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File: 2af3bc07ffb5357⋯.png (28.71 KB, 256x256, 1:1, TheAnswerLogo256.png)


This is it /fringe/

The final redpill you've been searching for.

Are you constantly browsing through /fringe/, /pol/ and /x/ searching for answers about the world we live in?

Finding bits and pieces here and there but never able to get a decisive solution to this puzzle?

Who is at the root cause of this occultic mess the "elites" are partaking in?

The Illuminati? The freemasons? Aleister Crowley? Golden Dawn? The Kabbala? Rosicrucianism?

So many pieces of the puzzle but they never seem to all fit quite right…

Well today's the day folks. A nicely packed set of information that will finally clarify it all.

Obviously there is a lot to cover, if the answer was simple everybody would have figured it out.

So there you go, it's just one click away:


Enjoy and spread the word!


"Aliester Crowley wuz loominardy guis amirite!1!1one!!1!"

Fuck off n'wah, I'm not downloading your giga-shit.


>muh Bible codes

>muh Flat Earth

>I have all the answersssss


>"You are obviously smart and wise"

>ignore his antisemitic viewssss but the flat earth is nice

This shit writes itself, this is very low hanging fruit


I am very suspecious of anyone claiming to have all the answers, if you think you can have answers without searching, asking alot of questions gathering bits and pieces from all over and arriving to gnosis, you are just another cult selling something.



All of it is just links to various videos on youtube with 3 main themes

1. Bible study and Bible codes with some pastor

2. Flat Earth

3. Baby tier Christian vs Freemason, Illuminati conspiracies


Fuck are you even serious?

This is alex jones tier bullshit.




yeah , this is just a bunch of bullshit, and the disclaimer. this is a fucking joke .

OP are you even aware where you are?????!!!!!!!!!!!


are you from /christian/ ????

if so go back there , if not go spread your aids there , they will like it.



>flat earth

a nicely packed set of CIA psyops



Me personally I'm highly suspicious of anyone who claims they have all the answers but can't show they have attained, accomplished, or demonstrated anything worthwhile and goes through mental gymnastics to avoid doing any of that and still be taken seriously. In such cases they either are copying information from superiors and they are correct but they don't live what they talk or they are just full of shit.

Also the occultism the business elite takes part in looks like shit Napoleon Hill and William Walker Atkinson and others write and is just a strong relationship with God and the successful application of various principles of personal magnetism and so on.



I thought WWA was highly recommended?



WWA is highly recommended indeed.



every stick has 2 ends

black magic is the same as white magic except you don't kill the ego which results in deifying the guardian of the threshold which is a hypostasized version of the positive feedback loop inside your soul


We have a lot less of these shitposts over at


Less rulefaggotry as well.


If this is flawed can someone suggest something better? It's killing me, I'm going insane, nothing makes sense anymore. I want to go even deeper and understand this whole existence mindfuck at least somewhat. I think I have a very vague understanding of some.. things but I need something more. My mind is a mess, I'm not intelligent and I have no attention span though, what can I do? Can I escape this nightmare through suicide in some sense?



First find the question. If you do you will be given the answer because you created an imbalance, the faster you bring order to that the faster the universe can level out the imbalance by answering your question in one way or another.

Tease her dammit, she'll give you a kiss.


Its all just fun and games.



>Are you constantly browsing through /fringe/, /pol/ and /x/ searching for answers about the world we live in?

No because God reveals everything to me; whatever I need to know. Usually every week or so there's a different topic/theme that dominates and God in a most perfect and amazing way gives me the answers through all available vectors.

>Finding bits and pieces here and there but never able to get a decisive solution to this puzzle?

I have already an advanced understanding of reality, its operations and principles, etc.

>Who is at the root cause of this occultic mess the "elites" are partaking in?

Stupid question that reeks of ignorance. I know exactly who the elite are, why they have the position in life they have, what sacrifices they maybe to attain the pittances they receive, and where they will go in the future depending on their satisfaction, striving, etc.

>The Illuminati? The freemasons? Aleister Crowley? Golden Dawn? The Kabbala? Rosicrucianism?

What about them? I am familiar with them all and understand them well.

>So many pieces of the puzzle but they never seem to all fit quite right…

Whatever fag. Meditate every day upon God and all will be revealed through his power.

>Well today's the day folks. A nicely packed set of information that will finally clarify it all.

No I've seen your site spammed everywhere and it's mass-man egalitarian bullshit that placates only the immature and underdeveloped minds.

>Obviously there is a lot to cover, if the answer was simple everybody would have figured it out.

The way you say "the answer" is stupid. The only answer to all questions is God. Just because something is simple doesn't mean everything has to get it.

>So there you go, it's just one click away:


>Enjoy and spread the word!

"The lips of wisdom are closed, except to the ears of Understanding."



I am most suspicious of someone that says they have "the answers" and that it's communicable to others.

In truth every mind is only fit to receive certain truths relative to its stage of development.

As such profound truths can only come to advanced minds.

Not to the masses.


Before understanding must come self-development. There is no quick, easy, and accessible truths. Truths are simple in character, but from these truths blossoms elaborate concepts. Just like how physics is based on very simple interactions or equations that produce complex results.



>less shitposts

That's because it's a dead board with barely any content at all.

>Less rulefaggotry as well.

You have more and stricter rules than on here. Rulefaggotry is what you're about. You want to censor and micromanage everything.

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