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Most mytholoies have the root word Man-Men-Min-Myn-Mon-Mun in Immortality myths. Mystical memory is also important here. memory=memini for the latins, munin for the vikings, (one of Odin's crows along with Hugin=thought), munni in gothic and minni in nordic tounghe. "Interior devotion" was minneskein for the helenic and man in sanscrit. Minerva, goddes of wisdom, came from Jupiter's forehead=the third eye-

divine fury/fervent emotions was Aesjma for the iranians, Ishmin for indoaryans, and Menon for the greeks. Hindus called Mada and Manpira divine isnpirated. Mania was the trance of the dyonisyan cults. German and cathar groups had the minnasngem and sang the minne. In ngland they sang the myne.

According to tacitus,germans worshipped Mannus


Among the ancient Egyptians it was accepted that man was made of three types of non-material essences: the akh, the ba, and the ka. On the akh it was said "the body belongs to the Earth, the akh belongs to the sky". At first it was proclaimed that the akh was exclusively patrimony of the gods and the pharaohs, reason why could be assimilated to the hvareno of Persia, that will be discussed later. The Egyptian verbs "to shine" and "to be effective" came from this root, and by all this we can conclude that the akh was the manifestation of the divine energy on the Earth. The ba, for its part, was represented as a bird with a human head, and it was thought that it left the body of the deceased and could visit the places that this wanted, reason why was a sort of astral body, less than the spirit, but more than the body. The kapuede can be defined as the "double" of man, the "other self," so that its essence is feminine, it is an ideal to be rebuilt, a body that has to give a face and an appearance, in short , shape. However, the ka needed material support to survive. It was like the intersection of the forces that came from the sky and those that ascended from the Earth, and was conceived as a universal essence, a "spark" of all that exists, heavenly or earthly. In this way, we find that akh, ba and ka would be the three parts of a symbolic tree: ka would be roots, sunk in Earth and matter, ba would be the trunk that joins roots and branches, and akh would be the branches, connected with Heaven itself.


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The Eye of Horus: The Eye of Horus was also called Wadjet (sometimes depicted as a goddess), and was used to counteract the power of the "evil eye". The god Horus was portrayed as blue-eyed: the Book of the Dead calls him "Horus with blue eyes," in addition to calling his eyes "bright" and "bright." The same book (chapter 140) specifies that the amulet of the eye of Horus should always be made of lapis lazuli, a blue mineral. On the other hand, the same name Wadjet means "blue-green". The Greek Plutarch, in the 22nd chapter of "On Isis and Osiris," says that the Egyptians believed that Horus was very fair-skinned. It is very interesting that the Wadjet looks much like the center of the brain, where the pituitary and pineal glands are lodged, supposedly the "seat of the soul" for many traditions.





Seems to me that the ka would be the trunk and the ba the roots. I've seen consciousness via energy transfer be conducted passively through the ground by humans. It goes straight to the the person with a swiftness, and with specificity if it isn't a complicated transfer, by tuning the energy for the specific recipient it goes to them like a magnet.

Thus the analogy of "head of man, body of bird" rings true as the energy flies to others but the consciousness is a human design.

The trunk requires the energy rising from the earth (roots) and the descending sky energies (branch) in order to grow.



If you're looking in your balls for the Stone, you're still looking too far away.

>For all your arts, you will not find the stone in foreign parts. -Angelus Silesius






>your own balls

>a "foreign" part

nigga wut


How the fuck do you make a thread about drinks of immortality and not mention one fucking drink?

Buy some fucking potions. You can get Chinese herbs on amazon. Most of it is overpriced as fuck, but they work. I bought some shit from Dragon Herbs awhile back, and was looking up some of the herbs. Some chink doctors were talking about how some of these herbs taken for a month can cure ADHD. My concentration definitely leveled up after taking that shit. Just fucking try some shit. There is lots of snake oil, but chances are, if there is some herb that just randomly appeared somewhere there is some benefit to it. Check out eucommia bark and reishi mushroom.

Nootropics, in my opinion, are just a newer lab made way of buffing yourself through herbs.

So why haven't you heard of shit like this? The same reason that schools don't teach you about yoga or meditation. Most people want you to fail, or at least always be lower than them so they can get the most money dollars and be god of the physical world.



Can confirm. Simply using essential oils of all the snake oil shit has helped me with focus, and pain. Dont pay the merchant. Finding local ingredients (think local sources to your ancestors) finding material you can harvest and then making the potion is half of being a wizard. Magic isn't just on the inside.

Nootropics like l theanine and most of the herbs in "alpha brain" can help keep your nervous system fresh. Also aspirin (birch bark) is apparently still a potent and undervalued medicine. Something about crab apples also has me very curious.

Eat from the earth. Energy is lost or absorbed by money along the way.

Or pay the snake oil salesman…




drinks are an ALLEGORY for Semen within your body.

It's all quite symbolic lads.


Aren't immortality potions just an allegory to understanding past lives existed and incorporating those experiences to your current life?


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You were the cup all along


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Although one tries to locate the origin of the alchemy, it is nonsense, since we find it in the base of all society: the Egyptians practiced it, the Hindus also and the Chinese also, as surely other civilizations disappeared. Therefore, it can not be said that alchemy has a localized origin. What concerns us in this case is the European alchemy, which was forced to perform, under the shadow of the Church, functions that it considered heretical and worthy of the bonfire. And what better way to disguise spiritual and esoteric allusions than in confused words referring to metals and chemical reactions?

The alchemist teachers, in order to show their disciples-a repetition of processes to be carried out within themselves-on the way to perfection, taught them how metals and chemicals reacted to each other in order to be mentalized and "to have an idea" of what awaited them. Thus, lead actually symbolized the heavy matter "mazacote" that hinders the soul, represented by the silver and fascinating mercury, "lunar" aspect. By separating noble metals from less noble metals, favoring spectacularly inspiring chemical reactions among sulfur, salts and flammable materials, the alchemists concealed the teachings that they imparted to their initiates under a pseudo-scientific or extravagant umbrella. The goal was to isolate the "elixir of youth", the aurum potabile (potable gold), an archetype related to the tree of life.

Another objective was to achieve the manufacture of the philosopher's stone, which was an object through which lead could be converted into gold. This probably symbolized finding communication with another world to "spiritualize matter", infusing celestial lightness to the body. The philosopher's stone, then, belongs to the archetype of the tree of science (wisdom, inspiration).


Taoism states that in saliva there are high concentrations of Chi, and therefore advise always to swallow it during the practice of special exercises; spitting would symbolically constitute a sacrifice similar to ejaculation. In the case that concerns us, it was not alluded to the saliva itself, but to the divine essence contained in that saliva.

From the liquid of the jar, which contained the saliva (and DNA) of each of the gods, and through magical fermentation, the gods created a man so that this covenant between Aces and Vanes would never be forgotten. This man was called Kvasir, and it immediately became apparent that his most remarkable quality was his immense wisdom and his knowledge of all the mysteries of the nine worlds. Everywhere he became known, and not the wisest of them disdained to ask him for advice or to ask him questions. Over time, Kvasir's fame came to the ears of two evil dwarves, the Fialar and Galar brothers, who became envious, and planned to appropriate the wisdom of Kvasir. He was invited to a party in a large congregation of dwarves, an invitation that Kvasir, being naive and innocent by nature, accepted. The party took place in an underground cave, and the conversation of the dwarves dealt only with benefits, losses, wealth, possessions, resentments, and revenge. After dinner, the brothers Fialar and Galar wanted to talk privately with Kvasir, asking him to enter with them in a dark chamber. Kvasir, without suspecting anything, entered with them into the chamber, and when he was inside, the dwarves pulled out knives and killed the poor sage, causing his blood to gush. The evil dwarfs drained all their blood and collected it in two vessels called Son ("blood") and Boden ("Vessel", also "soil" in German), and in a cauldron called Odrorir ("remover of the heart"). Compare Son and Odrorir with Sam-udra, the vessel of the Hindu Soma. They poured honey into the 3 containers, and the mixture between the honey and the blood of Kvasir fermented in the darkness and eventually formed a sublime concoction which they called poetry liqueur. Anyone who proved it would become a sage or a poet, obtaining magical knowledge that came from the memory of the blood of Kvasir. [5] This liquor of poetry, however, gave neither immortality nor eternal youth attributed to other sacred substances of other Indo-European mythologies.

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