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Recently ive been getting into dark magick mainly through satanism but i feel like the stuff on the clear net are scams what do you think about satanism and dark magick is it legit

if it is what websites have good info about it


Everything that tells you it has all the truth and everything else has all the falsehood is a scam. Everything that requires you to found your beliefs on your emotions toward and opinons of certain aspects of society is far from perfect. If you want to learn about what you're probably thinking of when you say "dark magick," read this chapter:


If you want to be able to perform magic, go to the library here and download the Occult Seed folder. Work through it, and remember that the only thing that makes your practices "dark" or "evil" is what you do with them. You could do edgy Gothic rituals and heal people if you really wanted to. What makes it "dark" is serving yourself at the cost of harming others. I disagree with that path and don't expect you to get very far with it, but it's your choice. Also, read the rules before posting and take your bullshit LARPer questions to the questions thread. I recommend you read several books before asking anything else.



>implying that shit occult seed folder will actually help anyone get into magic



got any better ideas/websites


"Dark magic" is sorcery and you may as well become a kike or a woman LOL or maybe a pill popping meth addict who hangs out on the lower side of the astral FAGGOT



It has the Kybalion, and that's all I needed to start accomplishing magical feats. Robert Bruce, William Walker Atkinson, and Franz Bardon are three great authors also included. If that alone isn't enough, perhaps the problem is yourself rather than your material.



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