What are your thoughts and deductions from examining memetics? It was something that seemed to catch on a lot during 2016 but then everyone stopped talking about it seemingly. Memes are ideas or images which encapsulate and transmit cultural and symbolic information, but they are also a means of manipulation, deceit, and like axioms, pronounce themselves as self-evidently true when in fact they can be anything but. In this age of information a strong line of memetic defence seems vital, yet still we see swarms being so easily mislead, or, to the contrary, a huge amount of interest being sparked in topics which were previously left unspoken of. Being able to see past propaganda is an invaluable tool which we should all try to cultivate so as not to be easily fooled. Whilst having a good understanding of memetics also acts like an occult language of symbolism in which we can decode and draw images to reflect their most basic transmittable elements and how this interacts with the mind. Sharing what little literature I have on memetics and hoping we can get a good discussion on a topic which is at the heart of all image boards but yet rarely is talked about in detail.