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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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About two years ago during meditation I grew wings. They expressed themselves fully grown but hazy, protruding from my back above the heart. They are not always present but manifest when I gather energy in my heart or during times of happiness. They do not feel like the almost ethereal normal bioEMF that surrounds ones body, they feel like phantom limbs, I would compare the feeling of the wings to that of a leg or an arm when in the astral (If you have ever held composure of your energybody like it would be, resting over the physical while in the astral), they are solid like the energetic blueprints of an arm or a leg. When manifest and I walk around I need to balance my step like they are physical or I will walk awkwardly out of balance. I have never really given them the attention they deserve, I asked /fringe/ a couple of times but after getting only silence I reasoned that, if the community didn't know, who would?

I have done some experimenting with them but not with enough interest to unlock any supposed hidden potential (which I dknow nothing about). They give me an air or a presence that make others not want to fuzz them up by walking through them, they are good for placing, like an arm, around a friend sitting next to me to comfort, infuse with energy or to heal.

Lucid dreaming and astral projecting since I grew them has become effortless (even if it wasn't hard prior), although I have no interest in living in a dreamscape, when I want to AP I can do so easily, both entering the realms and navigating. I'm not sure what "powers" they have given me (if any) but all the tricks I had practiced earlier are easier and stronger. While staying "behind the veil" as an observer which is usually how I operate it is almost impossible for entities to notice me unless I take a step out of invisibility. I leak less energy and as a result can AP for hours compared to the 20-30 minutes standard when I begun the practice. They lend an assurance of confidence and safety which has allowed me to stay in and explore realms and places that would previously make me hit the disengage button with the force of a thousand gnomes.

At one point during an especially spiritual time in my life I grew a second pair, two wings pointing up, two pointing down (new ones), with what felt like a third pair budding, ready to burst forth towards the sides.

Initially I was reinforcing them. Visualizing feathers, the bones and muscles, to stabilize them, then I just forgot about them. When I aim to LD/AP I sleep on my back with them tucked beneath and covering my body. They vary in color, sometimes they are the color of the chakra of which vertical point they're at, most of the time they're white, sometimes with brown (one could argue its my color, brown eyes, virgo with ascendant virgo (earth sign)) feathers where they connect to my back, sometimes I keep them all green or they manifest as such before I take off. Pic is about the right proportions but with less detail.

Somewhere, I read that a doctor was perplexed with a patient who had pains in the back because of muscles on his or her back that weren't supposed to be there, the person had a history of spirituality and kundalini and I intend to get a checkup under the false premise that my back hurts.

I know very little about them and because I didn't want to feed some top notch arrogance I dismissed and gave up on searching for more information once I read about cherubim and other shit. I shared this because I was asked, because someone might be in my position and because maybe you have something to share.

I will be posting some relevant links and quotes, much of which I don't know what to think and feel about.



>> Auric Wings Hi! First off, I know it sounds strange, but I can hear spirits. I've been hearing them since I was 13. It can get a bit crazy sometimes…anyway, since then, I've been tuning in to some "psychic abilities"; I learned how to heal myself and others using energy, I see auras, and I use my energy to fight off the demons that plauge me. Yes, I know it sounds crazy, but bear with me here. In the past couple months, I have developed wings in my aura. They're small (about the size of a dinner plate), and green in color. I have the ability to move them too. Now, these wings aren't tangible, they're not like angel wings or anything. In fact they're kind of cartoon-ish…which is mildly humerous…So far, I don't know much about them; I figured out that I can store energy in them, and I use that energy when I need it most (healing myself or a loved one after a demon attack, or even for use in the fight against a demon as well).



>>I see auras and energy a lot :)<br />

If I sit near the back of a full classroom, it can even be distracting because I see everyones and also floating energy and even like energy i think that's coming from ob<x>jects.

>>I've never seen wings



>>I was at a show last weekend and was reminded of something that might be of interest to you. There was a gentleman showing people how to see auras and it reminded me of an event I went to about 18 months ago in Brighton. It was an evening with the famous author Diana Cooper. She stood against a dimly lit grey cloth backgound and I could see her wings! I do see auras but this was the first time that I had ever seen someones wings. I also went to circle many years ago and a lady bought in a huge lump of rose quartz and I saw the stone literally 'steaming' with energy.

>>Has anyone else seen wings or anything else for that matter??

>>Was she drinking Red Bull at the time?

>>Yes I've seen wings, on Angelic healers particularly. I have also seen the energy stream coming in to them feeding through the healing. I see my own healing streamand that of my students, when we do a reiki share we light up the room! Two people so far have seen wings on me, but I didn't feel them, I was more inclined to think it was the wings of the Angel with me.

>>Our posts must have crossed while I was typing. But in answer to your question, only a few people have wings showing, lightworkers like Diana Cooper and Crystal's daughter who is most probably an 'indigo child' and very, very special.



>>Aura Wings can actual differ in size and color… What Aura Wings are for is to measure energy level so to speak… So if you ever see them let me know ill provide more info.

>>OK does anyone know what Aura wings mean? My aura has them and sometimes it seems as if they are real, like I can feel them there. I still have no clue why I can feel them or why I have them. Can anyone help?

>>They would be your spirit wings… But I'm sorry, I will have to doubt that. Wings would be of course for the angels, which are not human (they are pure beings, and a human can not be this)

>>I have both. A halo and a pair of wings. I don't know how I got them nor do I fully grasp the idea of ascended. Do you mind explaining? Nor do I understand what I could do with them. Its like an extra appendages that are useless except warding off demons.


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i have one but I think that is from a working i did, i made myself a crown of light and placed thoughtforms as jewels with statements like "I am smart/strong/…

thinking about it, the halo appeared years after the crown was set in place and dispersed to the point where i can't feel it, the crown is likely to have ran out of energy but i argued that perhaps with casual energywork it would get some leftovers to keep it going and that was the result.



>>Hi everyone.

I am wondering if anyone else has experienced wings in their etheric body? Whilst doing a solo "retreat mode" AYP practice, I experienced a huge rush of energy up my back. 2 Chakras opened, one on each shoulder blade, and energy started pouring out of them, flowing upwards and outwards and then dropping back down, forming two "wings" on either side of my body, extending out several feet from my body on either side, and rising to about a foot above my shoulders. At the same time I "grew" into my etheric body, becoming golden, and about 6 inches taller than I normally am. I found the whole experience quite disturbing. I am wondering if anyone else has felt this?

>>I have actually heard of alchemists experiencing the wings. Search around here: http://www.levity.com/alchemy/index.html . I can't find the article which mentioned it, sorry. Yes, I think you're right when you say they are useless. It's only energy flowing.

>>I have met a woman who can see auras and she also see the wings people have. I had never heard of wings before I met her. She did not mention why we have them, but I guess I could ask her if she knows. My partner have heard from her and got it confirmed from another woman also capable of seeing wings that he has a very special and rare form. The woman told me my wings were locked, and that it was time to let them open. She made some stuff and said that I should not be surprised if I suddenly, when I least expect it feel a pull backwards - it will be the wings opening. About a week after I felt some kind of pull, but did not think so much about it. When I later took a shower, though, I had a distinct feeling that the water was touching me outside the body. I still do not know if it is wings… I am sceptical. But I was a little bewildered when I saw a picture of such wings painted on one of the Osho-cards I have…




>>Since ancient times the serpent has been a potent symbol for primal life force energy or chi. The snake, dragon, winged and feathered serpent have appeared in a multitude of cultures and were understood as sacred before they were equated with evil. They were associated with eternal life, wealth, intelligence, sexuality, fire, light and power.

>>And what about the image of the winged serpent? Does our spine have wings at the top, or is this only a metaphor for how the spirit can soar once this energy is freed and awakened? We find these images in the caduceus, a double snake winding around a central column with wings at the top, which is used to symbolize the healing power of the medical profession. It was an ancient symbol related to the Greek staff of Hermes which had great healing powers. (See http://www.crystalinks.com/caduceus.html). This also recalls the structure of a DNA helix, and so is symbolic of physical reality and manifested form. In Mayan tradition, Kukulkan is the deity who appears as the feathered serpent, and was thought to be the savior or bringer of light. This deity is also known as Quetzalcoatl ("feathered serpent") in Aztec tradition. Feathers represent the ascension of human consciousness to higher source.




no mention of wings either



>>The famous sculptures of the Pharaohs in Egypt with the two snakes wrapped around the headdress, this too is also kundalini. The Chinese guardian Lions grasping the sacred sphere of the flower of life is also linked to awakening. The occult symbol of Baphomet often seen as the symbol of the devil is actually the symbol of the pathway of kundalini. It is even depicted within both Greek and Roman mythology where it is symbolized as Hermes[or Mercury] ‘s Caduceus. A symbol of a golden staff with two snakes entwined together wrapped around to the top, surmounted with wings. This is represented as the awoken kundalini, the staff represents the spinal cord or the physical vessel while the two snakes represent Ida and Pingala the masculine and feminine energy channels. The Wings are the Awakened one that ascends their consciousness, the symbol of Ascension.



these are the kinds of things that make me cringe.

>>From Sananda :- ” After you have passed “The Gate To Christ Consciousness” at Higher Heart chakra, you are a fledgling Angel. You join the Angels because you have withdrawn from the cycle of reincarnation, as they have. After the end of this life, you will no longer take incarnation in materiality, except by special arrangement.

>>You will be a 6D being, and in order to re-enter the cycle of reincarnation, you would have to take a step down in vibrational level to 5D; the highest level where you can remain in the cycle of rebirth. 6D is “The Master Plane”, home of the Ascended Masters and the Angels. You are now a Master and an Angel ! You have mastered materiality. The 3D world of time and space is no longer your appropriate place. If you pass The Gate before the end of this life, you are an “Earth Angel”.

>>After you have passed The Gate at Higher Heart chakra, your Angel wings begin to grow. These can be seen with clairvoyant vision. At first, you are a `child Angel’ with immature wings, but when you begin to open your Higher Throat and Higher Brow chakras, your wings begin to grow, and you become a `teenager Angel’, with partly developed wings.

>>As the Higher Throat and Higher Brow chakras begin to open, you begin to strengthen your connection to your Higher Self (Your personal aspect of Spirit). The opening of your Higher Brow chakra (At the back of your head at the top; Indigo and Gold) allows you to see in The Light Of Spirit, and the opening of your Higher Throat chakra (At the back of your neck at the base of your skull; Aquamarine and Gold) allows you to speak with The Voice Of Spirit. The combination of those two, enable you to become a channel for Spirit.

>>As your Angel wings develop, and you become a teenage Angel, The Light Of Spirit begins to shine from your eyes, and your face begins to radiate a subtle Light. People notice that there is something attractive about you and they like to be near you. They are aware of your higher vibrational energies on a subtle level.

>>Angel of Light – Lei Astra

>>After your Higher Throat and Higher Brow chakras have fully opened, your spiritual connection is complete; you are a fully fledged Angel with mature wings, and you make the connection to your Higher Crown chakra. This chakra is already open, and your Kundalini only has to break through at your Crown chakra, rise up, and connect to it. This chakra is not “The Soul Star”, or seat of the Soul; it is the seat of The Higher Self. The seat of The Soul is at your Higher Heart chakra.

>>As your Angel wings are growing to maturity, your Kundalini breaks through at your Crown chakra, and rises gradually up toward your Higher Crown; when it makes contact, you become one with your Higher Self, and you are a fully fledged Angel. ”

>>Channelled through Rananda on 26th October 2010



no mention of wings but a good article on kundalini and being a yoga soccermom.

>>Kundalini activity made the author happy and healthy for over a year — until the night it broke through the last block and entered his head, causing a devastating neurological illness.





Makes ya wonder. Spirituality is a joke.



My guess would be that his rising energy was too strong vs descending, thus when he took his higher energy center out, he could only experience the strongest vibes or he's fucked up and numb. Fuck kundalini it's all about mana.


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Bullshit (((occultism)))



Nice. When my kundalini awakened I literally felt like a fallen angel walking through purgatory. I always imagined that I would grow wings some day. When I started to somewhat tame the energy going through me I kept thinking wtf where are my wings?

Help me get out of this lowly dimension. Even if you just have some tips that would be great. I try to use all my magic to make a world where everyone has a fair chance. I discovered that zero problems need to exist, and we will have nicer toys than a trillionaire has today by all focusing on becoming superhumans instead of dominating eachother. I have unlimited ideas to improve the world and keep us evolving. I could use all the help I can get though, since I basically just get raped 24/7 now and lost everything. Right now most of my energy is used preventing me from killing myself. I need to form connections with humans again, since that fuels me, and after enough time in the void loneliness is too much. I'm a grown ass man, have simulated death thousands of times, and fought literal fucking demons, but all I do anymore is lie around in pain and occassionaly cry because I become hopeless when seeing how what I interprit to be darkness controls most of this world. I think I went about as far as I could solo. I could technically continue on my own, but why not have to process go smoother? I was just homeless, and can't go to a Dr. Norm and explain any of us this BLESS ME OR SOMETHING PLEASE THANKS!



You are legitimately mentally ill. I'm not even trolling, seek help.



It's your calling, don't you see? If you have really gone as far as you can go solo, you will have no trouble enchanting up some money and getting on your feet again.

After that, get your shit together and start teaching what you know to people. Quit being a little bitch.



Not really an answer, but I love flying in my dreams. Pretty sure a lot of it is just bumping around in the astral.

Never had wings to do it though. But there's definitely a particular mental state or mental action I have to do to float/fly.

No matter how many times I do it thinking "man, I hope this is real life and not just a dream", well, then I wake up later and still weigh the same and can't just float down the sidewalk like I really thought I was doing while asleep.

Sounds like an awareness. Some aspect of third eye awakening, that your sensing them in real time.

But like so many other "spiritual" aspects, its like wet tissue paper versus a steel girder in terms of real world use. This place is denseville.



before you can love others you must love yourself, before you can lift anyone you must stand solid on your own two feet. you have a nice vision of heaven, as it will be, in time, your vision is what we all want and work towards but you aren't grounded enough to bring it down to earth.

you take upon you way to much responsibility. your number one priority is your own mental and physical health because if you pass on as you are now you will not be able to claim your rightful place as you would have issues that drag you down which until resolved forces you to reincarnate.

ultimately you are the master of your world, every action and thought has consequences, good and bad, its up to you to rise above the negativity, with your own strength and when you have enough strength for others to lean on you that is when they can use what little strength they have to limp next to you towards the finish line.

i wager most everyone here has been in your position and can relate, i feel for and with you and wish you the best.

live in the present and work towards being happy, poor or rich, it doesn't matter, if you smile from the heart you will see a thousand faces smiling back.

Bless you.



Yeah right.

I hate how New Agers degenerated information regarding Kundalini and chakras. Why not just make up your own terms if you are disregarding the original meaning and practices behind them? Anyone who claims to have had a "full blown Kundalini awakening" but doesn't have mad siddhis and isn't jivanmukta is just deluded. Even having an incomplete Kundalini ascension results in so much power and various siddhis that most are tempted to just stay at that level.



You are making assumptions there.



For example:


>they're good articles on the kundalini

Those articles do not mention entering samadhi. Without entering samadhi it isn't Kundalini.


>all I do anymore is lie around in pain and occassionaly cry because I become hopeless when seeing how what I interprit to be darkness controls most of this world

This person hasn't experienced Kundalini awakening either.




Ok you made a point now. Could you recommend some good reason material on this topic please?



Good reading material, sorry.




To know about real deal Kundalini you need to know about the context of the teachings, else you will end up with something akin to the stuff linked in the thread, "full blown Kundalini" people who can't even live a sensible lifestyle or, heavens forbid, "bioelectricity".

First of all - forget all "energy work" and "energy centres" and whatnot. Chakras are meditative devices. That doesn't mean that there is no energy involved, it just functions quite differently from how Western occultists believe it does.


Here is a good and short article on chakras.

Secondly - understand what Kundalini means in it's original context. Then you can simplify it, make connections to other systems, adapt it to your own practice and whatnot. The mistake of all the Western approaches to Kundalini is that they tried to do all that without understanding of what Kundalini is.

Kashmir Shaivism: The Secret Supreme by Swami Lakshmanjoo is a good introductory book into Trika, it has a nice section on Kundalini too.

Kundalini: The Energy of the Depths by Lilian Silburn is a study based on original materials of Kashmir Shaivism

The Serpent Power by John Woodroffe actually coined the term "serpent power" and is a source of many misconceptions about chakras as it's based on a very late treatise and not original materials (originally chakras were just wheels for example and not some colourful petalled flowers), still a valuable read.

Kundalini Vigyan Rahasyam by Swami Lakshman Joo isn't very easy to read and you can probably omit it tbh, still, information from an awakened being who was the last Trika guru.

Now, for more practical reads I recommend a fairly recent book - "The Roots of Yoga" by James Mallinson - it explores yoga traditions using actual yogic and tantrik texts and is based on the study of the tradition and not on some New Agey fantasy of what yoga is or isn't.

Vijnanabhairava tantra has several techniques regarding Kundalini. Just be careful to NOT read Osho's version as it isn't actual Vijnanabhairava. Lakshman Joo's or Jaideva Singh's editions are both great, one is more practical the other more academical.

There is also a book Layayoga: The Definitive Guide to the Chakras and Kundalini by Shyam Sundar Goswami but I haven't read it so can't say if the knowledge there is valid.

The Alchemical Body by David Gordon White surely has information on Kundalini too, but it's very academic and I don't like his writing style.

Other than that - just look into hatha yoga and Tantra, why search knowledge from second-hand (at best) if you can turn to the source of these teachings?







I opened my heart with this thread and decided to talk about something personal to me, something I vehemently avoid normally, top of the cherry, its something I don't know how to feel about and you subtly imply I'm retarded and don't know my energywork because I quoted the first couple of hits on google which werent as technically proficient as you would like them to be.

>if I quote bioelectricity in a droll manner that'll make me top wizard

Biological electricity is the closest thing to a scientific term we have. There are many words in the occult that have numerous synonyms. Because you're snowed in in your way of practice doesn't null the possibility that someone doing energywork intuitively without guidance can be better than you. Personally I take from all religions, use and refine what works and fuck definitions if I can get my point across.

For someone to have read and practiced so much as you present yourself to have done contributions in this thread sure do reek of subtle jealousy and arrogance fueled pride.

>>First of all - forget all "energy work" and "energy centres" and whatnot. Chakras are meditative devices. That doesn't mean that there is no energy involved, it just functions quite differently from how Western occultists believe it does.

>>I'm right, you're wrong, you've been doing it all wrong, you stupid newage westerner, did i mention only my way is the right way?

You wouldn't even talk to me directly but instead chose to talk over my head, I'm hurt and you can go fuck yourself, you semantically anal asspillow ascetic.


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Woah chill out dude, I'm not attacking you or your experiences or whatever. You experienced what you did, and I don't deny that. All I'm saying is that it isn't Kundalini.

>I opened my heart with this thread and decided to talk about something personal to me, something I vehemently avoid normally

I'm sorry that I hurt your feelings.

>you subtly imply I'm retarded and don't know my energywork

I didn't and I never said you don't know energywork, I only said that you don't know Kundalini. But you don't even know that you don't know because no one ever told you otherwise, or presented the original teachings.

>Biological electricity is the closest thing to a scientific term we have

Still, it's not Kundalini.

>doesn't null the possibility that someone doing energywork intuitively without guidance can be better than you

I never stated I am better than anyone else. I haven't experienced Kundalini ascent either, else I'd be full on enlightened perfected being free from reincarnation or at least a samadhi master with fuckload of siddhis. I am not. This is end game stuff, not some tingling feels in your spine.

>Personally I take from all religions, use and refine what works and fuck definitions if I can get my point across.

How can you use and refine what works in the context of Kundalini if you don't even know what real (maybe lets say - traditional) Kundalini experience consists of? If you didn't enter samadhi - that means, if you didn't stop breathing - then that wasn't Kundalini.

>For someone to have read and practiced so much as you present yourself to have done contributions in this thread sure do reek of subtle jealousy and arrogance fueled pride.

All I care about is preserving and spreading information because I think that there is enough disinformation floating around about these subjects. Whatever you experienced - it's yours, I have nothing against it, or you, just don't call it Kundalini, because it is not.

>I'm hurt and you can go fuck yourself

Real ascended master you are :^)

>you semantically anal asspillow ascetic

I love you <3

No srsly mane, don't get so triggered, it's nothing personal.



You're replying to a homerotic pot smoking hippie with manic bipolar disorder.



You draw you conclusions based on the assumption that I get my knowledge from Google blogs?


Damn straight this is not kundalini, I'm saying regular kundalini practice is what triggered it.

>no i didn't imply anything :^)


It is personal. It is very personal.



not even mad, its an accurate description.

and where the fuck is my flag.



Its not your fault entirely, normally I would wave you off but I'm sick as a dog for the first time in years since reading something that has me full of internal dissonance - If I'm not typing this now, telling you to suck a dick I'll probably be walking around cursing you throughout the day and neither of us want that.

>>no i didn't imply anything at all :^^^^)

Assumptive cunt.



Senpai, to me that sounds like a good opportunity to learn. Seize it.

Thanks for all the info both of you btw.



By the way, I just came across this synchronistically, from the Emerald Tablet:

>With great capacity it ascends from earth to heaven. Again it descends to earth, and takes back

the power of the above and the below.

>Thus you will receive the glory of the distinctiveness of the world. All obscurity will flee from


It seems to relate to the advice you gave me (I'm sweaty legs). Very nice.

Today I discovered something which may be obvious to some of you, but I'd like to hear your thoughts on this.

When I see porn or a girl that arises sexual desire in me, if I focus on compacting that rush in my lower dan tien, two things happen:

>my erection dies

>my belly gets hot as fuck

So I figured this is vril, yang energy? If this is so, it turns out I've been working exclusively with prana (yin?) all along, using my breath. The two energies have a very distinct feeling within, and this is something that had always puzzled me a lot, that everything I did felt very similar (prana).

Am I mixing up things here? Please comment in relation to my experiences as well, so that I may understand better.

Thank you.



worst nickname ever.



wew, the meditation i told you to do is something i made up that worked well (read most powerful) but yeah, thats pretty much it word for word. mind posting the excerpt?

>>it turns out I've been working exclusively with prana (yin?)

yes. you're all good. try storing that energy in other places for stuff to happen.


but this isn't the question thread.


but it is related.

the meditation i did was raising to crown to access yang then drawing that down to the root and using it to drag much more than normal yin to the heart (with a steady stream and the excess going to crown) together with yang.

trick is keeping a multitude of circuits flowing at the same time, in the same rhythm, with the same breath.


The past couple of weeks have been full of synchronicity, learning and progress for me. I'm so fucking grateful. A million random tidbits I learnt or casually read a long time ago all coming together in the most intense coincidences, revealing their meaning. Everything clicks together.

I want to tell these secrets to everyone. I hate seeing the world and its people so full of misery. But then I realize it would be no use. Only by following the process can they learn, and it's frustrating, and exciting, and so damn overwhelming and exhilarating.


Dubs of cosmic womb confirm best nickname.



>yes. you're all good. try storing that energy in other places for stuff to happen.

What about yang though? Dynamo Charlie used electromagnetic (mixed) energy to do his thing, right?


Will keep practicing, thanks.

I'm also going to read The Energy of the Depths as suggested by >>105130 and see how everything relates. I downloaded a long time ago (I guess because I saw it recommended here) and had it in my reading folder.



>Dynamo Charlie


with no kundalini you still have acces to the yang that is your consciousness and focus but its not of a quantity nor quality(?) that can be used for stronger energywork


last time i read these tablets i skimmed through the first paragraphs because it didn't make much sense, reading this now, its basically a manual for raising kundalini and going a step beyond which is bringing heaven to earth.

can all be summed up in >>105204

without the obscurity.


is there really nothing more to these tablets?

i can poop out better energywork.



Be careful with that hubris, senpai.

You yourself said

>last time i read these tablets i skimmed through the first paragraphs because it didn't make much sense, reading this now, its basically a manual for raising kundalini and going a step beyond which is bringing heaven to earth.

Surely they contain more. You just can't make sense of it.


>>Dynamo Charlie


Sorry, I meant Dynamo Jack.




no they really dont.


stop calling me senpai or i'll give in to the synchronicity information given to me making me sick, go full retard and demand you refer to me as adonai.


i'm sick because of you brownpill, this is all your fault.



"You have power over your mind, not outside events."

-Marcus Aurelius



Well, since "senpai" is a suffix, I'll call you アードナー先輩.

I have just finished reading a very difficult (for me) to find series of YouTube videos from 10+ years ago of some crazy practitioner, who apparently fucked himself up. The end of the series culminates in two exercises.

The first one reads:

>This is done by taking up your lotus position again with the spite straight and erect.

(the previous exercise involved filling your lower dan tien with yin, earth, energy)

>Air is inhaled until half of capacity of our lungs has been filled and the breath stays while a contraction/lift of the anus takes place. You want to isolate and draw up the perineum, which is between the anus and the genitals as if you wanted to hold in your waste product.

>Maintain this contraction and breathe in for about six seconds, while feeling the energy move from your spine up to your head, then breathe out for about six seconds, while feeling the energy move down to your Dantian.

>Breathe calm, slowly and smoothly.

It carries on with more detail, but you get the idea.

Quite a coincidence that I would stumble upon this channel without even looking for it.

There is more. He describes a second stage in which you "break the cords holding the dan tien in place". It doesn't go into any detail, I assume because this is a dangerous thing to do. Apparently this gives you all sort of demigod powers or kills you.

By the way, I think I have found a way to negate the effects of alcohol through energy work. The problem is I have consumed all the alcohol I had left at home and can't continue the experiment.

I'm not kidding. I suspect I would still test positive because I have ingested the substance, after all, but I am 100% sober after drinking a quantity that would usually have me talking to myself in the mirror.






please be careful.



I will.

I have a question, since this is now energywork general.

Why I contract my pelvic floor I have a hard time not contracting either my abdomen or my buttocks. Is this a problem? Should I focus on learning to isolate my pelvic floor first?

If so, are there any exercises anyone can recommend please?




i don't see it as a major issue, at least you have found and can tense the pelvic floor, that took me a while, but yes as you are now you're building foundation so you're right in that you should try your best to find/feel out the muscles related to the chakras you're working on, but i also wouldn't worry to much about it, every new work you do will redirect energy to a new muscle which will then set up, or "unlock", a brain association/control of that muscle so that you can tense it individually.

just keep going, focus energy to a part of the body and feel it click and you'll have succeeded.



Alright, will do.

Posting this here for reference:

Step 1

The first task is to develop the simple ability to contract and relax the perineal muscles. To begin, sit in any erect, meditative posture—preferably a cross-legged seated pose. Close your eyes; rest your body; and relax your breath, feeling the sides of the rib cage expand and contract while releasing tension from the upper abdomen.

Breathing freely, and without coordinating the breath with your muscle contractions, squeeze the entire perineal region—front, middle, and back—inward and upward. Keep the breath as steady and smooth as possible, without pausing. Press in slowly, and when the contraction is complete, release it slowly. In this exercise you are not trying to discriminate between individual areas, but to strengthen all the muscles of the perineal region while increasing awareness of them. Repeat this exercise 25 times.

Step 2

Next, contract all the muscles of the perineum and hold to your comfortable capacity. While the tension is being maintained, continue to breathe slowly and smoothly. Sense the area around the anus, then move to the central contraction at the perineal body or cervix, and finally examine the contraction in the urogenital area. Tighten each area as you focus on it, feeling the sensations there. Then release the entire contraction slowly, and relax.

Step 3

Now coordinate contractions of the entire perineum with the breath. Inhaling, contract the perineum, and exhaling slowly release the tension. Time the contractions so that they coincide with the breath. Jerkiness or loss of control can be gradually reduced over time. During this practice, begin to focus on the central region of the perineum, giving special attention to sensations that will be associated with mula bandha. Repeat this exercise 25 times.

Step 4

Finally, when you are ready, center your attention on the center of the perineum, and contract the muscles there tightly with minimal involvement of the anal and urogenital areas. This is the initial version of mula bandha, and it will take some time to accomplish it. There is no hurry, and it is better to prolong the practice rather than rush it.

Step 5

Once the contraction can be held without affecting the breath, other sympathetic muscle tensions are relaxed, and you will be able to comfortably hold mula bandha for some time. Then it can be employed during pranayama exercises and meditation.




with all your booksmarts you've come across nothing referencing energybody wings?

nothing at all?

im a big fan of hinduism becuase they're legit as fuck with the best system of practice, they have nothing on it, with all the yogis doing proper postures throughout the millennia?


"Omgz guyz lyke I think I lyke grew lyke wing." - Cringelton Faggelaggot

Excuse me for one moment.


Ok, I am ready to analyze this thread.

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha you are fucking schizophrenic hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha holy fuck hahahahahahahahahahaha



Guys my cringalini is activating in my lower ass chakra. I just pulled up some sweat from there, smelled it, and it smelled like a sandy beach. Could this be a sign that I am ascending to the 99th plateau? Could it be, that I have been chosen to be the keeper of the stars?






Cringe. U mad bro? If you have powers whyd you have to do the internet equivilant of telling mommy by using caps lock?



Shut the fuck up mundie I'm a god-like wizard.



>Cringelton Faggelaggot

That one was actually funny.



Cringe. Stop hanging out in a "wizard" board. You have the brain of a 3 year old. It's time to grow up. You make me cringe. Re read some of your posts. They make no sense. You can be a productive member of society and get a real job if you turn your life around today. Everyone else has been getting jobs and following the rules because they know they work.

You can be normal if you get the help you need.



sticks and stones can break my bones but names can never hurt me



Dude I have a very fulfilling and lucrative job thank you.

Please stop with the faux trolling. You're shitting up the board.



Dewd i make like 50000 astral crystals a month. Get on my level. Brb gotta take my zyprexa!


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You missed my post here:


You up for it?


Is developing my kundalini to a level where I become an angel the only way to see the higher dimensions? I just want to see 4D because I really can't visualise it. My interest lies purely in maths and programming.



No, feel/seeing your surroundings come first and are a requirement for grasping at astral travel.

Define 4d sense, what do you think it is and what do you want to learn and do with it?



Besides what >>105597 said, sometimes you will "touch", hear or otherwise feel the astral (I'd say etheric is more correct, but depends on the paradigm you use) easier than seeing it. It depends on how your brain is wired.

For example, I can use my sense of touch to "feel up" things when remote viewing or sensing auras, but I have a hard time seeing the stuff unless I'm in a full blown out of body experience.

I used to dream in purely tactile sensations when I was a kid, so perhaps that's just my preferred mode of perception, or perhaps it's because I'm not yet skilled enough.

In any case, don't get hung up on the sense of sight. Pursue what seems to work for you.

Either way, 4D structures cannot be "seen" in 3D, unless you are seeing a projection. You should be looking to "perceive" rather than "see".

I recommend you learn fixed point meditation and then apply it to geometric shapes.

Start by meditating on a fixed dimensionless point floating in front of you.

After you feel like you have grasped some deep realization (believe me, you can), move on to a 2D line, and over the course of months move on to 4D (and potentially beyond).

I haven't gone past 2D, although I was supposed to, but I got lazy. There is a lot of depth (pun not intended) you can get into by meditating just on a 1D point, so 4D must be really mind-blowing shit.

What you are asking is not newbie material, but you don't need to be a demigod either. Just meditate with discipline.

pls report back with your realizations


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Should have embedded this in my previous post.

You want to focus not on your breath, but on an invisible, dimensionless point floating in space in front of you. Or if you want, a point on the wall.

I'm not going to lie, this that you're asking is hard work. Good luck.



What do I think 4D sense is? I literally have no opinion of it other than a fourth spatial dimension that I cannot perceive. I expect it to be a way of seeing everything I can currently see, and then some more. In much the same way a 2D being with its 1D vision could be rotated 180 degrees through the third dimension, through the air above the plane before landing on the plane again, I think a 3D being with its 2D vision can be rotated through the air (or whatever equivalent) in the 4th dimension "above" the space before landing in the space again.

In much the same way a 2D being can only perceive a single line so even when brought into 3D, it only sees a line of our 3D reality, I believe I, a 3D being, would see an ellipse (I don't think our 2D vision is rectangular but I've never really thought about its shape before) of the 4D space. Just like with the 2D being, if I were to be presented with a mirror, I would be unable to perceive the majority of my body at one time. That's my idea of 4D. I'm kind of curious about the 4th dimension being time though, clairvoyance sounds interesting. I've had experiences where, when I intended to expand my awareness, I knew my sister was at the door just less than a minute before she actually came. I kind of want both but I think I may need to pick one.


What's the difference between seeing and "perceiving"? I do want to see. I was hoping to develop the 3D vision a 4D being would have, to somehow shift my sight to a 4D structure and finally, correctly see it.

I never considered the depth 1D might have so I'll give that a go before moving on to 4D. Hopefully doing the meditations in lucid dreams will speed up the process. I heard meditation's more powerful in that place.


I am grateful for the possibility of attaining these results. Thank you.



Youre not far off.

Holding lotus posture and meditating in a lucid dreams is indescribable, great practice.

For me, 4d perception, while awake, is, being able to sense the presence of others, being able to count how many people there are in the elevator with you with your eyes closed, feel/seeing, percieving (there is no good word), feeling/seeing with your minds eye, using your energy and aura to navigate others energy, grasping your etheric body and using it to locate other etheric energies, being hyperaware of the mood or vibration of your surroundings, as you said, an extra form of perception.

This is learned by developing your mind, unlocking energetic pathways and making changes to the brain, this isnt done consciously until youre at very far along the line and the way to unlock this potential is in the post above, meditating from 1d to 2d to 3d to 4d.

I think i wrote down such a meditation in the meditationthread but a few days after the board was wiped and reset without new posts.

Meditating on 1d isnt as simple as one first think because its the singular nothing and everything and its not a requirement for learning to go to 4d.

>imagine a 1d point in space

>imagine a circle (2d), once established make other shapes, like drawing on a mental paper

>3d, make seethrough geometric shapes, this relates to the first practice of 1d more so than 2d because you need to anchor the shapes around this mental point that is your mind, centered around this point make a cube spin or transform into things with more edges, the more complex the shape you can craft and keep sustained, the betger you can touch it with your mind, the faster you can make it spin without its shape blurring, the better

>4d this is the breakthrough, imagine a 2d circle, make that 3d, see through and rotate it (>but how will that work, itll always be a 2d circle?), put your awareness into the sphere, draw shades and feel the sphere from inside out, breathe, with each breath in the circle expands, each breath out it contracts, keep at it and something will click, you (your mind and essence) will become the singular point of expansion and contraction, this newfound mental state and understanding will then express in new ways of thinking and being



YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


In the sense I was using the words "seeing" and "perceiving" I meant to try and not limit yourself to vision (even if it's in your mind's eye) or any other of the fifth senses for that matter.

You can "perceive" concepts and shapes in a purely mental way that you will have difficulty translating into any of the five senses. This happens in meditation, but also in remote viewing, for example, and while tripping on drugs.

In that sense, you can truly "sense" 4 dimensional geometry in a way you would never be able to with your physical senses (and oh the bittersweet impotence when you try to explain it to someone who hasn't experienced something like that).

However, in meditation, you don't do this consciously, saying to yourself "all right, let's add 90 degrees to this perpendicular to these two axes and voilà, an extra dimension", while struggling to visualize it.

No. In meditation, you focus and empty your mind of everything else, and with time, the answer pops into your mind like a download straight out of nowhere. You usually need time to process and "unpack" those sometimes, especially they relate to concepts alien to your experience. This is the meaning of gnosis.

Sometimes you will "wake up" from a meditation session with a feeling of "holy shit, that's it!!", and realize you don't even remember what was so important that you had figured out. This is probably in part because your lucidity was waning (you were falling asleep) or because the concept you figured out is something you don't have the mental tools to process yet.

Other times you will suddenly "remember" whole lifetimes, know things that have happened or will happen out of nowhere, etc. It's pretty cool, but it also requires a lot of discipline and not getting carried away with desire, because then you hold onto it and it never comes. just like when you do magic and you need to let go of the outcome for it to manifest, interesting…



>is not a requirement

It is a requirement but you can go much beyond just anchoring your mind to this point in mental space and thats not needed for what you want to do which is to bridge your senses to your etheric field.

Going deeper in 1d is clearing your mind to reach a nothing that is everything, the meditation described instead has a purpose.



Any tips for learning to move energy around faster? Besides practice, practice, practice?

I've figured out how to move it for real and not just imagining it, but it's sloooow as hell by essentially using yin to drag along yang, and in some parts of the body it's nearly impossible to get the energy to move there.

Also, I can't imagine how am I supposed to do this outside the body.

Damn, this is exciting. Too bad I don't really have someone to share this experience with.



Try using yang to drag along yin once youve used yin to access yang

You will find what breath is associated with moving from here to there with experience and ultimately be able to do whatever in an instant.

First you do it manually with energywork then feel the body respond then you will know what muscles to pinch for each specific movement - "vice versa", instead of having the body respond to the energywork you move the body to do the energywork.


By the way, youre now more adept than 90% of the bullshit occultists frequenting this board.



People like you are the reason why im still here, thank you.


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Only half of that makes sense to me right now, but I'll keep practicing. I have a feeling I've been moving too fast these past couple of weeks and need to spend some time practicing, meditating, building up energy and all that.


>youre now more adept than 90% of the bullshit occultists frequenting this board


>Like a high level initiate, someone who completed initiation years ago, and has been practicing and using his magick for a long while now. He is pretty much done with getting his knowledge from third density books and any further reading of such books is likely redundant and he does it just as a review as he already knows all the concepts and has applied all the knowledge.

No, thank you, especially for everything you've taught me. But I've only been actively pursuing this for about two years now (when I underwent actual initiation), and although it's true that all books basically repeat the same thing in different flavors, I don't think for a minute I'm "done with third density books". I'm scared as fuck to be honest. I've been having to adapt my paradigm of reality so fast in these two years, my first reaction to someone telling me whatever is to believe them right off the bat and then try to make sense and discern what they're saying afterwards. Otherwise I'd have gone insane by now. I've gone past the barrier that made me angry when someone presented me with a paradigm that didn't fit with my worldview and I'm basically in "nothing is true, everything is possible" mode. But this is fucking terrifying, knowing anything is fucking possible.

As per the /fringe/ ranks, I'm technically an initiate, and even then it's been too little time. I still remember what being a smug fedora atheist felt like.



On the other hand, I'm beginning to get used to the idea magic has me set for life in terms of material needs, and that's nice.





Thank you. Thank both of you. I'll give this a go.


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hahahahaha libtard is so mad. Get over it. Hilary won. Your wizard rants make me cringe.



>>is not a requirement

>It is a requirement but you can go much beyond just anchoring your mind to this point in mental space and thats not needed for what you want to do which is to bridge your senses to your etheric field.

"Going deeper in 1d is clearing your mind to reach a nothing that is everything, the meditation described instead has a purpose." - Cringey Faggot


Would you give us permission to curse you?

Just to test our divine godly wizard powers of imagination, which are completely not real by the way.

Just type yes.


Type yes and post a pic with timestamp over your hand.

I mean, magic isn't real anyway and we're just playing pretend, right?


This way you can confirm we're all mentally ill :^)


Faggot you get more cringey every day. Look at your faggot posts. You are a powerful wizard but people call you dumb and you cry like a bitch. Seek help.



Do you differentiate between yin and yang qi in your meditations? What method do you use for each?

I've found a couple of different techniques that don't have much in common, but they seem to work.

I'm coming to the conclusion intent is all that matters, and techniques are just a way of conceptualizing that intent and focusing it.



Yeah, probably, I invoke yin and yang the exact same way, just "I'm inhaling yang" ya know?



>Yeah, probably, I invoke yin and yang the exact same way, just "I'm inhaling yang" ya know?

"Yeah, probably, I invoke yin and yang the exact same way, just "I'm inhaling yang" ya know?" - Cringey Faggot


My ass hurts.



I understand, thanks.



hold it right there, i got stuff to say



yin feels like fire, yang like lightning

i can't remember in relation to what but,

you already have access to yang, yang is the focus/awareness/concentration which you use to guide yin, you never "only work with" yin.

the more focus/concentration/willpower/force you can channel the more and faster yin you can more.

there was something else






Hold on, then I'm calling yin yang and yang, yin. I've always heard and read it the opposite of what you're saying: yin is electric-feeling, yang is fire-feeling. And you use yin to attract and move yang around.

Are you sure you haven't switched the terms around yourself?

Besides that, what you say makes sense with regards to my own experience.


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maybe, i don't refer to them as yinyongnipnip, i go with earth and sun, female and male but i have been trying to keep them correct.

first search result gives this "(in Chinese philosophy) the passive female principle of the universe, characterized as female and sustaining and associated with earth, dark, and cold."


>when searching for yin*



好道!Those flames…

Did you just cleanse the board with fire and cause the BO to come back?



Then my other sources are wrong, because it makes more sense for yin to be gathered from the root.

>there was something else

What do you mean?



So what does this mean you have been doing?

If you started using sun energy, drawing from the top of the head and going downwards then you have done pretty much exactly what I did when I started without any prior knowledge or books but then I read here and there that this wasn't the way to go. Can't say I didn't get results anyway.


Real people impress me, but nothing about y'all impresses me because in my mind y'all are just part of a grand over-powered conspiracy against me.


Now I am paranoid.



Now if one could prove they are not part of a conspiracy against me, that would impress me a great deal.



Have a good day mate.


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That's what I thought.

So for the one who proves to me that they are not part of the grand conspiracy against me. To them will I bestow a crown of glory for their noble deed.

Or anyone who rats out the gangstalking network recruiting them for the conspiracy against me, to them also will I bestow a crown of glory.

This is the only good deed any of you folks could possibly do for me.



I don't owe you shit, piss off.



Your wicked deed be upon you.


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The offer is set.

Let those who care about life and care about what is right, and care about what is noble come forth.


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"Prove that magic is real. Prove that you aren't just a schizophrenic loser."

"Yes and that is why I must use these special herbs on the fifth day."

"Bro you are in psychosis. Every fucking time somebody asks someone to prove there is any worth to latching onto delusional thoughts they just deflect and deflect, and they get even more insane. Stop wasting the worlds fucking resources. You serve no fucking purpose. You are no different from somebody sitting in a room smashing their head against the wall over and over while everyone else busts their ass off. Everyone on Earth does something so you can sit around doing fucking nothing. That ends now you fucking moron. Go to a fucking doctor."

"Yeah but like I need to like get my wings and then like after that I will be initiated into the 10th crew."

"Are you even capable of processing words you fucking retard? Get some fucking help."

"I am doing magical work. I have accomplished nothing in the last 4 years, and therefore I am doing alot."

"Bro, this is your last chance, either come back to reality or we are just going to let you die. Everyone is sick of producing food and energy or you while you do fucking nothing. You are schizophrenic. GO TO A FUCKING DOCTOR."

"Yeah but like after I put 5 sticks together, then I will become a druid!!!!!"

There is no hope for you cringey losers. You are either braindead, or mentally ill.




"Guys I am doing magic."

"You look like a fucking loser. Prove you aren't just in psychosis. You obviously are desperate for attention, since you are on a board jerking off to all your schizophrenic ideas, so if you want attention prove there is any worth to your gay cringey bullshit."

"I don't need proof. Look at me. I have zero dollars, no power, and I have no understanding of the world. If I had any understanding of the world, I wouldn't be a fucking loser. Being a loser means you are a level 99 wizard."

"Ok, I am going to walk away, because you are worse than those faggots who believe gay debunked religions. Every fucking time someone exposes your bullshit logic you are basically like "oh look at the time, it's I need to run away before I look stupid o clock!" You are like the one friend who refuses to go somewhere and forces the entire group to sit around instead of doing something fun. You are like the politican who gets caught taking bribes and goes "I have no comment at this time." I came here to try to help you with some tough love so you don't waste your entire fucking life, but you are fucking worthless. There is no point in trying to integrate a mentally retarded person into society. Later faggot. Have fun spending the rest of your life depressed and lonely because you couldn't grow the fuck up."




this is all based off of incomplete/biased knowledge, however

…so it's really not the killshot you may think it is, to be quite honest




i think the lesson that can be learned from the lack of supernatural proof is one of the lessons that Jesus taught

He said things like….

"why ye reason so in your hearts"

and also things like…

"do not harden your heart"


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It is true that one is to discern for themselves, and also true that one should be productive for the betterment of the whole society struggling to survive.

However, I think all of these points here are flooded with way too much bias/misunderstanding and way to many assumptions, especially regarding your denial of the supernatural. Maintaining such a view point, after a while is absurd if you really stop and think about it, because humanity has such a limited window of perspective on reality in the first place.

….“And they smote the Philistines that day…"


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


You got some reading started in the right direction OP thank you. Looks like there's something else I need to check out



Please keep me updated.



I wish there was a succint way to tell you everything or rather what little I know.

Experience is undoubtedly necessary and kundalini yoga may be a very effective, entry level way to supplement /fringe/ learning. I don't know about nephilim being progenitors of humanity or the depths of the human unconscious but on a quantum level I think we're so close to a/the next truth.Continue to center yourself because your progress on LD/AP is enviable and this may be my paranoia speaking but there may be agents malevolent or otherwise that would take notice of your energy. Most people won't understand and especially to them that terrifies them also of which they don't understand. Let's figure this out anon. I'll be around

The theory I'm trying to conceptualize is based off Dr. Leary's biocomputer stuff. If the human is powered through the axons and neurons which effect the nervous and endocrine systems I feel like the discharges or energy inside of us are what manifest these "auras". This is barely even an idea at this point but I don't know how to relate this



Looking forward to hearing your theories. But try not to fall into the trap of trying to fit everything within a "magical materialist" worldview.


If you want to know how that works you could ask it in the question thread and have the answer in five minutes instead of leading me on like youve discovered something amazing.


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>the discharges or energy inside of us are what manifest these "auras"

You're right, its centered and generated in the hearts neurons. Thoughts and emotions float around inside this torus with a mix of ferrofluid and electromagnetic nature but they are of a high vibration, much higher than harmful energies of high vibration like radiation that is to low vibration to pass through things without damaging them, see shuffle away protons and neutrons, although similar in nature the sublimity of thoughts and emotions are such that they pass through everything material effortlessly, interacting with matter while also not touching it.

That is why is it referred to as the non physical. There are two supreme states of high vibration energy like this, one we refer to as the ether in psuedo scientific circuits, on which we transmit electrical pulses utilizing crystals to interface with, this energy is made up of emotions and range in scale like the colors of the rainbow, see pic two, I can't personally verify the numbers but it serves as an example, see pic three "emotional.." to see which emotions range where on this scale.

As above, so below, colors, sound, emotion, all the same science at varying degrees of frequency.

The second supreme state of sublime matter is thought, "consciousness", that which everything of a lower vibration rests upon. That is God.

The trinity is the material, the ether and consciousness. A very good analogy would be in the faith of Hinduism where the deities Brahma (material), Vishnu (ether) and Shiva (consciousness) are all symbolic with descriptions of their qualities actually describing the universe.

The one true God encompasses all these three aspects of matter.

Read up and take it to the question thread.


Oh, btw, these two supreme states of sublime matter with gradients unto the infinite are everpresent and you're wading through them like its water that doesn't touch or weigh you down. Best analogy I could come up with.



Can you extrapolate a little on "magical materialist" world view for me? We're all on different parts of the journey but I'd like to think we're going or at least looking in the same(right?) direction


>read up

Where do I start?

This is undoubtedly fascinating because when I'd go into a state of panic perhaps exacerbated by an accelerated heart beat if I tried to trace my breath from the sacrum and try to follow up a "signal" through the vertebral column to the brain stem I'd feel something behind my eyes or that may just be a physical sensation but it'd help me in the moment to not lose control



I'd love to see the EM field of the heart in conjuction with that of the brain and eye sight.

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