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Esoteric Wizardry


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william cooper, mystery babylon n°1, the dawn of man
symbolic analysis of 2001, a space odyssey



mystery babylon series is gold.


This and Kubrick's Eyes Wide Shut is gold.


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Not only Eyes Wide Shut.


I understand the "why they killed him" part but not the rest.


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Kubrick was an 'insider' on both symbology and low tier cabal plans.

"What he did" refers to being hired for orchestrating the whole moon landing hoax in '69. (hence the Gemini-Apollo symbols)
Note that Gemini's symbolism is that of the two pillars (joachim-boaz), often associated with freemasonry and 9-11.
Apollo was a sun god associated with order, knowledge, virtue and law (also represented as an eagle). Most symbols associated with the sun are heavily bound to organized religion and politics, throughout all (known) history. Ie. the swastika, and the cross, be it heathen (odins cross - solar cross) or christian, all represent the sun.

"What he knew" refers to symbology related to his movies and the NWO, including the introduction to Beethoven's "The Ode to Joy" to the movie "A Clockwork Orange", a song which would become the official anthem of the EU 1 year after the movie was released. (The EU is considered another phase of the NWO)

This symbolism is also present in the tortore scenes of the movie, in which an analog form of MKULTRA programming is featured.


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I'm still working my way through all of his films, really enjoyed Dr. Strangelove and Paths of Glory.

Question for you though, in the last scene of Eyes Wide Shut, had you ever noticed how Helena seems to follow two unnamed men, seen earlier in the film, out of frame? It's subtle, but creepy as all hell if you're one for the argument that Helena is being groomed to be a Monarch slave for the entirety of the film.

I find that when suggesting Eyes Wide Shut, it's best to also suggest paying attention to the scenes with and without Christmas lights/multicolored lights as a physical representation of the two worlds, the cabal's and the public's. Every time I watch it again, I notic


But doesn't all monarch programming/Satanic Ritual Abuse happen between the ages of 0-7? I think she already is one, hence her "dream" about being fucked by all those men.


Fuck. Nevermind, I read your post wrong and I can't seem to delete my post.


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Hm, I didn't notice that, but certainly she gets to be stalked all the time just like her husband. Even if he didnt get involved with the sect they both'd get watched closely. (because of the people theyre 'friends' with)

>I find that when suggesting Eyes Wide Shut, it's best to also suggest paying attention to the scenes with and without Christmas lights/multicolored lights as a physical representation of the two worlds, the cabal's and the public's.

This. Also, some stars in the decoration resemble ishtar's which are similar to the shamash symbol, all of them symbols of light (venus - lucifer - morning star)


Monarch programming is implemented in any stage of human life, but its effectiveness is multiplied when it begins earlier, specially before puberty.

TV and movies are full of subconscious monarch programming, just like music videos. There are even monarch butterflies in some of them, not to mention the other great amounts of ancient symbols also used to program the hylic.


That article and that site struck me hard like a wave. It's all so terrifying.


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yeah but they're shills


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Nice infogram. I suspected as much regarding this site.

Nevertheless, most of the symbollogy present in that article is correct.

It's kinda sad to see people making marketing off this, but that's the way it is; by looking at Kanfi and his Ishill phone with his faggot looks you can realize easy eneough.
At least whale.to is reliable… (I hope)


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So if the moon landing was faked, what (if at all) was the money spent on and what did all the scientists actually work on?
I've never really seen anything explaining what did happen with anywhere near as much depth as what didn't.


Watched 50 minutes of this movie yesterday. The whole atmosphere is eerie, the symbolism, the lights, the track Dr Bill is on.

I watched this first somewhere in 2001. Found it boring. A bit shocking, but alas. Considering all the bits and shreds of knowledge I have acquired (considering MKUltra, Elite, Sex Magic, Slave Rituals), this is sure to be a whole different walk in the park


They did send moon missions but they faked what the public was shown. We still don't know for sure what went on up there but they officially stopped going. Must be something they don't want us to know, like the polar entrances to the inner earth and the Third Reich still existing.

Aliens, maybe. The moon is very mysterious, it does not seem like a natural satellite. In fact the only reasonable explanation for it is observer error, as in we are mistakenly seeing something that isn't there. If you ask me, Luna looks to be a force projection space station, deliberately placed in a specific orbit by an occupier attempting to control earth.


Yep, good article, remember coming across it somewhere else. An angelfire-esque site that had little to no bandwidth, so that's somewhat interesting.

That's the question, really. Some people argue that it's because of an alien civilization already existing there, others that there's a joint US/Russian Moon. I honestly don't have enough information to give any kind of conclusive answer, but something smells fishy.

Exactly, the first time through you miss so much. Pay special attention to Dr. Bill's journey with sex magick/tantric sex in mind, that's the actual ritual of the movie, not the Hellfire club shenanigans. The juxtaposition of how he treats his wife and the prostitute he befriends is also important. All of his interactions with women, really.


>Must be something they don't want us to know, like the polar entrances to the inner earth and the Third Reich still existing.
Do you have any good sources on this?

On the middle earth - I've mostly seen in this in connection with possible reptilian bases underground, no useful reasoning how and why they survive or whoever else is there.

The Third Reich after the war I have barely any knowledge of, only know of paperclip and a possible escape to Argentina after the war (and the thing surrounding Hitlers body to be full of shit). Anyone willing to spoonfeed?


I don't have anything to spoonfeed, but check out the disapearances of Kammler, Bormann and a tremendous amount of money at the end of the war.


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>polar entrances

Heres something on polar entrances

There are some holes seen on google earth in the antarctica, as well as some theories I've read about these subterranean passageways that lead to the city in the center of the earth, known as Aghartha.

Here's some stuff regarding the hollow earth fact:

As for the Reich, I've no idea about that. There are theories about its survival after WWII pointing at the German base in Antarctica (New Swabia)


Was there ever anything conclusive on Operation High-jump?


Thank you, will read up on them, but will start with
This is some interesting stuff, alright. Thank you!

Just a thought - how wise/unwise would it be to, at some point, do some remote viewing or astral projection to the poles or the inner earth? Has anyone done it and faced any consequences?


Well, fuck me, I guess I should (eventually) try it(?)


The purposes of this expedition were (officially) said to be of exploration and charting, yet there's theories implying they actually wanted to survey the German bases in Antarctica, until Byrd flew into 'uncharted' territory.
[Edited: Byrds Diary smells kinda fishy, as in fishy shit:

>how wise/unwise would it be to, at some point, do some remote viewing or astral projection to the poles or the inner earth? Has anyone done it and faced any consequences?
I've talked to people who have done APs to Aghartha and said to have found an 'astral city', that is, a non material place. (there could be a material, 3D city I suppose)
There shouldnt be negative consequences for this, since youre free to go anywhere.
Post last edited at 2014-11-26 18:58:17


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Nice…. Even if you posted twice.


Absolutely wasted, fucking neophyte


As said, 'officially' it was a research expedition. The fact is, so soon after WW2 with a new enemy in the Soviet Union the US sent most of their naval force (including aircraft carriers and combat troops) to the South Pole for apparently no viable military purpose. This left them vulnerable to attack.

They needed a real reason to go there, not charting maps or whatever. After half of the intended mission time what was left of Op:Highjump (a number of personnel had died, officially a small amount from accidents, some say many from self-defense by Reich forces) beat a hasty retreat back home and Admiral Byrd (formerly a respected public figure) started saying some strange things until his mysterious death.

As certain projects by the Third Reich were never officially recovered by the Allies, it is suggested they were flown off-planet or to an Antarctic base. The base, built for U-boats which have also never been accounted for at the very least, was said to have been supplied with a self-sufficient population in the thousands, facilitated by instigating a lebensborn project.

By most unofficial accounts, the US was aware of a base harbouring remnants of Third Reich forces. Expecting them to regroup and launch a new campaign from South American strongholds, they quickly attempted a pre-emptive attack, intending to knock out what they thought to be a relatively poorly equipped last stand of the Reich. They instead encountered craft which could fly from 'pole to pole in a matter of minutes' and were completely outclassed in every way. Rather than destroy them, the Reich allowed their retreat with a fair warning that to stage another invasion or escalate any conflict into global thermonuclear war would have dire repurcussions.

It is however, not the duty of the Reich to do our jobs for us. They have been watching the developments on the surface world closely and may intervene at a point of no return (claims have been made that they have averted atomic warfare on multiple occasions) but for the most part it is their sincere wish that we step up to the plate. We are the necessary change in this arrangement, the sky will not fill with Vril discs that sterilise all the jews for us. It is our task, not their's. They fought their war hard to break free from zionist control and it would not be wise to swoop down on ungrateful goyim who never asked for assistance.

There was no direct help for the Reich as it formed as there will be none for us. If we are unworthy of our mission and fail, die knowing that there are others continuing the noble struggle. Should the zionists enlist negative entities to force the jew world order there is a good chance that if requested the Reich will fight those battles we are unable to field ourselves in. Mainly, sky fighting, the 'black triangle' I suspect is a zionist imitation of other craft and could be used to oppress people, we may see them dogfighting with Vril discs if the circumstances dicate another 'war in the heavens'.


> since youre free to go anywhere.


>he doesn't even know about how some places in the astral are protected, blocked, etc. and can't easily be accessed by just anyone


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God damn it why didn't the picture get posted. I uploaded the picture with the quick reply box but it never fucking got posted when clicking the reply button at the top instead of quick reply.


No man, when you get it right there are no locks.

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