in them, during my life I witnessed, and done, things that cannot be explained by purely materialistic worldview. I've proved these things to myself beyond any doubt.

Anyway, this board is, and always has been, dedicated to magic. If you can't accept that then no one wants you here.



Have you read any of the books mentioned in the FAQ? You can access them and more in the Library also here on /fringe/. No judgement, I just want to know how open your mind is, how much understanding and knowledge you have. I hope you have at least given those books a chance and kept an open mind, especially "The Holographic Universe", which is one of the best books imo.

And also, have you meditated a lot and performed OBE, lucid dreaming, Psycho Kinetic abilities, manifestation and all the "miraculous" phenomenas? Again no judging, I just want to know how big your personal efforts and your personal, hands on, experience in this matter is. Have you had a NDE?

It would be really kind of you to give a little report on these subjects, so I can understand you better and feel into your ideas of the world.


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>Psycho Kinetic abilities


Recommend any books you've had success with?


>>101497 (You)

Lucid dreaming and meditation aren't mystical in any sort of way. I am romantically involved with a thought form, for fucks sake, even she knows what she is; protip: she's not magic.


>They are all real.

I know.

>during my life I witnessed, and done, things that cannot be explained by purely materialistic worldview.

Once again, underestimating the power of a brain. The brain is so powerful, "materialistic" means very little, but I do know everything you've experienced can be experienced by what we call a physical brain.

>Anyway, this board is, and always has been, dedicated to magic

So it's a LARP board?






Actually meant to quote






noun: strawman

1. an intentionally misrepresented proposition that is set up because it is easier to defeat than an opponent's real argument.




In other words, you are presenting this topic as if we were talking about things that are only internal, while I was talking for example about manipulating events and physical world with your mind only and other stuff that can't be explained from a purely materialistic point of view - like divination or extra-sensory perception or astral projection/lucid dreaming in which you acquire information you couldn't have known otherwise, or exchange information with someone else and you both can confront each other about this on the physical plane and many other phenomena.

>meditation isn't mystical

*if you are low-level mundane that is

>I am romantically involved with a thought form

And you think that helps you prove your point?

>The brain is so powerful, "materialistic" means very little

Materialistic means that you hold a belief that there is nothing apart from this physical plane. I don't know how much this means and I don't know why you seem to think that your worldview is not materialistic, because it is.

>I do know everything you've experienced can be experienced by what we call a physical brain

The thing is - you don't, but you are so arrogant that this fact is lost on you.

>So it's a LARP board?

Pretty much, most people on /fringe/ are really misguided and misinformed, but you are by far even more lost than any of them.

basically this is

>magix not real coz I tried it and it don't work


>magix not real coz I never tried it

Don't assume your limited perception of the world is any way objective, or "true" or more real than anyone else's.



Magix not real because it doesn't make any sense.

You're no different than those old ladies who see god and think everyone else would've seen god if they were in the same room as her. No, you're not magical; no, you can't "manipulate" events and the physical world with your mind the way you're talking about, that isn't a thing, it'll never be.

Also, lucid dreaming doesn't give you any additional information, what the fuck? Oh wait, I forgot, I'm just "mundane". Enjoy wasting your time trying to cast lightning bolt while I actually unleash the power of the mind.


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>while I actually unleash the power of the mind.

>while I actually unleash the power of the mind.

>while I actually unleash the power of the mind.

>while I actually unleash the power of the mind.

>while I actually unleash the power of the mind.

>while I actually unleash the power of the mind.

You unleashed my sides, I'll give you that.



Quantum physics doesn't make any sense either, and both phenomenon can be verified through experimentation.



>Quantum physics doesn't make any sense either

It does.

>both phenomenon can be verified through experimentation.




The greatest minds in the field have all agreed it doesn't make sense and have stated that anyone who claims to understand it is lying or a fool. And I already told you of the experiments done by the Society for Psychical Research. If you're unwilling to look them up yourself or even to do them yourself and confirm (quite easily) the phenomenon of telepathy, you are one of the most ignorant people I've come across here. All new scientific discoveries have been opposed by men in denial claiming to be wise.



>Society for Psychical Research

Until it has been proven by someone else I'd highly question the methods used in such an experiment. Many people have "proved" the existence of telepathy before, I hope you realize that.

And just because we don't understand something that doesn't mean it doesn't make sense, the difference between telepathy, for instance, and quantum physics is that one of them doesn't go against principles already quite well studied.

>All new scientific discoveries have been opposed by men in denial claiming to be wise.

The fuck does this even mean? Are we to take every uneducated man's ramblings as a field worthy of study? Holy shit, you are retarded.

Also, I couldn't find any papers by them on telepathy.



I'm on the Jung/Kant path that seems to have spawned so many occultists. Could you link me to some studies which suggest telepathy, or anything of that nature? I've already had my share of arguments in favor of the supernatural, but my mind is always in a materialistic mindframe. I'm genuinely curious to see exactly how far occultism goes, and having some kind of proper study is useful as something to fall back on when I start doubting.


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>Enjoy wasting your time trying to cast lightning bolt while I actually unleash the power of the mind.

I would actually enjoy having a conversation with you about why you don't believe in it other than


But you're really pulling some "In this moment I am euphoric, not because of some phoney god, but because of my own mind" kind of stuff. I hope you fare well in whatever it is you do, but if you want people to take you seriously you should probably act a little more mature and acknowledge that other people have different experiences than you



There is no discussion when you don't have free speech and tolerate the views of others. By tolerate I mean, permit them to voice their ideas and opinions, without demanding they be censored and deleted; not embracing or accepting what they are saying. What you want is a circle jerk.

Magick just means using the mental nature of the universe to influence and revise events, objects, and ideas in this reality.

Also by making this thread and acting like that one christcuck is all of /fringe/ you're ignoring the hundreds of threads and thousands of posts on here that aren't made by christcucks.

This thread should be locked because rule 3.



>Look at the top of the board faggot. It says "Esoteric Wizardry" NOT "Discussion for the phenomena of the mind and other bullshit".

>/fringe/ is a board for esoteric discussion including matters pertaining to; Magic : Philosophy : Paranormal : Dreams : Religion : Occult : Symbolism : Aliens : Demons & Angels : Metaphysics : Conspiracy : Secret Societies : Mind Control : Morality & Ethics : Mysticism : Qualia : Psychic Abilities — Anything that is fringe in some respect



Discussion of the phenomena of the mind is a valid topic on here.



>Common sense defeats magic pretty fast.

You're forgetting your fedora flag.

Gonna report this under rule 6 heh.



>My favorite (and the only useful), threads in this place are the ones about things like meditation, lucid dreaming, thought forms and other things like that, and those are pretty broad subjects that we could discuss probably forever, I just don't see why people feel the need to bring in magic, that's all.

You could you know… do what I do which is… read on those subjects and performs experiments and operations concerning them, then post about it, and get feedback.

I don't get why people like to complain about and focus on threads they don't like instead of replying to and supporting threads they do like unless this is all just a loosh farming incident.



>There is no "next life" bud, if you think a bit you'll see why it makes no sense. Maybe the next life comes before you die, in an incredible twist of fate, but after that, time's over for you. The intricacies of a "next life" just make no sense no matter how you look at it.

That's where you're wrong, have you even read the basics? Have you gone through the FAQ and the libraries?




This is babby's first philosophical/esoteric musings.

>mfw know every system of theology, all the different conceptions of deity, all the different concepts of reality; the archetypal, the memetic, the psychological, the primitive, etc.

Also, read Manly P. Hall's text on reincarnation, and this: http://www.yogebooks.com/english/atkinson/1908reincarnation.pdf



The burden of proof is on you, friend. You have no explanation for it other than


My "proof" is a lack of documented cases and the nature of existence, which pretty much refutes things like telepathy pretty readily, though you probably wouldn't know why.


>What you want is a circle jerk.


Yes, because places like dreamviews are such circlejerks, right?

>one christcuck

Are you talking about the image? The image wasn't supposed to mean anything, it was just an image. I actually think it's an interesting topic, and I'm not christian.


But it does. Also, I don't watch anime, so I'm not allowed a fedora.


>This is babby's first philosophical/esoteric musings.

Yes, yes it is, it's one of those things I feel dumb having to restate, but somehow half the people here don't get it yet.

And what the fuck does that greentext mean?


>That's where you're wrong

Oh boy, tell me more about your memes spread by illiterate people a couple thousand years ago. Dream characters stop existing, and so will you. Don't worry, you won't care when you don't exist anymore.

(6. Do not sit on the default flag or post with no flag all the time.)



I've been going to DV since 2006 and yes, what it is now is definitely a circlejerk. I'm not that poster by the way.



The post you are reading right this very moment is a mental phenomena which, although having existence within the all-Mind, is not under your domain of control.

ProTip for you neophyte: There is the mind; neither internal nor external. The mind is stirred into action by will and awareness, the spirit, the I AM. Around this divine seed of awareness, this essential self, is the wrappings of a mental self and a "physical self" which is but the condensation of thought ("as a man thinketh, so is he" but I would expand that to stress a less solipsistic meaning, namely, "as a man's thoughts resonate, so is he" since you take in mental influences from outside your primary mental matrix).

Basically, remember that you are a center of self within the all, and around this center is your thoughts, your body, all the things you can speak of as "belong to you, but not you".

The difference between something you experience as physical and something you experience as fluidly responsive to thought is merely that of phase. Once you've built up your soul to function on 4D level of consciousness, physicality becomes plastic, and you will like me see and be able to interact with multiple timelines at once, energizing certain probabilities/futures over others.

When you die, your awareness is shifted to another body and mind. You should prepare yourself now, in this life, by creating thoughtforms designed to survive your death and to locate your spirit in its next incarnation, then graft the old memories and such back to you.

Also there is much to know about the nature of memory. Memory is nothing something physical, like in a computer's memory. It is holographic, and radio-like. You can have large portions of your brain damaged, but forget nothing. In fact, absolutely nothing is forgotten, there is a clear record of that has ever happened written into the fabric of reality. Anything you wish to know may be recovered, even information that was never taken in consciously the first time around when you experienced some event. The functioning of your memory isn't dependent on the survival of memories, it's dependent on your current ability to retrieve in your awareness those slices of holographic experience again. Nothing is ever truly forgotten, just sometimes we temporarily lose access to a memory.

Another ProTip for you. The phenomena you know as dreams is just your conscious decohering from your default personality, body, mind, etc. to varying degrees, melding with other currents of thought and reality, and producing new impressions on your mind. Your whole life is literally a dream; and dreams are like radio phenomena almost, something you tune into.

You can tune into the thoughts and lives and so on of others.

To operate on this higher level of consciousness you just need a higher awareness of the true self and to build up your psychic faculties. Absolutely everything is open to spirit.

Also something else if you want to talk to God, focus on the omnisicient quality of God, and prepare to receive his dialogues from whatever sources you want to accept as a medium (a disembodied voice thoughtform will do). Just remember though that the following applies:

1. You can really only learn of the things you are fit to receive. In other words, what is at your current level of understanding.

2. You will get a varied signal, sometimes more clear, sometimes better; depending on your faith and your ability to focus on god's omniscience (or super-rational mind, the level of mind referred to in Max Freedom Long's Science of Miracles, where things are instantly known exactly are they are by the mind functioning on that level).

3. Do not make a creed or dogma out of what God tells you. Go ahead and relate it to others if you like, but remember to not let yourself fall into one of those traps where the mind pays attention too much to insignificant bullshit (e.g. artificial synchronicities) or other stuff that hampers your progress. Listen to the voice of wisdom coming out of the void; but with a critical mind.

Go work your way through IIH you neophyte.



>The burden of proof is on you, friend. You have no explanation for it other than

Burden of proof is never just on one side, it's on both sides making assertions. You want to have a debate, you have to try and present good material and make good arguments.

Fedora-tier post.



>But it does. Also, I don't watch anime, so I'm not allowed a fedora.

Anime is definitely not a requirement to be a fedora. Only making retarded fedora-tier statements qualifies you as a fedora.


Has OP even developed the mental senses? Can he even function on higher planes of mentality? How can he be so full of himself and denounce what he hasn't even prepared himself to be able to experience? OP is the blind man scoffing at the sighted.



>Yes, yes it is, it's one of those things I feel dumb having to restate, but somehow half the people here don't get it yet.

Let me state this another way. What you're saying isn't an essential, basic insight, at all. It's dudeweedlmao stoner/wicca/fedora/new-age/trip-tier retardation. It's the kind of thoughts I had when I was like 14 but which I see as ridiculous stupidity at 24.



>Oh boy, tell me more about your memes spread by illiterate people a couple thousand years ago. Dream characters stop existing, and so will you. Don't worry, you won't care when you don't exist anymore.

Tips fedora



>Lucid dreaming and meditation aren't mystical in any sort of way. I am romantically involved with a thought form, for fucks sake, even she knows what she is; protip: she's not magic.

<makes thoughtform with assumption it's a phantom delusion

<is surprised when the thoughtforms confirms his delusions that it's a subjective phenomena

You know anon, there was a Norwegian girl I used to know, who had tulpas. I used to talk to her tulpas. Until she met me, she thought they were all "just in her head", "subjective", "non-existent", "unreal", etc. Her proofs for this were that the tulpas would themselves say they aren't real and that she'd be "around another schizophrenic and they would not see her tulpas and she would not see the other person's tulpas".

Now, I understand why she thought this way about the whole thing. Problem is; I was able to talk to them, perceive them, and prove both to her and to her tulpas they aren't what think they were. I demonstrated for the Norwegian girl their independent existence, and showed how they could and were thinking and acting independently from her. I told her about how they basically exist on a channel, like how right now in the air, in the same space, are many different radio waves with different songs.

Unfortunately, after doing this, she became frightened by the new understanding that was dawning upon her, and the tulpas (energized in no doubt both by their own realization they had independent existence and by her fears) she had totally fucked her shit up, and eventually succeeded in erasing her memories and possessing her. They wiped her personality out and she ended up in a psychiatric ward totally insane for a long time. I then did not hear from her, until about a year or two later, when I found that same Norwegian woman doing paintings. She said she could not remember me but had many notes on her computer about me and she could feel that I was a good person and that she loved me.

You think thoughts are subjective, "self-contained, only in the head, having no existence outside of myself" with "myself" meaning your soul-complex and not the All which in actual fact does contain all. They're no more subjective than radio and they can and often will develop a life of their own, just as much as your semen and an egg from a woman, can develop into an independent life. Indeed, our souls are born and die, and some have multiple souls in one body. A soul is a thoughtform. The greater mystery is that by which it becomes coupled to a divine seed; a spirit. The dynamics behind that… is something I want to see elaborated on more than just what montalk has said about it; but I haven't yet found texts that explain just how it is that the spirit becomes linked to soul.



Brains are mediums for thought. The brain doesn't experience anything. YOU, the actual YOU – experience through a mind, linked/channeled through a brain/nervous-system.


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>My "proof" is a lack of documented cases and the nature of existence, which pretty much refutes things like telepathy pretty readily, though you probably wouldn't know why.

My proof is random events of transcendental awareness (becoming aware of things that you shouldn't know about) and visions that lead to their manifestations IRL. Good example: I had a vision the other day about finding diamonds near a tree. Today, as I was walking home, I found a small albeit fake diamond bracelet on a tree.

Maybe you believe more in synchronicities, but that is still somewhat unexplainable by modern science.

>banned for sitting on default flag and not using fedora flag

Stupid is as stupid does, oh well.



Concerning telepathy, know that man is a cell in the body of God, and that sufficiently strong impulses sent along concentrated lines from one cell to another, in such a manner as to entrance the senses of the other cell, result in a registry of the thought-impression.

In other words, excite the emotions intensely, and focus the awareness on another person, and send the thought.

Know also that all thoughts are registered and received by their recipients, but usually in the subconscious layer of mind, unless the receiver is relaxed and has the higher senses open.

Know also that you may influence anyone simply by your assumptions, suggestions, mentality, and general barrage of thoughts directed towards them, which may erode and revise their identity, change their etheric body (which is what the physical body patterns itself after, hence why you heal and recover from cuts, as the cells have this etheric body-pattern they conform to).

In the cases of telepathy as usually experienced by otherwise ordinary individuals, usually the sender is in some great distress or emotional excitation, and the receiver is usually someone who is particular concerned with and tuned into matters concerning the sender, such that they have open channels of thought between them.

Thoughts can be broadcast (by intent) in a general way also, as to be received by anyone fitting some formula (e.g. a general request for help, to be received by anyone capable of sending help wherever they may be) or to someone specific (e.g. to your wife) or to a specific area such as (to anyone within a certain number of feet of me).

Likewise, receivers can tune in, even to stuff someone maybe isn't actively trying to send to them.

In the great ocean of thought, most thoughts become noise, and are just tuned out of the conscious mind. Some, by reason of their power of resonance, find lodgings in the minds of others.



Cool anecdote brah, shame we're not looneys.


So you're basically saying your belief > some other guys belief because things.


Posts like these are what triggered me to make this thread. Just look at it, look at it and laugh.


I'm not trying to prove anything, he is; I'm going by physics.


So is that the whole argument? Tips fedora?


The brain originates the self. How retarded can you be?


>My proof is random events of transcendental awareness

So you've got nothing other than "this one time I saw a thing in my mind and it was real so that means I can see the future" and some unrelated, far apart such examples. Jesus dude, how can you be so dumb?

Here's your fedora, by the way.



These fedoras just assume there aren't documented cases and research and all that.

Prior to World War II (and after it as well, although it became way more secretive and suppressed and even misunderstood after WWII so good luck find anything interesting although I could give links to a few case studies) there was a shitload of inquiry, research, etc. into these things.

There is an actual fact a wealth of evidence of all occult phenomena. He should probably start reading "Collin Wilson - The Occult" though and start looking through the citations. A lot of this material doesn't come up in very general searches, and requires you to actually know very obscure terminology, or very obscures authors to go and find it. Yet it's there, and it's plentiful to the point of redundancy, and all of it is nothing new. Many people know and accept, both from experience, study, and logical proofs the facts concerning higher mental phenomena like telepathy. There are also many authorities such as scientists, philosophers, etc. that attest to its reality. All of this should be compelling enough to make a personal attempt at verification of the phenomena so you can know beyond a doubt its authenticity.

>Maybe you believe more in synchronicities, but that is still somewhat unexplainable by modern science.

There is nothing in the occult that can't be explained by science. Fedoras are just idiots. All the top scientists are actually Hermeticists. I have a Hermetic book in my possession that I really should take pictures of and post on here or find a way to scan and create a PDF out of it, because it's really fucking rare, but it's full of nothing but people with PHDs in the citation, and it's mostly talking about "sciency" shit like artificial intelligence, strange attractors, etc. and yet it's full of hermetic philosophy and occult shit at the same time.



You're the equivalent of someone who says that the proof god exists is that they saved them from a fire.



>These fedoras just assume there aren't documented cases and research and all that.

Are you going to provide sources, or will this be one of those "I'm not spoonfeeding" you kinds of deals?


OP just wants us to pull a Discordian mindfuck operation on him doesn't he? He's pretty much begging to get enlightened by means of Eris raping him.



Do it.

On a different note: I've never seen this board so active.



Did you even read my post you dipshit? My source is right there.


Besides that there's the library. However I highly recommend this particular book because this guy was a stubborn fedora hell-bent on not believing the occult but ended up believing it anyways after being confronted by overwhelming evidence of its reality.

Here also is another such book. It's a fedora that encountered telepathy and thought it was all bullshit so he created an experiment to prove to everyone it was bullshit but his experiment ended up just proving to him it was real: http://www.sacred-texts.com/psi/mrad/index.htm

There you go. Now you got two books to read, the first one in particular being packed full of citations for further study.

Now go and actually read them and come back to this thread again later when you're less of a retarded fedora.



I was more talking scientific papers, not books, dude. Can you provide that?




>I'm going by physics.

This post is potently euphoric. I feel very enlightened by my intelligence right now.



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Wew, didn't realize that my positive experiences would make people so upset.

I believe you are like foxes who can't eat the apple because it is up in the tree. The bird however, can eat the apple, because it is able. Therefore, you hate apples, because you cannot have it.

The fox can still climb the tree, however, he simply chooses not to since he cannot already easily access it, therefore, he thinks eating apples is for the birds (Pun intended).

I could go on about my lists of experiences too intertwined to be one time deals or coincidences. I will, if you wish, but I'll spare you the details since you seem very dogmatic about it, which is part of the problem.

You come here, to a board which has a wizardly/hermetic/esoteric mentality which has transcended beyond the need for sole immediate, tangible evidence, and expect all the collective experiences and phenomena to be categorized and elaborated in a box which, due to its strictly pseudo logical, ironically dogmatic nature and lack of philosophical or spiritual realization, simply cannot do so that simply. If you absolutely must, read these >>101573


>I was more talking scientific papers, not books, dude. Can you provide that?

Forgive me for being rude, but did you read his post? Why does everything need to be labeled as scientific and peer reviewed and cross referenced and Harvard funded etc etc if plain old logic will get the job done just as easily? Do you not trust your own sense of deduction?



I didn't really want to say physics, but I had no good word to describe it, you know?

Language is hard.



So can't they into regular scientific documents? Shit dude, computer scientists are more organized than this.



What counts as "scientific papers" to you?

You really badly want to be spoonfed. You've been given sources of information and I doubt you've even opened up the links and started looking through them and the citations in there. I've already gone way out of my way, delaying my bed-time and staying up extra late just to give you this stuff, but you want me to hand-hold you every step of the way.

Another recommendation is J. Finley Hurley's book "Sorcery".

…and if you want a really highly authoritative book full of people with Master's Degrees go find yourself a copy of "The Physics of Transfigured Light - The Imaginal Realm and the Hermetic Foundations of Science" by Leon Marvell, Ph.D.


Good luck find a PDF copy of this book. I have it as an actual physical book sitting beside me.


From the publisher of ''The Physics of Transfigured Light: The Imaginal Realm and the Hermetic Foundations of Science''

>Reveals the Hermetic underpinnings of modern scientific theories

• Offers a full reconsideration of the history of science from Newton to the present day as well as a Platonic-Hermetic perspective on modern technology

• Examines Hermetic resonances among the ideas of Gurdjieff, Robert Fludd, Marsilio Ficino, and cybernetics; Einstein and the Tibetan Bardo; Neoplatonism and artificial intelligence; and Rosicrucianism and the internet

• Shows how Hermetic doctrine is at the heart of what modern physics is now rediscovering: that consciousness permeates everything

Contemporary scientific disciplines such as chaos and complexity theory, artificial intelligence, and cognitive science treat themselves as new fields of inquiry, but many of these ideas can be traced back to Hermeticism, the European intellectual tradition sparked by the rediscovery of the Corpus Hermeticum and Platonic texts in the 15th century.

Building a map of the progression of scientific thought across centuries and continents, Leon Marvell examines the ancient roots of Hermeticism, its rise during the Renaissance, and its suppression during the scientific revolution of the Enlightenment. He reveals how three main Hermetic ideas–the divine spark within each individual, the subtle body, and the anima mundi or world soul–have continually emerged at the cutting edge of science and philosophy throughout the ages because these ideas represent universal truths recognized by each era of human civilization.

Marvell examines Hermetic resonances among the ideas of Gurdjieff, Robert Fludd, Marsilio Ficino, and cybernetic theory; Einstein and the Tibetan Bardo; and Neoplatonism and the work of AI scientist Christopher Langton. He reveals how the Rosicrucian description of the Invisible College also describes the instant availability of knowledge via the Internet, and he shows how Hermetic thought is at the heart of what modern physics is rediscovering: that consciousness permeates everything and the universe cannot be reduced to the random play of matter.

Offering a full reconsideration of the history of science from Newton to the present day as well as a Platonic-Hermetic perspective on modern technology, Marvell reveals the pattern that connects the sciences, philosophy, and ancient knowledge and opens a potentially rich field of inquiry for 21st-century science.



>"scientific papers"

Are you for real?


Don't get me wrong, I love these kinds of books.


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>If its not labeled as these documents that I want exactly how I want them then they are not true and therefore invalid

Once again, you are the fox who is jealous of the birds. Just climb the tree and get the apple, whats so hard about it friend?



I didn't say they were invalid, Jesus dude, for someone calling me mad you sure are trigger happy.

Calm down.



>I didn't say they were invalid

Fair point, but your very dogmatic, negative and condescending attitude in the rest of the thread has shown to give you a pattern of being upset.

Read them, come back and tell me what you think. I'd like to hear it.



Argh, there's the "Seeing is Believing" pdf in that library, that is one example of le scientific paper you're after. There's also aibi.pdf if you want a proof of something along the lines of pure formal logic. As for other scientific papers I've come across, they're already posted on this board, unless the threads 404'd in which they were contained.

I'm going to bed now, it's 4:28 AM here, take more responsibility yourself in finding the information. You just keep raising the goal posts and demanding more spoon-feeding. I've given you several starting points to begin with. You should also learn about all the famous European philosophers and scientists because many of them were Hermeticists, Platonists, etc. and have interesting things to say.

Stop being so god damned mundane.




What? How have I raised the goal posts?


I will.



>How have I raised the goal posts?

<hurr durrr, there's no evidence of magick at all

>gets presented with a variety of material that teaches the truths about magick and gives guidelines as to how he may develop his understanding and verify the phenomena itself

<but I want evidence!

>gets presented with material that compellingly argues the case for the phenomena of magick

<but it's not authoritative, muh authority!


>gets material with lots of muh authority backing it

<but I don't want to open up the link and go through the citation

>gets more material presented

<but it's not in the format I like

This is what I mean by you raising the goalposts throughout this thread.



>The brain originates the self. How retarded can you be?

Regards, materialist retard, stuck in the 18th century Christian dogma of the clockwork universe still that was in vogue amongst certain circles in the 1600 to 1700s until it started to die out in the 1800s and pretty much got the nail in the coffin of materialism in the early 1900 with further nails in the 2000s.

Any scientist that knows his shit and actually studied philosophy 101 would see how preposterous your claim is.

…but you probably have never seriously studied philosophy, if you even took a philosophy course in highschool at all.

I find it hilarious that standard fedora beliefs all trace back to outdated Christian dogma.


>muh blind force

>muh ontological randomness

>muh myopic view of the world

>muh incompatibilism

>muh angst

This is your brain on fedora-ism.

Panentheist, compatibilist, transcendental, spiritually evolved, deterministic, non-random, intelligent force, evolution reconciled with involution, master race reporting in btw.



Why do you keep bringing up Christians? It's just logic: the brain seems to originate the sense of self by our observations, what is there not to get?

Also, can you stop saying fedora? It's getting silly.



>But when one realises that human beings are produced by a highly complex computer card, it be comes difficult to avoid slipping into 'teleology' and wondering who programmed the computer.

This person is still struggling with the concept of evolution. Are we for real right now? I'm sorry, I wanted to take this seriously, but come on, this is not helping.



>the brain seems to originate the sense of self by our observations, what is there not to get?

The radio can be destroyed, but you can't get rid of the radio waves. The thoughts you experience and have are simply vibrations in the air. Depending on the collections of those vibrations, different accounts of self can change alchemically.

The brain is just fatty tissue and water, thats not what contains the self. Its the waves. And since the waves are changeable, the brain is simply a tuner for what is inputted into it, and not the self inherently.



Said waves are part of the brain, much like a force in a system is a part of that system.



…because I know the history of theology. I know what metaphysical ideas trace back to what movements. I know the philosophical foundation of science. I know more than you could possibly ever understand, mundy…

You literally believe this outdated bullshit: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clockwork_universe

…because apparently your education failed to advance you out of the dogmas of the medieval ages and into such thing as holographic universe theory, electric universe theory, quantum mechanics, etc. which rest on a foundation of an immaterial or mental universe.

>It's just logic: the brain seems to originate the sense of self by our observations, what is there not to get?

That's not logic. The world seems "flat" to some people and they deny that it's a sphere. Logic is something that transcends mere observation or empirical evidence.

Here are actual examples of logic:

>The All is All; or else it would be not the All. To conceive of something outside of the All, is to admit that the All is not All, which is an absurdity; a logical contradiction.

>What is finite has a beginning and an end.

>There is no cause of that which is uncaused.

>Action follows cause, cause precedes action.

Notice that all logic has the quality of being undeniable and self-evident.

Your statement that "the brains seems to originate the self of self by our observations" is definitely up for debate, deniable, and not based in formal logic.



>Said waves are part of the brain, much like a force in a system is a part of that system.

I disagree, because vibrations are not something exclusive to the brain, they make up everything. Everything is, to scale, a collective of smaller and smaller vibrations at different degrees. The difference between these ones and the ones the brain produce is that the brain produced vibrations are on a much, much higher degree than most objects. The higher the vibration, the more complex the results.



He doesn't deny evolution. He recognizes that it's a guided, intelligent process, and that life isn't random.

How can you be so retarded as to believe in ontological randomness?

Ontological randomness contradicts a deterministic universe.

Why do you believe in horseshit like blind force and random outcomes?

Nothing is random. Evolution isn't a series of mistakes. Life and consciousness are shaping the universe in a negentropic manner to the realization of divine archetypes.




>The thoughts you experience and have are simply vibrations in the air

Thoughts are vibrations in the ether not in the air. Thoughts propagate at the speed of thought; that is, instantaneously. A thought can be registered anywhere within the universal body, instantly. Electromagnetic waves emanating from the brave are not the same also as thought itself. There are trance states people enter into in which very little brain activity or electromagnetic waves are apparent, but the mental activity is far greater. The operations of the brain produce electromagnetic waves that correspond with but aren't the same as thoughts. Thoughts are comprised of mental substance and active on a higher plane of being than the physical which is a lower subordinate plane.

>The brain is just fatty tissue and water, thats not what contains the self. Its the waves. And since the waves are changeable, the brain is simply a tuner for what is inputted into it, and not the self inherently.

The self isn't contained at all. Nothing can contain it as the self is not 3-dimensional.

Fedora anon is making the mistake of identifying the self with the body and you're making the mistake of identifying the self with thoughts.

Time to get some platonic ideals into your life fam.

There is a relation between the electromagnetic activity and thoughts but I'm damned sure there is substance that can't even be registered with our physical equipment but which none-the-less exists. The Kybalion states as much here: http://www.kybalion.org/kybalion.php?chapter=VIII

This much is clear to me: thoughts aren't being propagated by electromagnetic waves. The nuance I'm talking about is kind of like all that stuff about the akashic records and how we see only a reflection or shadow of it, we definitely see it, but not directly. You could examine electromagnetic waves to discern probably the "content" of them but it's more like those waves point to a "universal memory" or "mental structure" on a higher plane.

Put another way, when you attach a thoughtform to an object, that thoughtform is linked to the object but it is not necessarily spacially present there. I'm kind of getting into portal physics shit now, but you can have a single thoughtform attached to multiple points of reference… I hope you are understanding what I'm saying.

The electromagnetic waves don't contain the thought, they "reference it" or "link to" so to speak.


One day, God willing, I will know the highest science and come into possession of a Vrilcraft, and will come upon that body of knowledge which clearly catalogs and reveals the nature of substances unknown to the mundane. It is as exciting to think about, as when radio waves and radiation and new elements and plasma and so on were so recently discovered, studied, and utilized by man; but the things I want to know and study are those things inaccessible to the man with underdeveloped senses (*supersensible*), yet none the less having relation to and implications for the control and mastery of matter on this physical plane.


>mfw the sun is coming up

Going to sleep for real this time.



I meant to say logic leads to it, come on.


Well, if we're going to abstract everything like that, we won't have much basis for discussion. Everything is waves, so there is no brain; isn't that a useful way to look at things?


It's not random, god fucking damnit, this triggers me to no end. I don't get how after 2 (TWO) centuries people still struggle with the concept of evolution by means of natural selection. It is not fucking "code", and the DNA is not some sort of "intelligently built" construct, it's merely another product of evolution. Jesus christ! Evolution was the stepping stone for the whole philosophical idea of "existing", so you'd better understand it, nigga.

Go read The Selfish Gene.


Heeeere we go, I'm ready for the ride.

>Put another way, when you attach a thoughtform to an object, that thoughtform is linked to the object but it is not necessarily spacially present there. I'm kind of getting into portal physics shit now, but you can have a single thoughtform attached to multiple points of reference… I hope you are understanding what I'm saying.

You can attach thoughtforms to multiple points of reference using just a simple brain; this doesn't require casting Fire Ball lvl.2 to do.



>a single thoughtform attached to multiple points of reference…

I'd like to add that in the thought form book I'm writing, I suggest this method of "delegating" thought forms to external entities to save energy.



Observation does not equate to logic.



>hurrr durrr my conception of evolution is limited to natural selection only the post

Life is an active, vital, intelligent, and harmonious process. It is not all cancer. Finish reading that book anon recommended to you already.

>You can attach thoughtforms to multiple points of reference using just a simple brain; this doesn't require casting Fire Ball lvl.2 to do.

You are irredeemably stupid. Come back when you are able to actually discourse intelligently on philosophical subjects and have figured out the difference between materialism "matter is ultimate" and idealism "mind is ultimate". Maybe read this for a starter: http://www.yogebooks.com/english/atkinson/1906dynamicthought.pdf








Holy shit, I don't even get how you breathe.


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>when you supercharged off of OP's loosh

Great works will be done with all this loosh, heh. It is benefiting me greatly. Why does OP's soul bleed so much?




Read the first few chapters or so from Clairvoyance and Occult Powers by William Walker Atkinson. It's on gutenberg.org, just search for it. He gives many of the experiments into telepathy, gives a way to experiment for yourself, and discusses the transmission of thoughts from brain to brain in light of the idea that everything vibrates (this is continually verified by science but has been an occult doctrine for centuries), even thought.


magic was a psyop



might want to stop circle jerking yourself it's a bit sad tbh



I didn't mean to imply that the waves are the self, my bad. Different waves ``account`` the thought, not contain it. As you said,

>they "reference it" or "link to" so to speak. Good vigilance though.


You are not your brain, your brain simply accounts for the experiences inputted into it. You don't identify as a large mass of cells, or as an organic organism, you identify as your self.

>Everything is waves, so there is no brain

Everything is waves, I never said there was no brain. But the brain does not account for the self, it accounts for the waves which in turn account for the self.



You have already failed the test.

Reach deep down inside yourself and find that part of yourself that feels most like your head. Then use your raw emotion to give you strength as you pull that thing which is most like your head back out of your ass.

If it turns out to just be shit, keep trying until your no longer full of shit and the path for your head is clear to exit from your ass.

I offer this wisdom free of charge and without copyright. Go in peace and be stupid no more.



>be stupid no more

>your no longer



OP is probably a spiritless human and therefore incapable of grasping of an identity that is beyond body and mind.



I'm sorry that I made you. Pls don't take it out on everyone else.


OP here

Just want to say that I'm now studying magic, and while there's still a conflict in my mind over it, I'll try my best.

Wish me luck!



Good luck my fellow blue pill friend.



A good luck to ye traveling thinker.


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>grammatical error

>instant gratification

It's the sort of shit that separates writers from editors.

Keep reaching and pulling, your at least on the path to progress.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I know I really cut loose [loosh] on the "being edgy" bullshit.

High intellect just means being a more refined assehole at times. Wouldn't have that edge if I hadn't already been subjected to it before knowing how to tie my shoes.

Still, no excuse.

Human is empathy, straight up.


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Good luck, may we explore the universe together,



You are afraid, it's OK. We've been there too, just try to keep the insults and lashing out to a mininum or you will feel really really silly when you finally admit to yourself it's OK to believe in first hand experience.

tl;dr: you're in denial, get a hold of yourself.



I want to say I enjoyed your posts here very much and would love to read you more. You are obviously quite farther along the path than I ever imagine I could be (although I will).



Could just be mental projections rather than separate entities. The belief of one's arm being separate can create the condition for practical separation almost as much as actual separation, and you have choking yourself or not feeling pain when it's cut off. Still isn't separate though.

Another thing, say these "separate thoughtforms" "go their own way", but because they're really just mental projections, they sap your energy, mental processing, etc because they're still just mental projections. Compartmentalization.

People are naturally telepathic, and "loud voices in my head" would be loud to others. You would be more telepathic, and would thus hear these voices. I mean, one step in IIH is to lift your finger telepathically, c'mon now.

People do hold onto too many thought impressions/bubbles of impressions, that do get destroyed once exposed to the temporal flow, so a person's impression bubbles would get popped if noticed. It's like someone having a bubble of naivete and then you tell them they're immature. The bubble is popped and they feel hurt, and want to become more mature then. A person told that their thoughts are brain babies that will eat them (or at least think that since they felt overpowered by their thoughts in the first place, and then coupled with fear creates a disasterous event) will cause fucking panic and a mental fracture.

So you effectively destroyed a person's mind and life by forcing your beliefs onto her during a vulnerable time with a non ordinary skill set that guaranteed that she would believe you. You are a fucking monster that put her into a psychiatric ward, and she will never recover except maybe in 10 years.

Eat shit.



>Look into the experiments done by the Society for Psychical Research

Any link or video in particular?

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