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When i was young i had a dream, despite that it has been over 10 years now it's still a very vivid memory.

I remember falling off a tall building or skyscraper.

Facing up, watching my reflection from the tinted glass windows.

Memories of my life so far rapidly flashing in front of my eyes what i assume was the mind trying desperatly to find a solution.

I don't remember hitting the ground as far as i can remember i woke up before that.

In all the dreams i've had except three, always could somehow tell it was a dream. Sometimes even control it.

Each of those three dreams felt like i had died. Also, The other two dreams were much more frightening than falling. I could retell them if anyone cares.

Anyways, Not meaning to blogpost. I had a question.

Has anyone ever had a dream like this? A dream of dying or near-death.


Yeah I think I have died a couple times in my dreams. It's usually me in a situation where I know I'm going to die, like being in a platform slowly moving towards a precipice, and those last seconds always feel so weird.

I usually wake up when I die in my dreams


When I was in the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grades I had a recurring dream every four months or so. I was walking outside on a sunny day and tripped off the sidewalk, and woke up right before hitting the road. It was the exact same each time. They stopped completely once I realized while thinking about it at school that it was from a memory of when I first walked a dog. I was 4 years old and I wanted to walk my German Shepherd, and less than one minute after I took the leash he dragged me across the road chasing a squirrel. I could have just let go of the leash, but I wanted to do a good job :D



Does anyone else get the "Egyptian arena" dream where you pay lifeforce to enter. I'm starting to think that it's an astral construct which pits people against others.

I've been killed a few times in dreams. Usually I'll wake up at that moment in distress. Had ones where I've fallen of buildings and cliffs as well as being chopped by a machete to the face.



That's really interesting, I've never had that and I've only been killed during a few nightmares from my youth. I've had several dreams where I killed very many people though.

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