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ITT we discuss hidden occultic symbolism and references in TeleVision. I start with Rick and Morty's latest episode where they accidently destroy a part of their spacecraft's space shield before entering a worm hole and experience a cosmic enlightenment. You see many refferences to the occult in here, and I feel they did a good job of incorporating non-Judeo/Christian things in it. Baphomet is in the scene, as well as various other references. I can't say I can name them all.

Is this a first where it's diliberate and not hidden in some kind of conspiracy?


Let's not forget that there was an actual TV show called "Fringe" where a division of the FBI was employed to investigate with fringe science topics.



Wasn't Fringe more pseudo-occultism? I didn't watch until second to last season when "The Visitors" became the major enemy


There is no conspiracy in "hiding" symbolism. They just use it because mundanes get all excited when they catch something. Certainly nothing esoteric about Rick and Morty.

Check out schism206 on YouTube if you want the actual hidden symbolism in what they do.

Sage because I'd vote to have this on >>>/x/



Let's not forget they outright addressed the JQ in one of the episodes this season too.

The writing has taken a hit this season, but it's been hella redpilled all of a sudden this season too.



Watching that video was disgusting, its garbage in so many ways. Pollution in maximum form.

>Is this a first where it's diliberate and not hidden in some kind of conspiracy?

There is nothing special at all at seeing a few stupid "symbols" in any show where they try and act enlightened. There was only mainstream or worse disinformative

symbolism in that video. If you ever want to get powerful you should forget such trivial things and start reading books + meditation.

Shit thread.


>Rick and Morty


You can find more redpills staring into a bottom of a cup then watching Reddit & Nihilism.


This guy knows what is going on.


>that israel schtick

No next season i suppose.



The thing is, Adult Swim is part of Cartoon Network, which is part of Turner Broadcasting, which is part of Warner.

>Turner Broadcasting System, Inc. (also known simply as Turner) is an American media conglomerate that is a division of Time Warner and manages the collection of cable television networks and properties initiated or acquired by Ted Turner. The company was founded in 1970, and merged with Time Warner on October 10, 1996. It now operates as a semi-autonomous unit of Time Warner. The company's assets include CNN, HLN, TBS, TNT, Turner Classic Movies, Cartoon Network, Adult Swim, Boomerang and TruTV. The company's current chairman and CEO is John K. Martin.[5] The headquarters of Turner's properties are located in both the CNN Center in Downtown Atlanta[6] and the Turner Broadcasting campus off Techwood Drive in Midtown Atlanta, which also houses Turner Studios.[7] Across Interstate 75/85 from the Techwood campus is the original home of Turner's WTBS superstation (now separated into its TBS cable network and Peachtree TV), which today houses the headquarters of Adult Swim and Williams Street Productions.

It's the classic (((self deprecating jokes))) only they are allowed to do.

Rick said in one of the latest episodes that 9/11 was an inside job, it's just (((them))) flaunting the fact that they own the fucking world and the media. Or maybe it's a coincidence. But in any case they are going to be all right I think.


File: 8fadcc34669f175⋯.jpg (123.13 KB, 500x374, 250:187, 1b04e74a87c54df64a0d4447dd….jpg)


Rick and Morty isn't funny in the slightest and I don't see how you could try to put so much thought into something so clearly redundant and stupid.

>I feel they did a good job incorporating non-Judeo/Christian things in it

Thats an accolade?

>Baphomet is in it

wow man so deep what a conspiracy we all learn so much about metaphysics and the cosmos by sitting watching cartoons made for grown men right? Watching trendy TV shows on adult swim is so redpilled #woke. I took LSD once so I'm enlightened now, lets get the bong out and watch a mindless compilation of science fiction references and one liners because dood life is so meaningless.

>ITT you try to start a discussion on occult references on TV and end up triggering everyone with at least half a functioning brain into a unified disgust for Reddit & Nihilism

Pic related



>watching Tel Aviv-Sion



Oh right, good point.


File: 65d13309b9cae39⋯.jpg (44.28 KB, 614x591, 614:591, IMG_20170729_084100.jpg)

>and I feel they did a good job of incorporating non-Judeo/Christian things in it

No, this is probably written by someone who has never taken any drugs or done any spiritual research, and thinks that being enlightened is the same as being deep and edgy

>muh symbolism of hooded figures

>muh Rick is feeding a baby Jerry, omg so deep

>jerry and rick naked, sex between men is so edgy and spiritual

>babbys frist occult knowledge "our souls reunited, we are one with eternity"

I actually enjoyed some episodes of the previous seasons and this one is turning to be absolute garbage. It used to be about fucked up scifi world and now it's all about boo hoo I'm an ugly teenager, boo hoo I got divorced and live alone. To me it was like fucked up Adventure Time, this seasons feels like I'm watching the fucking Gilmore girls


File: 9186ca2c74e1a48⋯.jpg (118.35 KB, 960x720, 4:3, Crossing the Rubicon.JPG)



Even if it didn't have any really useful symbolism, I still thought it was pretty




>pizzagate don't real

He seems kind of ignorant tbh



Good job on calling out #woke. That is a personal trigger for me, you are not awake if you are actively participating in the degeneration of a language, and thinking that is progress.



<I began watching pic related

I stopped watching once the bullshit started because It gave me the feeling it was a subconscious attack.

Like they were throwing things at my mind seeing which one would get through in my confused state.

It is not good. Anything from television is controlled.



>FBI division for investigating spooky matters

What an original concept.

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