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There's this other Franz Bardon book that doesn't seem to have an English translation or a pdf/epub copy anywhere. I've never seen anyone mention this here before, and I couldn't find anything in any archives, so I figured maybe I'd make a thread. If the rest of you here do already know about it, I guess you can use this thread to make fun of me. I just found this video of some people who bought the thing. They're calling it "Textbook of High Magic", but the title ("Pomůcka k introspekci") translates to "Aid to Introspection" on the translation website I used. It's about the 7 Hermetic Letters by Georg Lomer (or apparently 8 according to the people in the video), which is in the library Mega Hermeticism folder. Does anyone speak Czech, and does anyone have access to the stuff you'd need to turn a physical book into a pdf (like a scanner or whatever) that wants to buy a copy? There are a few places to buy it online if you just look up the Czech name. This is one of them https://www.kosmas.cz/knihy/212930/pomucka-k-introspekci/


File: c1fc9953e145474⋯.png (311.43 KB, 398x561, 398:561, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d806753ee270d8e⋯.png (311.27 KB, 390x558, 65:93, ClipboardImage.png)

They are calling it "Textbook of High Magic" because the book you describe has a similar cover and you confused the two, the book in the video is not what you are writing about

Učebnice vysoké magie = Textbook of High Magic

Pomůcka k introspekci = Introspection aid/aid for introspection

That said, I have the High Magic in print, the introspection I do not have but I will keep an eye out for it



Anyway, from what I just found out, the "Aid to Introspection" is roughly similar to the Universal Master Key. The Aid to Introspection was not written by Bardon himself, but rather by his circle of pupils, although the book was ordered and inspired by him. So anyway…Universal Master Key should be roughly analogous…

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