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Hey cucks. You need knowledge to uncuck yourselves, not maymays, thus out of pity I gift you my personal library. If you haven't read a book in your life there is no hope for you, don't even post in this thread. Just stay on neetbux and watch chinese cartoons until your neural pathways are all gone. You won't make the cut.



Ohne Losung der Judenfrage keine Erlosung der Menschheit

(5. No identifying posts / namefag drama)
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Your books are shit, your material skills won't do you good in the astral, or any other stage of existence for that matter



>reading books

>not reading the akashik rekords directly

Confirmed for not going to make it.


>implying the rest of us don't read books and aren't successful


Don't try to NLP me cucks



I beg to differ, material traits and habits refine the mental instinct.


>not learning from theorethical experience

What if this what if that, not gonna make it.



>No Frank Herbert

Never gonna make it.


That word describes a phenomena that makes me my best me, and that has degraded from my practice due to a lack of revalatory coinage of the term "Aha! Theorethical!"

Thank you. Did you read that from somewhere? I always thought experimented with varying ethical scenarios growing up.


>There is a Schopenhauer folder

>No files

I am disappoint.

Why have folders for a person if you don't have files for them? Are you going to update this at some point?



Are you trying to appear superior by having illegally downloaded a bunch of PDFs? I assume that you haven't even read most of those.

For example, when chemistry's concerned, you you're sharing way too specific books with stuff like orgo, when for the uninitiated, it'd be better to just share Chemistry: A Molecular Approach by Nivaldo J. Tro. It's a far more accessible book, and even it requires some homework to really sink in.

It's like you're some smug guy who goes to an university library to read a book called Physics for Scientists and Engineers (actual book lol), just to appear more educated in front of others. Just like with the fringe shit here, it's not the books that teach, but the exercises.



Who the fuck has read 1000 books.

It's just one of the many ego games, its' fun. "You're all shit here's a gift go improve yourself".

Good stuff in the history folder. Reading and absorption is such a useful skill, I hope I can read the 10 000 worthwhile books in the world before I reach 80.

No better day than today eh?

What's your opinion on the efficacy of the University path?



>>not learning from theorethical experience

what is "theoretical experience"?



Remember: a lot of disinformation on the internet in general.



Thanks for the books OP.



So does directly exercising the mind, its like saying calisthenics is faster than lifting



Why have you put Secret Teachings of All Ages, Philosophy of Freedom and other books by Rudolf Steiner, The Kyballion, and everything by Sigmund Freud in: The Furnace (Jew/Marxist/Commie books to avoid)? Why would you even have a folder like that were you collect books you never want to read, hear the name of the book and the author, and instantly dub it as commie marxist jewish shit? That just seems strange. I notice Darwin is still fine though, and Shoepenhaur, but Freud isn't? The fiction folder is tiny, I have read all of em :(. Already read pretty much everything worthy of note in the philosophy folder as well the rest for me is kinda redundant clutter like "How to Make Bread" lmao. To be honest there isn't an awful lot of /fringe/ stuff here at all and it seems from the books you read its all /pol/ack shit with any books you'd expect to be in there cut out because they don't fit a specific political outlook. That just makes me reluctant of flicking through all the random author names and then you get into the folder and its just one book about Hitler and the SS or the Holocaust. If not its books all focused on jews, you sure do read a lot of stuff that only looks at things from one angle you already agree with. Might as well jerk yourself off with them.

Was kinda expecting more esoteric or occult like books but all the good ones for that are in your "books to avoid commie jew marxist" folder lmao. None of these books appeal to me except the big obvious "must reads" everyones gone through at least once.



You've read all of those History books? I'm jealous. I'm way behind on reading. You seem to have read at least 200 in your life, right? How impossible does 10 000 books, most worth mentioning, seem? 1 000?



Not that anon but I've read about 200 probably more.

If you can master it, learn to read books without using your eyes, the process will be much faster and much more powerful and much less tiring. That or learn to look at a page, recall the entire page in mind clearly, and then read the mental image of the page instead of gazing at the book. Literally just hold the book in hand, take a moment to look at the pages, close eyes and read the whole pages, then open and go to next page, and repeat. There is psychometric methods for reading the book too without even opening it, just hold it in hands, sense what is in the book, wait for the mental impressions of the pages in the book to appear in your mind, and read those visions of the pages you get. To check for accuracy, look at the page number of the page you're seeing in your mind, and compare the impression you got to the actual page in the physical book. Some faith, emotion/desire, concentration, and a sense of the real self will enable this process.


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Good day, dear /fringe/.

The goal with this contribution is to offer you a kind of free platform where files of the following topics are regularly uploaded:


- human health (nutrition; paleo, ketogenic, vegetarian, vegan, raw food, earthing, detoxification, orthomolecular medicine, "superfoods", supplements, reverse hair loss, deformation, dieting, fasting, physical exercise and sports)

- sexuality (abstinence, tantra, semen retention, exercises to delay the ejaculation, penis enlargement, kegel exercises for longer erections and better sex, strengthen the vagina and the pelvic floor with jade / yoni eggs)

- Meditation

- breathing exercises

- Psychedelic substances and shamanism (Psilocybin, iboga, LSD, DMT, Banisteriopsis caapi / the ayahuasca vine, San Pedro cactus, but also ketamine)

- Cold showers

- Occultism and esotericism



At the beginning I want to upload books, videos and audio files that address these topics. In the course of time gladly more areas, if you are interested.

You all can inform me, if someone of you searches files, which he does not find on the Internet. I will do my best to find this material and make it available free of charge. Please let me know if certain files do not work or are missing.

I am aware that every person has a different opinion, which is absolutely fine. I can not guarantee or promise that everything I upload is 100% true and works for everyone. Nevertheless, I make all of it available. Maybe someone is interested and wants to get information. Each of us can expand his knowledge to help not only himself, but also other people (to bring our entire human consciousness forward).

I apologize in advance if there is little material at the beginning. My Internet connection is not the fastest, but I do my best to upload the files as soon as possible. Besides, I would be interested in what you think of this idea.

For those who want to keep an eye on it: https://mega.nz/#F!FJcSRapb!m8Mq41Zcj1vYVMYXKUE-Og

Please run all uploaded files in a virtual machine (for example, VirtualBox - https://www.virtualbox.org/ + a lightweight Linux distribution - http://lubuntu.net/) and read / watch *everything* with a grain of salt. I can not insure that they are free of malware. It is, of course, also possible to check it at https://www.virustotal.com/, but this is not a 100% guarantee that a document or similar is safe. I do not want under any circumstances that you get malware and infects your computer.


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Not all of them, all of the classics and highly acclaimed ones I have such as the mythology, poetry, Herodotus etc I haven't read for instance the more trivial titles or any of the books focused on reinforcing an anti-semitic white supremacist viewpoint. That's just not my focus.

I have read more than 200 books but in my opinion you are better having a smaller selection of books you know very well instead of simply reading books to get to the end, putting them down, and forgetting most of what it says. Re-reading is essential if you want to fully understand and appreciate a text, think of all the small details that escape you or things that seem insiginificant to you at first which end up being quite important as you go through it. In most books I will re-read certain chapters and go back through to certain points because its great, just like I go back and watch films or TV shows I love, or the amount of hours I have spent simply looking at one painting. I actually enjoy reading, I don't see it as a chore or something that is frustrating and needs some grand scheme of memorization techniques to get them into you. Most of reading is thinking about it afterwards, its not a simple matter of knowing every word, you need to contemplate and deduct the meanings behind the words. I think if you do that and actively think and pose yourself questions about the book you will develop a better reading skill. It is also great for enhancing visualisation, increasing your imaginative capacity, and your ability to analyse things critically. Memorising everything on each page is not reading, if anyone tells you they just pick books up and photographically memorise each page then put it down they aren't even doing the same thing. The amount of memory retention required for that to me is unheard of except in severe cases of autism and savant-like gifted people.

Its wrong to tally it up and consider each book another point so to speak, if you have that attitude and just want to read to finish the book you entirely miss the point, closing the book and reading the last page is not important, what is important is the knowledge and wisdom you manage to gain from said book. You can do this with axioms, sentences like those of the east, it does not need to be some saga of volumes. I have met so many people and a book will come up and they will have read it, but when you ask them or remind them about so many things in them they forget about it. "Oh, it was years ago" or "I only read it once and I thought it was confusing." I own (on paper) probably about 500 books right now, but some books you don't even read from front to back, such as my encyclopedias, textbooks, books showcasing artists work, or I even have a few books which are referential for different types of symbols, so when you say how does 10,000 or 1,000 books seem to you its a hard question to answer. All books are different and not all of them consitute the same idea of "reading". I've picked up and put down over a 1,000 easily, but books that I KNOW and fully understand, books that I pick up all the time and contemplate their words and messages, meditating upon tales and archetypal figures, that is a much more concise collection. I also write a lot myself, so I have a lot more reasons for reading than most, and I have a passion for fiction and mythology which most are not infatuated with.

If it seems like a lot I wouldn't judge yourself about it too much. I lost everything I had at one point, became depressed and neurotic, and locked myself in my house doing literally nothing but read books, sleep, and eat for about 3 years. Then I found God.



All of Shoepenhauers work is in the public domain as is all works published in the 19th century and before. You can find all of his books, essays, aphorisms, for free and legally widely available with a simple search. The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy is also a great free online resource for anyone who is interested https://plato.stanford.edu/ This becomes invaluable if you are looking at things from an academic standpoint.


Favorite Dank Herbert book? Have you ever read Hyperion by Dan Simmons? Its a very spiritual sci-fi.




Yeah it takes me forever to read something. I try to make sure my brain is mastering it. In special circumstances my mind goes x100 and I remember every single thing ever, and connect it all, effortlessly.

It's a matter of tension. If your brain doesn't tense and locks away information, you can recall everything you've ever read. Tensing when reading something (maximally, even) can be quite beneficial, locking it into the brain (though it'll overpower the less "locked in" information) and permitting some deep focus and analysis. I try to have my mind blown as a rule of thumb, which is generally in the relaxed flow-state of free association.

When I'm in the habit of meditation, relaxation, flowing, I can recall my entire life and read a book like I'm juicing a lemon vs when I'm tense and can't remember shit unrelated to the moment, and have to grind wheat into flour to bake bread.

I've only read the Dune series. All six. God-Emperor was the least understood on my behalf, though that's to be expected. It's the first book that made me feel that my capacity to read was inadequate, and that there were too many profound brain-gasms left locked in that book, that I could border on grasping but wound up only toeing it (considering it's fiction that should mean something). I'm usually confident in my ability to violate (kek) a book but it would have taken me an extra couple weeks of mulling it and rereading it to get what I should have out of it.



I have the same question as you about "the furnace", especially since at least 2-3 books in it have been frequently recommended elsewhere. The bunker now exist as a board but has not taken advantage of the possibility to add individual comments on why some of the more uncertain books are subversive. My first reaction is that it is 1-2% poison in the well and newfigs could discard other reading lists as a result, but I can not figure this one out by myself.

Also does anyone know what happened to /aum/? Some books in "the furnace" reminds me of the books posted there by the looks of it and if there is a divide I never understood why.



There isn't a single book in your library that I don't already have from the fringe libraries and from the pol libraries (which I also have).

People should just download Blake K's Health & Fitness library, the other fringe libraries, and the official /pol/ libraries and they get all of your stuff and more.

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