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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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These are probably the most transcendental books you can find, though I would spread the knowledge. Y'all enjoy.


Free PDFs


“The three words, namely Hara, Krishna and Rama, are transcendental seeds of the maha-mantra, and the chanting is a spiritual call for the Lord and His internal energy, Hara, for giving protection to the conditioned soul. The chanting is exactly like a genuine cry by the child for the mother. Mother Hara helps in achieving the grace of the supreme father, Hari, or Krishna, and the Lord reveals Himself to such a sincere devotee.

No other means, therefore, of spiritual realization is as effective in this age, as chanting the maha-mantra:

Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare

Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare



YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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Take Care


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>The three words, namely Hara, Krishna and Rama, are transcendental seeds of the maha-mantra

As long as you use words, you aren't transcending.

>is a spiritual call for the Lord and His internal energy, Hara, for giving protection to the conditioned soul. The chanting is exactly like a genuine cry by the child for the mother. Mother Hara helps in achieving the grace of the supreme father, Hari, or Krishna, and the Lord reveals Himself to such a sincere devotee.

>No other means, therefore, of spiritual realization is as effective in this age, as chanting the maha-mantra

This is no different than praying to Yahweh, Alah or any other deity. The true "lord" is within you, and has no name (or rather you have no way of knowing it). It is the name of your Holy Guardian Angel or your higher self. Crowley knew what's up.

What you are promoting is a cult. Yes, praying to a deity is effective. So is making pacts with demons and making sigils.

But you won't do any spiritual realization as long as you're doing that instead of pursuing your HGA.



>Crowley knew what's up.

Stopped reading there.



Too bad for you. You were past half of the post.

Perhaps you should develop a reading habit. That way you won't get tired of reading so fast.



Sick roast. How will I ever recover?


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Praying is on the level of beein pious which is to say demanding services. Devotion is the opposite offering services.

You can keep lusting for mystic power aslong as you want It will only be beneficial to your unfolding when you decide to become god-realised unless you fall father into this material illusionment even after obtaining such powers making you an "occult athiest"

Anyways I am an inperfect authority on such matters so trust god and his pure devotees, I'm just trying to shed some light on the path and it is my sincere conviction that all the free pdf's on krishna.org are of immesurable value to each and everyones realisation of the absoulute truth.


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Clarifing the import of the books.



>attain christ consciousness by devoting to this thoughtform with a name and a ton of literature and antropomorphic features associated with it

Don't you see a problem here? But by all means, keep chasing phantoms. It's you who is stuck in a belief system.


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"Sadly" I have no desires or expactations so I am quite contemp to march along.

Anyways don't sit here arguing whit me it is the books that where written by a great sage not my retarded posts.

>>Trusting the mind….


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Get out you Voidist, Jew'hova is a racial personal god, Allah is inpersonal and so are christian gods.

Krishna has inspired literature in which he himself is portrayed as a man among mortals, while still remaining in his transentental position (he incarnates on earth but while remaining on the spiritual plane, in a sense he sends a clone down to the material world, but by doing this we can see how the absolute beeing handels a variety of situations and inquiry's this allows one to, in time developp a personal conection whit Krishna.

To me it served as a brigde between monotheism and polytheism. Or the colmulation of Pagan and Cristian ideals

In conclusion if I was to atribute Krishna to a western name it would be Abraxas hands down.>>108375


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Another song


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Dropped a ton of Quotes in this thread. You should check it out, you'll be eternally benefited.


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>>As long as you use words, you aren't transcending.

You think silence is wisdom because when you talk you realize you don't understand shit. Actually once you transcend only then do you words start to have value and the real talking begins.

I'm not a realized soul this post is just a waste of letters, Srilla Prabupada is a realized soul.


I've been thinking about chanting this again, since it has helped me in bad dreams more than other mantras in the past. What do you think you have gained from reciting this mantra? How many repetitions do you think are needed to get significant results? 16 rounds seems a bit too much for me at the moment, though I used to do it.


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>>What do you think you have gained from reciting this mantra?

Love of god, faith and peace of mind.

>>How many repetitions do you think are needed to get significant results?

A single repetition, Fear itself fear's any one of the names of god. I've had a hard time chanting aswell but I've found that there are faster ways to recite the mantra ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2cngeJZ5UE8 )


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File: 69e5a83dc63706a⋯.pdf (11.12 MB, The-Path-of-Perfection.pdf)

That "PLATE ONE" picture was an accident I was going to post it whit the image associated whit it aswell as the book it is taken from.


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