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So i had a dream where i talked to a guy that said he grew up under "Disney Mountain" and that 80% of the people there were chipped. I had never heard of anything like this before i dreamt this/stepped into the ethereal world and after i woke up i googled Disney Mountain. Turns out there was supposed to be a facility under "Disney Mountain" that would have all facilities needed to live there: a megacomplex. Supposedly it was never built(if you believe that): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zs6mkIuz2ug

Concerning the chip thing i also found this: https://www.wired.com/2015/03/disney-magicband/ and this http://wvrecord.com/stories/510588766-woman-says-disney-implanted-her-with-a-chip.

This is already an insane amount of "coincidences" but it gets worse:

Right next to Disney Mountain is something called EPCOT which stands for Experimental Prototype Community of Tomorrow, which was a place meant to utilize technology to build a utopia of tomorrow which however changed after Disney's death to some new urban nonsense. My theory goes something like the following. After the jews got a hold of the Disney Corporation, inspired by EPCOT, they start out experimenting with THEIR utopian world inside the Disney Mountain. Families grow up there and a social experiment is conducted where people are chipped and whatever other fun stuff they want is tried on them. Take it for what it is. Please don't answer if you think dreams are random firings of neuronal impulses. Sorry if this was a bit messy but i hope someone out there can make something of this… Probably ties into jewish elite wanting to chip everyone of the goyims and control everything.


bump. would be nice to have some people check this out.


Very cool. However, consider that information received via ESP (such as remote viewing and prophetic dreams or spirit contact) is not necessarily true, even if parts of it check out.

I have my own theories about why this happens. Some say spirits are just liars and tricksters, but I think what happens is that the subconcious mind gets hold of infomation (from the Akashic Records, you could say), and your mind fills in the details as it would in a dream or a day dream.

You end up knowing things you aren't supposed to know paired with a lot of fantasy.

Since you perceived actual extrasensorial information, you tend to believe all of it, but you need to discern what is real and what is your mind filling in the blanks with imagination.

This is one of the reasons remote viewing is so unreliable on its own.

My guess is there is a way to overcome this. Think of how in dreams you can start with a real thought or an emotion and everything ends up full of symbolism, random associastions and other "mental garbage". How do you solve this? Lucidity and even better, being awake. I believe great focus and mental discipline (what we would call "lucid living" or being actually awake in waking life, as the Buddhists say) would result in. ESP sources being more reliable. This includes "spirits" lying less.



Sorry. I messed up some spelling there. Fucking phone.

In short, I think you perceived the info on those links in your dream all right, but that doesn't mean the rest of it is true as well. You can't believe ESP because any of it could be "tainted". Same thing with channelings, sadly. You need a second source for corroboration, or to physically go and investigate.



Well. The thing is i don't live in the states and i didnt really know 'Disney Mountain' was a thing even and i give zero fucks about disney or their themeparks so of all things…

And then when i check it out i see there is such a thing like 'Disney Mountain' and there's even a megacomplex under it…. Already here it's way too much coincidence logically possible. Then you can add to it how also in the regular park disney experiments with wristbands enmasse using the same technology they would use inside the mountain only as a wristband and also the fact that woman was chipped…

I mostly dropped it here because i was hoping someone would research it further as i imagine i don't have too much time on my hands these days.



The idea is this place is the experimental society of tomorrow. Already today the banks want to move away from cash, so if nothing is done in a decade or so, cash will no longer exist, it will all be on cards. The next step is of course to use a chip, but even though they are already paying for positive news articles etc about this they probably wont be able to implement it atleast until they can erase cash as a concept. This community under Disney Mountain is probably one of or the one place they try this kinda dystopian future society out. A kind of microcosm where they can control food-intake and water-intake which they aldready do in the developed world to a less imperfect degree but gaining better and better control of every year. When they have perfect control of input & output, they can create their dystopia and most people won't have a clue theyre doing it to them because the control is so complete. A bit like today only even worse.



The best thing that could happen is if someone stakes this place out. Or call the water services and ask if the water into disney mountain is live… Perhaps they grow their own food or so inside there or perhaps they drive trucks with deliveries there. Its if someone does this and manages to get it out to enough independent news services(hard to find i know, even local news are usually owned by bigger conglomerates) on the internet or locally and it blows up, the faux news will be forced to cover it to not lose credibility as press and not just a propaganda outlet.



>Well. The thing is i don't live in the states and i didnt really know 'Disney Mountain' was a thing even and i give zero fucks about disney or their themeparks so of all things…

>And then when i check it out i see there is such a thing like 'Disney Mountain' and there's even a megacomplex under it…. Already here it's way too much coincidence logically possible.

I may not have explained my view correctly. Those things you indeed picked up via extrasensory means in your dream. But that doesn't mean the rest of it has to be true.

Please re-read my previous posts with this clarification in mind and you will understand what I mean. Again, let me state that you cannot depend on ESP alone to extract truthful, definite information about reality.

One of such sources of ESP contamination can be the subconscious. Are you sure you didn't believe any of this to be true beforehand, even in an abstract way?

My own belief is that these underground facilities exist for experimentation and as part of a parallel society, but your theory about it being a model for a large scale implementation doesn't quite make sense to me. Mainly because they don't need more control than they have now. Their potential for power given their current amount of control over society is largely yet undeveloped.


That I like. Take ESP-acquired information as a basis for an experimental investigation. Such an investigation will often reveal that although the initial extra-sensory impression was on target, the details were largely inconsistent.

I'm not anywhere even remotely near that place, so good luck if you decide to chase this. Hope you report back.



Well, a lot of stuff in my dream i have chosen to just ignore but the things i know were not imagination is "i grew up under disney mountain, 80% of the people there are chipped" and disney and chipping is not something i previously linked together :P I had never heard about 'disney mountain'(thats why i googled it to see if it was a real place and not just me being crazy) and it turns out, yes it is a real place and there's even a megacomplex under it….

For the chipping thing, well ive already made my case there. Of course this idea that JUST because i didnt know that disney mountain existed and JUST because it happened to exist AND there were a megacomplex there AND disney experiments with the kind of technology that chipping will entail AND there's even a woman claiming to be chipped by them doesn't mean that the other stuff he said about growing up there is true, but i think, because those other things checked out, it is definitively worth a check… that this facility acts as a prototype community of tommorow is just an inference, i admit, but i don't think it's a bad one considering everything. What else would it be for?

>Mainly because they don't need more control than they have now. Their potential for power given their current amount of control over society is largely yet undeveloped.

No. You need to research more then. They control food. They control money. They control big business and most of the "free-speech" centres online are controlled opposition and limited hangout ops. /pol/ for example is such a thing. So of course they want complete control. That is why they are doing these things. They already have an insane amout of control, but what they want is perfection and until they have that, they won't step down.

Anyway. Despite what we may think about these things, i think this subject merits more research, both online and offline. Offline would be the best but i don't live in the US myself. I also think this subject is one in which many people won't take seriously because they cannot fathom that ultimate evil is something that exists and that evil is the force that controls most of the world.



i just heard on the radio yesterday about some entrepreneur who's had a chip inserted in his hand between his thumb and index finger. He uses it to open the doors to his workplace and unlock his computer. His vision was that these chips would be used as debit cards and anything where you need a code.

Sounds dumb tbh, as this means you could just force someone unlock things and pay by holding their hand up. Not to mention skimming someone's chip by just passing a device by their hand, and in one sec you have all their passwords to their whole life.



Doesn't sound dumb at all. Does it sound dumb to carry a credit card instead of cash? But they could just steal ALL your cash if they steal your credit card! Well obviously, carrying cash is much smarter.

Same argument with chips. Once they start issuing id chips i'm getting chipped the first, I hate carrying around documents and ids and passports. Waste of space and paper imo


Does anyone know where it is? If one of us were close enough to investigate it…



I wouldn't want to antagonize, but I really want to make a point here and I'm not sure I'm getting it across properly.

When it comes to ESP (remote viewing being a prime example of this), noise and signal are indistinguishable from each other. I could give you a target to remote view, one you knew nothing about, and you will always get part of the information as accurate and part of it as complete fantasy taken from your subconscious, mine and other sources. There is no way to know unless you can contrast your ESP impressions via other means. That's just how it is according to all research done to date.


Doesn't it strike you odd that all these convenient methods would be super useful if somebody one day decided to implement a worldwide dictatorship of some kind? What a coincidence, that all these conveniences would make world government a breeze to manage.

It's no coincidence, they're paving the way. Of course it doesn't make any difference if you decide to get chipped or not. But don't be naive; it's not about convenience. It's about efficiency in control.

And this ties to what I was saying before:

>mainly because they don't need more control than they have now. Their potential for power given their current amount of control over society is largely yet undeveloped

Their control is underdeveloped because it's too hard to manage. As they get better at managing the population, they will step up their control measures.

Perhaps OP is onto something after all when he says this Disney Mountain complex might be a testing grounds for these technologies.


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It's here. This is an old blueprint though, i don't know if the entrance would be the same place it is on the map or if it looks different now, but it's worth a check.

edit: update, it's not here on google earth… there's no mountain. either they leveled it or it was never there only the construction plans… idk wth is going on.




well im miffed(is that the word?). One things for sure is that Disney loved making mountains. Not sure if these are worth checking out. I guess they could all be reffered to as "disney mountain" but i would think the first one to be the most likely as it was literally called it.


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Strange experience but I do think everything you are saying is complete conjecture and you are kind of winding yourself up. Considering what >>102197 is saying you should be a bit more open to more possibilities such as outside manipulation or sub-conscious contamination of said information. You say the dream then right after "something called EPCOT" then "the jews"… it just seems like you are pulling what you want out of this scenario. I have been to EPCOT it is just a part of Disney World you go there and they have lots of rides which are kind of like future prototypes of transportation or little eco-systems and the like they have made to show self-sustaining environments. It's just like a science theme park, for someone who doesn't know what it is and has never been you sure pushed a whole lot of malevolence on it. Also when I went there I never saw anything to do with wristbands unless they were just little bits of plastic to get into lines and stuff.

Disney is orchestrating massive experiments in which they put large populations together in utopian environments and give them all chips to monitor everything about them? Okay, to me you'd have to be legit mad if you think your dream proved anything like that, you're very quick to point the finger at the jews and evil elite planning to chip everyone but is this really a rational reaction to a slightly strange dream? Taking things like remote viewing, other entities, and of course the powerful tool of the sub-conscious in of itself seems like some better things to consider rather than come up with some grand conspiracy theory about a place you have never been anywhere near and know next to nothing about. All it takes is for some "guy" in a dream to say disney mountain and something about chips and you think the rest of your trail is justified?



>Once they start issuing id chips i'm getting chipped the first

You don't seem to get it. If you have debit card and they steal it, they still need the code for it (at least in my country) and access to your internet bank to use it online. If they hack your email they still only have that much, same with stealing the keys to your workplace, or stealing your ID card. Because all these personal items are littered all over the place with different passwords, you can't control a person's life if you just steal one.

BUT… if you have a chip under your skin, which gives access to EVERYTHING, all you have to do it steal the chip or copy the information stored on it. Chips like this are contactless, obviously as they are under the skin. Contactless debit cards are now starting to be a thing here, and it's been found that the information on them can be copied with a device similar to the pay station used in a shop. Some journalist tried it, it takes one second of walking close to the person and it can be skimmed through the handbag where the card is kept.

Inserting/removing the chips from under the skin was said to be a simple process, it only takes a needle. Ist it so hard to imagine someone stealing your chip from your hand this way? The security issues this creates are ridiculous. You can take over someone's entire life in a few seconds if you get the chip.

If that doesn's sound dumb to you, I have nothing more to say. Be the sheep that you are then.



i think it means SOMETHING yes, when i find that there is a site called disney mountain and there is a megacomplex there and disney, if you bothered checking the links, have been experimenting with the same kind of tech youd need in chips and there's also a woman claiming she has been chipped.

I am not a COINCIDENCE theorist you see. I feel like im repeating myself. It would be nice if people tried a minimum of reading comprehension.


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So your response to what I said is: you can't read and you never clicked any of the links I posted…

Excuse me, but what in my post did I say that was wrong or what have I made out that you didn't say? Why do you assume that because I disagree with you and make some points to think about the only thing you can comprehend is that I must not of clicked your links? This is highlighting somethings about you, if someone doesn't nod their head in agreement you then tell yourself they must be stupid and that they simply don't have the same information as you do or else they would agree with you, whilst at the same time, avoiding everything they have said and evading every point made in opposition.

It seems to me that you are not in fact as bright as you yourself think or else you could actually explain and deconstruct others points instead of putting negative labels onto people and refusing to see any fault in your own personal lines of thinking.



and a government or a bank could fuck your life completely up if you get on their shit list a lot easier than they can today. They could lock you out of your work, your home, gps track you, whatever nefarious things you can think of, someone will want that power and theyll get it too eventually, slowly eroding peoples freedom year by year until they have you completely by the balls. But let's just ignore all of those things because the people on top of the pyramid are "nice" people and a chip allows us to be even more lazy.



that's great man. i suppose i should have pointed it out to you but if you reread what i wrote i didn't specifically mention that it was something nefarious with epcot center, nor did i say i had proof of anything, if i did i would go to the papers, that should be pretty obvious…

all im saying for the nth time is that i had never heard about something called disney mountain before the dream. in the dream he mention he grew up under there and it just so happens to atleast have been plans for a disney mountain with facilities that would have allowed people to live there plus chipped woman etc. you are welcome to say these are all coincidences but i don't believe in coincidences and would rather be a conspiracy "theorist" than a coincidence theorist because guess what: the conspiracy theorist is the only one that actually LEARNS SOMETHING at the end of the day.



I have some bad news for you… They can already do all of those things. No idea why you decide to create phantoms for yourself like the way you are doing right now for everyone. If I had to make a guess I'd say you were about 19 years old from a non-english speaking country in Europe who's been hanging around on /pol/ for about 9 months and has no idea wtf he is talking about yet. If not, at least you know how you are coming across.



The point is they can do it even easier with a chip. Do you understand now? You are completely offbase btw, how old are you?



You had a dream were some guy said "Disney Mountain" and it turned out there was an obscure place never built called Disney Mountain - wow man you honestly think that is even that big of a deal?

>A guy in a dream told me "Disney Mountain" an that 80% were chipped


>I managed to find an article after searching for it were some woman claims she was chipped by Disney


Sorry man, clearly everything you are assuming here is true, even though you admit you have no proof of anything, fuck proof, thats some jew shit right? Forget everything anyone said about the sub-conscious, remote viewing, or any other theory that is presented man because you know what this shit is irrefutable and the only reason I didn't see before was because I can't read very well and I didn't watch 1 hour and 52 minutes of this autist go through old blueprints of scrapped Disney architecture.

>Epic Wynn



Arguing will get us nowhere. Either you have severe reading comprehension issues or you are an agent. I guess its not strange that a megacomplex made for housing people and living just happened to exist under a mountain i didnt know existed inline with what would have to exist if the guy in the dream wasn't full of shit. Whatever man. I don't have time for this, believe what you want.


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>Arguing will get us nowhere. Either you have severe reading comprehension issues or you are an agent.







Hi again. I feel obliged to repeat myself. The fact that you received or accessed information psychically does not mean all of it is true, even if part of it checks out. You should not blindly trust your psychic perceptions.

Do you understand I'm not saying it's coincidence or your imagination, right? What I've been trying to explain is that psychic noise tends to build up around legit perceptions in a way that makes both indistinguishable and for that reason you shouldn't get carried away. Without empirical proof you would do well to treat the unconfirmed parts of your dream the same way you would treat condcious speculation done during wakeful research.

Do you understand what I'm trying to say?


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Old enough to have seen your type pop up many times over the years. I can smell the youth and /pol/ on you from here. If you are in fact not very young that is quite worrying.


>Coherent argument will get us nowhere. Name calling though is totally mature and productive.



yes, i understand. i know its hard to believe but i have actually read dean radin and people like that and know exactly what you are talking about. in my experience, if one has meditated for a long time one can learn to see when imagination starts and when spirits are talking or other people. it has a different light spectra. i don't know how to explain it better than that and im not 100% on this because i only recently started to be able to do it. i do not blindly trust my psychic perceptions or else i wouldnt have made the thread :)




Shills get out.



You're beyond hope. You really have a long way to go on the path brother.



>If that doesn's sound dumb to you, I have nothing more to say. Be the sheep that you are then.

So if I like something you don't like, that makes me a sheep? Guess what faggot, I'll be the one enjoying the benefits of technology while you sit in your basement theorizing about the end of the world.

Are you so "bright" you didn't even think on using pin codes with the chip? Same as they do with a credit card? You are so obtuse you can't even think about the technical stuff. No, yet won't chop your finger to steal your life, most likely you will just not need to carry a credit card, still need to input a security number.



that wasnt me (that is; OP) :) i didnt realize everyone had icons here, not ids.



Well I find that hard to believe to be honest I think you are lying and full of shit, of course I have no proof of that, but by the same standards of analysis you hold so close you lying is just as much a reality as whatever other bullshit you pull out your ass about Disney fuckin Mountain. You think you are clever but you have just shown yourself to everyone to be a grade-A dumbass, have fun with that kid. You circumvent every point made just to insert your own self-infatuated nonesense over the top of other people.


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