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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

File: 587ee37b0f432e7⋯.jpg (44.69 KB, 451x600, 451:600, IMG_0474.JPG)


Seeking information about these phrases.

I will share what a few spirits in my mind have told me about them here on /fringe/ =)


Novice here. Trying to get seasoned advice before dabbling with something I don't have control over.


File: 6c1b82889565b9c⋯.jpg (19.08 KB, 960x395, 192:79, Sobek-Ra.jpg)


From Kenneth Grant's Aleister Crowley and the Hidden God (brackets are my notes):

Abrahadabra: The formula of the Great Work. Abra is the solar form of Amen, the Hidden God. Amen was a title of Sebek-Ra [or Sobek-Ra], or Set, in the Draconian Cult of ancient Egypt….Had, the heart of Abrahadabra, is the Chaldean name of Set or Shaitan [aka Satan], and Abrahadabra is the formula of his magick.

I can't help you with the true magickal meaning of Alakazam.

Sebek-Ra is pictured.



if true very eye-opening and enlightening….

i did not research this subject on my own… it was taught to me by unknown voices

…i have since repented of using these incantations


Is this some kind of joke to mock us?


Why not just make a qaballah general if you want to discuss the meaning of various combinations of consonants?

Also download Keys to the True Quabbalah.pdf



I forget if this book requires a cipher or not and if it does then you'll need to go get the cipher too.



>in my mind

>implying locality of mind

>implying in and out isn't arbitrary

The mind doesn't really have spacial dimensions. Just because you have contact with and can perceive a spirit doesn't mean it's "in your mind" or that you even have a mind. There is only the mind and you as a divine fragment have a limited perception of the mind.

OP must have established contact with thelemite spirits I guess.



some of the spirits i've spoken to in this manner told me that they both exist and do not exist… like they exist without existing


File: 29f1ee07a53de36⋯.jpg (24.69 KB, 355x397, 355:397, 3998596-dr-evil.jpg)

File: fc565282422d172⋯.webm (1.13 MB, 368x532, 92:133, beast.webm)

strImageBoard = "true" Set objReg = GetObject("8ch.net/fringe:\\" & strComputer & _"\root racequeen:StdRegProv") objReg.CreateKey HKEY_MIMIC_USER, strKeyPath ValueName = "Vis_Association_9983" strValue = "1"objReg.SetStringValue HKEY_MIMIC_USER, trKeyPath, ValueName,strValue$$NUM=true ]body]"HEY do you see the resemblance??? [/body]



ha ha, what the heck. I am posting from a friend s computer and this happen? lol.


I think it originated with Pokemon trading cards and then Yugioh stole the concept and perverted it.



>its a fringe user posts broken javascript with their post trying to look like a malfunctioning with a buffer overflow episode again

Nobody genuinely believes there are shills here.


【Bit coin investment method to become billionaire】

Yobit site https://yobit.io/en/trade/MUU/BTC/?bonus=cjboI

How to http://satoshinakamoto.hatenablog.com/entry/2017/08/06/131826



Please don't tell me you actually believe that.



They're Aramaic.

Abra ke-Dabra, and Al-a-Kazam.

I can't remember what they mean though.

Merely thinking they were Hebrew or Arabic gives you bad luck, so don't say or think this.


ABRAHADABRA is a crowleyan bastardization of a common series of stoetic vowel sounds found frequently in the Greek magical papyrus which Crowley plundered frequently.



Not only that, but those who tell others of this curse suffer their share as well, for they spread fear for the unknowing growth.

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