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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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Welcome to the Star Gate Academy

>Developed and researched by the C.I.A.

So you decided to become a student of the star gate academy, see this post as an introduction and a warm welcome. The focus of the S.G.-Academy is a successful higher consciousness through the research documentation of the C.I.A.

To achieve this we will train out-of-body mechanics. Afterwards introducing tools, developed by the C.I.A. for example 'Remote viewing'. I try to get as many information into the OP to kickstart the training smoothly.


First session; introduction into the field of star gate; presented by the C.I.A:


>This need to be readed and fully understood

It might be helpful to get a little understanding about;

>double slit

>Quantum entanglement

>Planck distance; 1.616229(38)×10−35 m


Now you are ready. From here on out the pace of the process will Speedup, thanks to the C.I.A.'s investigation. Keep in mind, there will not a 100% success on your first try but still you will get some results. As more often the out-of-body task is done, as more successful you become. This will take one or two week/s. In this S.G.-Academy we will use the Hemi-Sync audio

>read "7. (Frequeny Following Response)" from the CIA-RDP96-00788R001700210016-5 PDF again if not understood.

Here the audio file


as well a FLAC DL file



While the training is going on, let's take a bit time to look into the archive of the C.I.A. about the records of Star Gate. Learn from other Psychonauts who already dived into the other Dimension. Share your findings.


Is there anything else regarding the subject, share it.

Try to keep this discussion focused and do not get derailed. If you encounter any form of troll / shill or just a lost anon, keep the CoIntelPro in mind and how to engage a situation like that.

This might help: https://imgur.com/B4sTEUZ

As well, report shitpost or any form of trolling. As we already saw, CIA shills try their best to stop any kind of conversation about this topic.


File: d2470770943b00b⋯.jpg (47.58 KB, 412x564, 103:141, Franz Bardon.jpg)


CIA a shit, post rare Bardons


>This need to be readed

Well for your sake I hope it's not in English.




was it the CERN thread? i don't know anymore but yes, the idea came from there actually.


I've tried to do this so many times, anon. It's not going to work.

Good luck though.


I'm highly sceptical of methods that require th hearing of specific audio tapes. There could be all sorts of suggestions in them.



read the pdf in op, there are a few other methods. Hemi-sync is just the best and quickest way.



what the FUCK CIA, ever since I played that damn tape ants have been swarming me and all my possessions, including my waterbottles and headphones, this is fucked guys



Stop leaving sugary snacks around your house.


File: 372a39353d6de64⋯.jpeg (115.68 KB, 650x449, 650:449, 1460992454-2255318845a41f….jpeg)

So a forced version of regular meditation, OBE's, astral projection, etc?

I can see how the tapes might help induce a lower brain frequency state, but beyond that, what else is new?



As I read the document, I can't help but feel most of the aspects of "single-mindedness" that the author describes are not necessarily obscure concepts. Perhaps I am not seeing the point of the CIA study, as opposed to other traditional methods, rather I simply believe the mysterious CIA "tag" is its only means of attraction.



>CIA study

actually, this is a military study. Look at the header of the pdf.



Thanks anon


File: b8cfbdb1b21aea7⋯.jpg (72.58 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, 2d2c4dbb5ee7950e50726e0248….jpg)


Thank you Lt. Colonel Michael Aquino. You should pay Mr. Jim Watkins, the owner of our site and member of Lodge 747 of the York Rite, a visit and deliver unto him any wisdom you might be willing to part unto him. Kek grows in power every day. As you are approaching the twilight of your life here in this mortal sphere of existence, may I suggest you distance yourself from the mundane activities of child sacrifice, feeding your adrenochrome addiction and committing yourself to our greater cause. Namely, the establishment of the Golden Path to the Stars and the realization of the Infinite. Perhaps even you of all people can find forgiveness and redemption for your sins.



Literally the only way to get to other planets is teleportation. Multicellular organisms cannot survive outside a certain distance from a star.



To other planets? So travelling to mars kills you because you are far from the sun, but teleporting there is fine? What kind of retarded logic is that?



No you can fly all the way to the oort cloud. But if you leave the outer reach of the Sun's gravity well you'll die. Gravity is not what people think it is.



I've read bits and pieces about non-mainstream understandings of gravity, but where can I read more about what you're saying?

This one fascinates me because gravity is one of the less understood forces by mainstream science (mostly descriptive laws, but no gravitons found so far nor other mediating particles).

Gimme a link please.


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but why




Can you survive out of Earth's atmosphere? Sun's create a sort of atmosphere made of energy. Outside of this atmosphere living cells will lose their ability to function.


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Well, i should have posted in this thread earlier.

Thank you for these files, OP. It was a very interesting reading indeed. I knew one thing or two about external frequences afecting the brain, but i didn't know it could be used to try something like this.

It may take a while for me to solve some of my mundane problems at the moment, but i will definitly give this a try soon.

If anyone has any more information about this, any other recomended audio files, any personal reports, i will be grateful again.




What about the soul, though?

Couldn't you use the soul to create a type of body that would survive better than protoplasm?




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waʿalaykumu as-salām /fringe/…i gotta go venture out


>when you fall down the Aquino rabbit hole



Are you implying that the entirety of "GATE" was just one big psyop?


new here, old x fag from 4chan. Sorry that it took so long.

great thread and info op, thanks.



YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Dr. Harold Puthoff on Remote Viewing

>Dr. Hal Puthoff is considered the father of the US government's Remote Viewing program, which reportedly ran between 1973-1991.



you know, you shouldn't just give away energy freely like that.


I've been reading through the files, here's some tidbits related to training.

They used hypnosis, meditation, and hemi-sync to enter different states of consciousness which improved esp abilities (Russia - Vasilev, Czech - Milan Ryzl, China, and America). Americans used hemi-sync with the "extended remote viewing" method. Some documents suggest a theta state (focus 15 I believe) while others suggest an alpha state (focus 10, the tapes have an rv exercise in this state) close to the schumann's resonance.

>theta is either 4-7 or 4-8hz

>alpha i've seen reported as 7-14, 8-13, and 9-13hz

>the main schumann's resonance is around 7.83hz

They also performed controlled remote viewing. There are training manuals available online for CRV which are written by students of Ingo Swann.



>gravity is not what people think it is




ive been paying attention to the blinking lights on cell phone towers for a while, Ive noticed that the ones near me are blinking at a strange frequency. I think… someone… is trying to teach people how to do it.



Simple, living organisms adapted to utilize all the energy it could, that includes any floating around and they are dependent on it. We're actually bathed in lots of different fields and some we don't even have names for and have no idea how to calculate them.

The circles within circles(fields really) principal might be entirely correct and that we are bound within our own circle. Teleportation might be the only way for us to transport humans interstellar distances, even then, we might be attuned to very certain mixture that are unique to this sun.

Why it would be gravity, I do not know. Even the existence of the hypothetical oort cloud to explain the origin of comets is questionable.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.






Electric Universe Theory says that the sun doesn't produce energy from fusion at it's core, but instead the energy you see being released is caused by electrical currents coming from muh aether, and it's this that causes the sun to exist. The theory says that the same is true for planets i.e. matter also generates from this process.

Also, if you cut out the continents from a paper globe, they will fit neatly together and form a smaller sphere. Which implies that instead of continental drift, the Earth used to be smaller and is growing.

This makes sense if you believe the EU's prediction of matter constantly being accrued on planets.

Vids related:

"Stars in an Electric Universe" - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Usz28nAYdT0 (embedded)

"Wallace Thornhill: The Elegant Simplicity of the Electric Universe" - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mINsiT70OHE

So my comment is that maybe living beings also use this as a source of energy



I've made use of the crv/srv manual and it does seem to work, just not all of the time. Some days you'll be able to describe multiple targets correctly in a row out of a large target pool which has everything from paperclips to large scenes, while other days you'll just be completely off of every attempt. I have no idea how one might increase the repeatability.






That's common but I don't know the reason behind it. There seems to be certain time frames in which RV works well. You can also exhaust yourself and will need time to recharge.


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Hopefully this post will help somebody out with good intentions.



Not only did the American Government have their STARGATE project to master altered consciousness, they also have instructions on how to manipulate an obscure form of electromagnetic wave called "Scalar waves". The technology used to manipulate these "waves" are called "Scalar interferometers". They can be used for offense or defense, and could be constructed by a competent engineer to be about the size of a handgun. When this technology gains public awareness, the average human with electrical knowledge will have the power to destroy or create anything they desire. It's almost like a scientific explanation of "esoteric" magic, being used for military purposes.

Here's the reading room link. I found it by going backwards on the reading room (figuring they put the juicy stuff at the end to prevent mundanes from sperging over it). This digging strategy may help find other related documents.


My interpretation of it (as a mundane with no practical electrical engineering proficiency) is that scalar interferometers can absorb or inject energy from any position in spacetime, leading to the interesting effects seen in Societ Russia's weaponization (see: "Cold explosions" in the article and their related investigations). This is what happens when all heat energy is subtracted from a given area. Everything is encased in case; humans, buildings, etc. Give it a read and let me know what your opinion is!


File: a73483acf70c19d⋯.jpg (7.36 KB, 400x249, 400:249, vão tomar no cu.jpg)

Yeah, that's totally so truth and CIA would definitely release a document containing such a precious information which would lead to their enemies to remove view their headquarters. That is actually so truth that the government is interested in removing all street cameras since they are not needed anymore, right? :D


File: b5cc41ae6044d60⋯.png (419.93 KB, 538x555, 538:555, CIA .png)


Releasing this was part of the plan. Now people worldwide can practice without using up CIA funds. The CIA can then just find the best remote viewers of the world when they need them, saving tons of money.

What would Robert Kiyosaki do!?



Hey dumbass, the CIA never wanted to release these documents; they were released as part of a FOIA request which they are obligated to do. Also, remote viewing evidence doesn't hold up in court. I don't know if you're a shill or a retard, but either way you should fuck off.


The hemi sync video is down, do i have to buy it from the monroe institute?




Thanks, but it stopped at 6.2 percent…



File: bf0d9e9cac03470⋯.jpg (194.92 KB, 924x698, 462:349, bf0.jpg)


Bardon a shit, post rare CIA




It doesn't, if you read the paper. The audio tapes are used to accelerate the process that can be achieved without them.


File: 8c116162cf03236⋯.png (68.32 KB, 773x197, 773:197, patprice1.png)




Jesus, just alter your head space and focus on the third eye or your crown. Problem solved. You'll even hear others and are able to converse with them.


Fun fact:

The cia tortures people to the limit using their psychic abilities and then kills them.

What happened with the glass experiment




Youtube just obliterated the video. Do you have any other link?



I'm fairly certain that this is the video, albeit split into 10 damn parts. It is a good lecture though.


I think this is pretty much the same script but given to a different audience



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File: d4ab24e5bbc7a3a⋯.jpg (3.27 MB, 3000x8134, 1500:4067, TWA800.jpg)

going to dump resources, some may be reposts

Dean Radin's explanation of how to RV (page 86-90)



Consultants International RV


Controlled Remote Viewing Manual by Smith


CRV doc by McNear


Fredd Lawson Gunn's manual


TDS manual


SRV manuals


Daz Smith's CRV manual


Helpful Vids


Ideogram drills



Target Practice








Example sessions done by viewers





And here's some of the hits I had a few months ago, I haven't really been practicing since. I might be delusional but sometimes shit hits pretty close. In the first link I got visuals of a tank on a dirt path and the treads kept coming to mind. The target ended up being some sort of treaded snowplow.





Re-upload of the Carter audio and some more links

>Former Prez Carter mentions how they used a psychic to find a downed bomber



>Former CIA director Stansfield Turner admits that they had hired Pat Price



>Nightline burn of the Stargate program


>History of the CIA program


>Grill Flame report


>Center Lane report


>Sunstreak overview


>Customer evaluations


>Discussing Pat Price with CIA staff Kenneth Kress and Kit Green




Thank you for a quality post.

>And here's some of the hits I had a few months ago

I tend to forget how young the demographic here actually is. Most people get swallowed up by the wage machine as time goes on. Stay young.


Can we also have an earth gate academy that explores the energies of the earth?

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