I would like to discuss the nature and functioning of thoughtforms and their programming/creation.
I'm going to share a method of thoughtform creation that has proven extremely effective. It is 100% original research, developed from scratch and not taken from any book, although given that it uses very basic concepts, it is bound to share similarities with other stuff out there.
It should be used as a short to middle term spell, for causing something to happen later in the day or in the following 24 hours. It works very well for things you want regularly. The best example of this kind of spell is the native Americans' rainmaking rain dances.
This I use in real life every day. I won't go into details in the spirit of keeping silent. It might seem silly or basic to you, but the results and synchronicities that accompany its use are eerie and frankly very empowering in your day to day.
I would like people to share their methods and experiences likewise. Not only for the benefit of others of varying stages of development, but also so that we can experimentally do first-hand research on what makes these things tick.
The method I'm going to share is based on the concept of sigilization applied to mudras as full-body sigils.
I would appreciate if this thread did not focus on proving whether a method is valid or not. This works as I'm going to explain it. I'm interested in knowing why, not in proving my skill as a magician to you. Everyone should share whatever works for them in the same spirit, so that we may all learn something or consider perspectives or methods we haven't considered before. First-hand research and experimentation are priceless. Everything below has been developed through trial and error.
As always, start by deciding your intent. Know what you want. If you try to cast a spell just to see what will happen, if anything, chances are nothing will. As with everything I'm writing here, I don't know why it works this way, but I do know whatever you are casting for needs to be something you truly want with no conflicting emotions about it. You definitely feel you deserve it, or are truly determinate to get it. Word it in a non ambiguous manner, binding the outcomes you want to explicitly make happen or avoid ("harming none", etc.). Make it into an incantation. Rhythm and rhyme work on your favor. I like to start with something along the lines of "by this ritual…", so as to announce the relationship between the ritual and the intent.
Devise a little dance or hand motion that symbolizes your desired outcome the best you can. You can use your upper body, your hands only or your whole body. The "dance" should have a component of dexterity to it, so that it is difficult to get all the movements perfect in one try. Think of the show The Magicians.
It is important that the "dance" represents in your mind the moment your intent has come to pass in a symbolic manner. Enact with your body your intent symbolically.
It is also important that it has rhythm and flow, as your incantation. The easier it lends itself to trance, the better. Every movement should flow right into the next. Think of this as a sigil in motion that uses your whole body instead of ink on paper. It needs to be involved enough that you can get "into it".
The first dozen times you perform the ritual (the time needed depending on its difficulty or the odds of happening it naturally, http://www.specularium.org/index.php/wizardry), you want to "program" the ritual as you do it.
Do the dance as you recite the incantation. Over and over until you get into a light trance. Do it until you feel satisfied with your performance (or until you give up). That is, do it until the flow and rhythm between your words and your movements is perfect, and the movements themselves are on queue, balanced and in general make you feel like you've nailed a kata in martial arts class or a riff on your guitar.
As you do this, keep visualizing your desired outcome as vividly as possible and involving as many senses as you can. Get excited, daydream as you move and recite and get into it.
Those of you who play instruments or practice martial arts know the feeling of flow you're going for. Get into the state of flow. There will come a point when you will finish a round of dancing or a hand movement and think to yourself "fuck yeah, I nailed that one", when every movement falls into place precisely at the right time, with perfect balance of rhythm and emotion put into it and a nice vivid visualization. That is a good time to end the ritual.