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This thread is for the discussion of Celtic Druidry. Please refrain from the following:

>Referring to yourself as pagan

>Dualistic thinking

>Spreading misinformation

>Claiming to have "esoteric" knowledge

People who should not post here:


>(((eclectic))) "pagans"

>Asatru LARPers

>Kabballistic Jew puppets


>Anyone who draws their beliefs directly from biblical or gnostic ideologies

Recommended Reading List:

>A Brief History of the Druids, by Peter Berrisford Ellis

>The Celtic Heroic Age: Literary Sources for Ancient Celtic Europe and Early Ireland and Wales, by John T. Koch (Editor)

>In Search of the Indo-Europeans, by J.P. Mallory (essential text book study)

>The Myth of Matriarchal Prehistory: Why an Invented Past Will Not Give Women a Future, by

Cynthia Eller

>Travels Through Middle Earth, by Alaric Albertsson (English)

>The Mabinogi, and Other Medieval Welsh Tales, by Patrick K. Ford (Welsh)

>The Tain: Translated from the Irish Epic Tain Bo Cuailnge, by Thomas Kinsella, Trans. (essential Ulster cycle reading. Irish)

>Druids, by Morgan Llywelyn (for fun)

Examples of what to discuss:


>Ritual order

>Divination techniques

>How the jews are controlling polytheism by "muddying the waters"

>And so forth.

Please remember it is your sacred duty to educate yourself in the ways of diplomacy, history, survival, ritual, botany, etc.

If you are curious about Druidry, please check out these sites:

https://www.adf.org (a more scholarly Druid organization)

http://www.druidry.org (OBOD main website. A less scholarly organization. boarderline LARPing)


Why can´t one be a hermetic and a celtic druid at the same time?


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A Druid true to his/her Divines finds all truths in nature and in the stars. No amount of silly kike wizardry can sate the mind's curiosity.

A Druid true to his/her culture will honor their divines, honored ancestors, and land.

You need look no further than what is right in front of your nose.

Open your eyes!



Are you really taking this silly nu-brit/pol/ thread seriously? REALLY LAD


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Shoo shoo, Jew.



Try abstaining from imageboards for at least 6 months. Trust me I know from personal experience it's unhealthy to use imageboards as much as you obviously do. You're becoming a living meme machine.



>if I'm not interested in Hermetics, nobody else should be

>universal truth can be cast aside for my own ethnic pride

>Ancient Egypt is the same as Ancient Judaea

Shit thread, dude.



He's literally imkampfy my man



>Implying everyone has to dip their hands in sand nigger magic

>Implying I'm a neo-nazi

>Implying cultural pride is the bane of spirituality

>Being this retarded.

Shit post, goytoy.



Literal cuck for Crowley.

Please an hero on the alter.



Any pride that prevents you from studying is a hindrance. Every system out there is worth devoting at least a small amount of time to, regardless of mundane opinions. Also, black people came from West and Sub-Saharan Africa, not Egypt.


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i've read once that the 'fairy-doctor' says to not be too public about Celtic Druidry

although generally it is said that the fairies are "more altruistic" than evil, there are still accounts of the fairies committing human sacrifice to various 'otherworldly' "gods" or creatures, and there is of course the 'orthodox' Christian perspective which maintains that the fairies will be damned in the judgment



>"the 'fairy-doctor' says to not be too public about Celtic Druidry "

more accurately, i should say, that at least in one story there is an account of at least one "fairy-doctor" who spoke no English but only Gaelic….(character named "fairy-doctor" by the literature the character is found in) who maintained that claim that he was not to betray any secrets regarding his beliefs and practices


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i thoroughly enjoyed reading in a book entitled "Celtic Mythology" by a really articulate and well-read author that the Romans gave some highly inaccurate accounts of early Celtic belief and spirituality…. specifically Caesar making the not exactly accurate claim to Rome that the Celts worshiped the same gods as the romans



Egypt has always been subhumans. Only Eurpeans are white you stupid shitskin. HAIL HITELR



Read up on the esoteric history of the Atlanteans and the Egyptians. There was a lot of travel going on in Ancient Greece, they founded the Mysteries with great parallels between themselves, Egypt, and India. And I should also mention that these were Mediteranneans, a far cry from the Nordic Europeans who at the time were beheading each other and living in huts. I'm ethnically Celtic and what little information we have of the Druids is exceedingly interesting to me, but I'm not about to let mundane politics and pride for physical traits prevent me from studying every spiritual system I can get information about. That kind of arrogance is for fools who desire confirmation and justification of their beliefs, rather than pure learning and spiritual evolution.



Greeks are shitskins. Only Aryans are white. Hail Hetlier



Then Western society has been founded by shitskins and you are fucking it up with your edgy trolling.



At last you see. The greek people have more in common with us jews than you dirty dumb gentile scum.

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