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Esoteric Wizardry


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File: ae9156d505a2d22⋯.pdf (3.59 MB, Burns.pdf)


Start small lad here a helpful and pragmatic book with out the long winded texts and over inflated ego. Most Magic books are useless or usually tell you to do the same thing.


File: 5c81d5f55e1287f⋯.pdf (9.57 MB, David Burns - Feeling Good.pdf)

This one has more detail, reading it now and already feel better.


grant it most of this stuff is covered in the kybalion but it just says practice without giving any real instructions and throws science in there which makes it cool but

>If the Universe be Mental in its substantial nature, then it follows that Mental Transmutation must change the conditions and phenomena of the Universe.

Dont really believe by changing my mind I'm changing the universe I might be but I wouldn't notice too many things going out there to say it was me.


File: 9847be79b8e52f1⋯.png (104.83 KB, 781x397, 781:397, table 3-1.PNG)

cant say i entirely agree with personalization seems like a way to avoid the things you attract but then again I been a angry man and never attracted any demons in dreams or astral so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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