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/fringe/ - Fringe

Esoteric Wizardry
Winner of the 18th Attention-Hungry Games
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RulesMetaModerator LogLibraryArchivesFAQFringe GuideRanksCSS/fringe//asatru//4chon//ask/#looshFringechan

The rules are simple and mostly apply to the creation of threads on /fringe/:
1. No duplicate threads of topics that already exist unless the previous thread has hit the bump limit
2. No making threads just to ask questions, actually present substantial information if you're going to make a thread
3. No creating new threads purely to no-effort shitpost (you will be forgiven if it's a major GET)
4. Post threads that fall under the subject matter of /fringe/ (creepypasta is not allowed here, take that to /x/)
5. Respect anonymity. No identifying posts.
6. Do not sit on the default flag or post with no flag all the time
7. Do not raid/attack the board
8. Meta board discussion goes in >>>/fringemeta/
If the board goes up for claim and the board owner can't be found anywhere, please contact live:chanseywrites on Skype to give the board to her.

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We're building a new home, get in here.

It will be in the shape of a natural continuation of the chanbased image boards with an added security measure, to deal with the destructive behavior and astroturfing offices that plague these kinds of forums, something that can be solved with something as easy as a login required to post, still anonymously.

Doing so would also allow for more personalized features.



>suggest & discuss new features such as Goodreads, integrated polls, library, astrology tools, function to hide posts from specific posters, personal home page where you can keep watch on specific threads across boards, channel domain name, boards, streaming, featured content..


I am a homosmexual nom nom nom



I think I'll pass. New crowd same as the old crowd.


I rather stay here, I like this place more.


Can you explain the Goodreads feature? I don't use that site, so I don't know what it's all about. I thought it was some kind of IMDB for books?

>function to hide posts from specific posters

This would violate anonymity. Anything acting on specific posters should only be available to mods.

Besides the key for posting, everything should look and feel like a regular imageboard, except neat and modern like meguca. The CSS, even Yotsuba, in these parts sucks balls.


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Okay so what I'm thinking is this /fringe/ will be invite only. The posting will be anonymous but you'll need a password and username to sign in, mods will email the accounts privately. This isn't up for discussion btw because it's my site.


Here are being torn apart and all I want to know is, are we still going to meet up this spring?



>>function to hide posts from specific posters

>>This would violate anonymity. Anything acting on specific posters should only be available to mods.

I personally agree.

>>Can you explain the Goodreads feature

Much like the ability to hide a users post this was a suggestion, I'm not familiar with Goodreads either but an IMDB for books sounds like a great feature.



>password and username

Why? Just a password is enough, like they did in good old http://systemspace.link/



>>Okay so what I'm thinking is this /fringe/ will be invite only. The posting will be anonymous but you'll need a password and username to sign in, mods will email the accounts privately. This isn't up for discussion btw because it's my site.

Mm.. No.

I will be doing moderation similarly to how Smiley have been in the past and if the community wants him to be part of the new moderation he is more than welcome. "My site" will be shit without all of you, I'm doing this for the community.


Username would not be visible but sure, absolutely, only a password would be enough.

If we can distance ourselves from 8can the community might be able to grow, certainly if the amount of work intended put into it is realized and we end up with a forum full of features much like a hub for everything.

As part of this I intend to do a little bit of personal rebranding, dropping the alter ego "tipp" in favor of "Easygoing".

Travis, which is not his real name to begin with has asked to be referred to as Outeanos.


I would have preferred being able to stay anonymous but if this is to be done it requires transparency.


>notification system for synchronized meditations

Yes please.



We had a renaissance once already called Fringechan.


We are still planning to meet up.



I wouldn't liken that to a revival of sorts, from the getgo it devolved into mods egofagging and a somewhat even split down the middle of the userbase not to mention the violent shilling for 8th grade Satanism by mods who couldn't define the ego and didn't know what spirit was, the whole thing felt like a forced bandwagon to denounce Christianity per their definition the ultimate enemy and root of all evil, to which I somewhat agree in the context of organized religion but their hate was focused upon the individual and it quickly became a witchhunt.


Why fraction an already tiny userbase? Why not just come up with better rules for this board including taking away dumb arbitrary bullshit like the flag rule?



Because /fringe/ must be destroyed at any cost. DIE YOU FILTHY GOY TOY



I don't aim to fraction the userbase, I'm presenting an alternative that will be much better in hopes that we go to the new site together and use it to spread what teachings have been established here, what is proposed is a compromise between the original anonymous image boards and newer ID/PW forums, the anonymous nature would allow for people to speak their mind, the password system would allow for all the negative to be left behind, such as >>106921

Such a site would be attractive not just to us, there would be an influx of people, experiences, stories and collaboration. There could be more focus on art and musical projects inspired by spirituality.


Great idea.


I remember what life feels like. This isn't life. This is some shithole. A fucking purgatory. A fucking UFO. A fucking Area 51. A fucking Guantanamo Bay. A fucking astral prison. I'm stuck in my subconscious mind during a lucid dream that got hacked by satanic illuminati AI so it could test the latest update of MK ULTRA so Miley Cyrus does the correct twerkoreography to hypnotize America into sucking Lucifer's dick for a 10 piece chicken mcnuggets.


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Please don't fall for my impersonater, please Tipp, TAKE ME WITH YOUUUUU




It's happening!



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That's not me, I'm the real brownpill and I say we go with Tipp



Cool. Add Ba Zi (Chinese version of astrology). All of those sound good.

>Personal home page

Great idea, a lot can be done with this actually. I'd use this as a springboard for other features, packing in some great shit into this "dashboard". Note: Psychologically, a homepage or dashboard is isolating, so try to keep public info in public areas, so it spurs on discussion.

Bigger note: pay attention to the psychology of design, features, etc. and what it promotes just by existing the way it does.

The point of Goodreads (I don't know much about it so something similar) is:

>A metadata library so books that are known but aren't available for download can be discussed, such as when you own a physical book of rare origin.

>Book discussions, archived.

>People can share non-occult books that move the mind in such a way as relevant to us Initiates and Neophytes (Dune series by Frank Herbert for instance has been a huge inspiration)

Unique IDs or whatever would be a positive. A small amount of continuity is good.


Come the fuck on, this is all rooted in immaturity and insecurity, trying to force anonymity when it isn't useful. It's a cultural bias. We don't want inconsistency in an already muddled, murky subject. When it's a rigid, clear subject such as mathematics (as an extreme example) then anonymity is fine and good. Reputation actually matters.




That sounds very cool. Content creation should be at the root of this website. The trunk should be verification and validation, as in, "Prove you can do it." Because honestly that's fun to me. "Prove you can heat your body up with your mind." can be proven with a video and a thermal camera or a thermometer of any form. Art collabs would be amazing.

We need to have a ritual where we purify the website/board with positive vibes and intentions. 8ch is a shit generator so it would be plain difficult to maintain here, but a separate website would be nice. We can do it based on planetary positions even. A weekly "Good vibe cleanse" which Buddhists would probably like the most, and a group planetary ritual. We can coat tail the ritual collectively, talk about how it affected shit "Yeah that Martian ritual got me into 3 fights and free puss." "A wolf attacked me thanks to that ritual." "I think I have cancer."

If I may say… I think this is happening, this website is split… because everyone here is suffering so much. The shitposting is only a symptom of the root of the disease. We didn't high vibe this place… and so it died. We have to make the new place all about cool fun shit. Keep it light and 'Easygoing'.



>** us Mundanes and Neophytes


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I'm totally down for this. Invite/Password seems to put up a better gate and filters out shitposters much, much more efficiently.

So will this be formatted CSS-wise to Yotsuba B? I'm fine with other formats but I'm curious


Fringe would actually be tolerable if the namefag retards shitting it up left

>tipp AKA Gay Bullshit Wizard

>corey AKA Bullshit Buddhist

>brownpill AKA 17 Year Old Retard

>tree flag AKA Delusional


Nuthhin perssonnel cids


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That's funny, I don't remember typing out a name for myself. All I remember is me posting images of a person and people started associating me with the implied name, despite me never making nor requesting one.

I hope you find better things to do in life than be on this board all day though



enjoy your jewicide cring wizard


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Real talk for second, I've always wondered about trolls/shitposters like yourself. I'm really not condemning you for it as you seem to enjoy it and it doesn't bother me much, but I'm curious as to why you do it.

You're a person with a life, right? A mother, a father, possibly siblings, friends, etc. So what drives you to hate people you never met? Again I'm not condemning you, go ahead and keep doing you, but I've just never truly heard an introspection from the perspective of a person who does this for fun.

I'm sure you like it because you get reactions out of other people, but, you don't have anything else to do thats more fun? Hanging out with friends/family, an IRL hobby, yknow? I mean theres nothing wrong with not having one but I just cant see why this would be more fun than something more interactive.

By the way I'm not a wizard, just a Buddhist who practices tantra



enjoy your jewicide cring wizard


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Yeah the sites a bit slow right now, double posts got me too lmao



I must destroy bullshit occultism I amthe Fedora King


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Understandable, have a nice day



When fringechan existed I actually liked visiting both. Somehow different people or at least different personas seemed to gravitate towards them.

I think of it as having different outlets/inlets for the same community, diversification, not fragmentation.




>a post, getting reported x amount of times will be become hidden, together with that accounts other recent posts getting flagged (tiny red flag top right of post), a flagged post requires only half the reports required to become hidden, until a mod can sort it through

>if post is allowed to become visible again the ones who reported it will get a strike, after x amount of strikes, reporting posts for no good reason you will lose your report rights or get outright banned for astroturfing

This can of course be tweaked.


There's gotta be a place for mundanes to get in touch with fringe knowledge, I think that can be /fringe/. I would want to have a website with stronger regulation and moderation where people were actually interested in creating lasting content (videos, meditations, articles) which conflicts with the nature of imageboards, but something could be done with all the tools we have available. We already have Mega for file hosting, we have skype for video chat, we have youtube to host video, I mean all we need is just people to get serious about what they do , maybe the problem is that imageboard people don't really like getting too friendly with each other, which is a shame because that is how knowledge is spread



I liked everything about fringechan. I thought alpam did a great job as admin and had a good vision for what the site needed to be. The only problem was that someone invited /x/ and after that the place was 50/50 /fringe/ versus normalfag-obullshitists. It was like the worst of reddit-tier pseudo-intellectuals who contribute nothing showed up and there was nothing anyone could do about it because being the problem isn't ban-worthy.

The point I'm making is that any new place we do move to has to have quality control of some kind. Faggots who might as well be disinfo agents but way more cancerous should be banned on sight. Immediately ban anyone who brings nothing but baseless critique and empty discussions that amount to, "I disagree, but I can't back up as to why but accept that I'm right and you're wrong - I'm putting the onus on you to prove me wrong even though I never provided a refutation with even 1% of substance." That will instantly remove 99% of the /x/-tier redditors that do the disinfo agent's work without pay.



Cory said he saw a post that said, "I like how this place is more like Reddit". You can't make this shit up



That was a huge issue and is a future concern as the community is the culture, well spoken.

I agree that Alpam & team genuinely cared and did an overall great job with what they had to work with.


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There is some books that are written on the spiritual platform rather than on the material platfrom aiming at the spiritual (or even at some material distraction)




>keep public info in public areas

Of course. Think of it as a personal "Home" button from where you can navigate the streams you follow, book releases/reviews, threads and boards.

>>Unique IDs or whatever would be a positive

Maybe for some boards. The option to pick a name or tripcode would still exist.


Something to be considered along with making certain boards only account accessible vs one or a couple of public boards.

If there are public boards that do not require login, on which people with login have privileges such as being able post images or being able to hide nonreg users images until a mod can come and review for removal, being able to temporarily mute after a set amount of posts or take away posting privileges or even viewing, these public boards can be used for consideration of an invite, if invite is to be required, all of this is still in the air and up for discussion.



>on which people with login have privileges such as being able post images

Images and attachments are the #1 way to fuck up a board or get it into legal trouble. I'm OK with there being boards where anyone can write, but being able to post images needs to be controllable.



you have all the tools but problem is mundanes dont care about fringe stuff, and imagebroad people mean well but they can be easily manipulated into believing anything if it reinforces there narrow views. Being more friendly does help but some people will come just to fling shit so a separate site would help in cutting down those type of people.



We need OpSec secure shit though. I enjoy a false sense of security, after all… I can just take care of my own security, since required OpSec would restrict the number of folk who can/will go on the site….

but having an OpSec section, 1. mundane and 2. magical would be great.




Thread specific Unique IDs would cut through a lot of confusion.

And what about Ranked Logins? Neophyte, Initiate, etc. with a guideline of standards and verification methods.


I'm pretty sure most chans avoid the legal trouble by not moderating at all, letting "volunteers" do it themselves. That would support the "user moderated" idea I think Easygoing had. I don't know the details, so… find a law forum and ask.


It's all in the presentation. The less of a target, and more legitimate it is and seems, the less shit gets flinged.


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>we have skype for video chat

I'd like to see more of this soon


>Immediately ban anyone who brings nothing but baseless critique and empty discussions

I wholeheartedly agree.


>Something to be considered

I think thats a pretty fantastic idea.

Tipp, if you need any help with vigilant hotpocketing, I'd be glad to be of service.



Ah yeah I forgot to say that the account accessible boards vs public boards idea is great. Maybe an Initiate, Adept and Magus board would be good as well?



>arbitrary "priviligal" reee

I did not wake up Christ conscious thirty minutes ago to deal with that shit right now.

Ive never much cared much for skype groups and never will unless the smile I'm chasing, saying "Guess I'll have to try harder the next time." is there.


"retilians and spooks' and shits kids", tease me on how to solve the user ID handouts situation if you think you're up for it.



>Thread specific Unique IDs

to be selected "enable" for each thread, individually and not reversible for the remainder of that discussion.





with a good 79% in favor and another 30 % who noped so hard they wouldn't bother telling us they did, 50/50 are good odds when shes smiling




No not arbitrary. I kind of want vetted ranks… as in, you have to prove that you're legit to get the rank, or just post in the general board and give people face and lip to get recognized as an unvetted wizard who won't bother being verified by the admins, or just stay unknown and anonymous.

It would be cool to KNOW that certain people can do A, B and C. Forget the ranks, just having that list of skills is nice. Seems pro.

I don't know if a simple text attachment would be kosher, but a little emblem might breed an "achievement game" where we all try to barely pass a threshold of achievement in everything just so we can get shiny buttons on our profile or whatever. Seems like a silly concern but somewhat legitimate… depth of knowledge and skill should be rewarded but not be done for an empty reward (illusory or not), thus perhaps certain skills must be proven again and again, or 1 upped in order to remain? All is temporary, as dust. But taking the foibles and quirks of human motivations too seriously just kills the soul and crushes optimism and momentum…

I vote for Skill and Achievement Emblems for community motivation and the practical benefits of knowing who can and has done what. I also vote that you can only see them during a Full Moon or some shit. heheheheh… Actually that sounds magically irresponsible. Maybe High Noon on Sundays; anyone know which longitude on the equator is the energy nexus of the Earth? We can use that time zone. Only up for 6 hours once a week. Consistency matters so you have to be able to prove that you can do something EVERY time you mean to, rather than just once, so being verified should include 3 spontaneous tests.


Alright cool.

May I note that motivation to add features will diminish after the initial roll out? We should try to make a great roll out.



And who will be approving and denying?

At the present that looks like its me, so where should i place you on this scale of nothing to nothing unto the neverending for the purpose of the chase?

I dont want to.


Because in doing so i would be limiting you.


Chanwide tripfagging allowed if you feel like it but im //not// assigning ranks to people


Hold on im still reading the rwst



Eh I assume there'd be like 5 others willing to do some shit. Forget the ranks.

The point I'm trying to make is that there should be some kind of "showing off" where I can gauge everyone's skill level and weather you're all obullshitists or not. If I can't see some skill, it's a little lost finding the path. If you can work that in in SOME way, then I think a lot of people would benefit.



Discuss this amongst youselves.



Yotsuba b it is but im a big fan of the current css. "Montalk" one, right? Its easy on the eyes.



>give people face and lip to get recognized as an unvetted wizard

Sounds a little dangerous, Tipp was a bold motherfucker to post his face on occultist 8chan, if you get a picture of someone even a high-neophyte can do some damage



>And who will be approving and denying?

See >>106996



I suppose youre right, if im not ready to step up and do that ill have to pass it off to one of you guys, making me entirely without purpose, but why would i trust any of you with such an integral part of my future if i cant stop qustioning myself about it?

These ranks are compplete utter bullshit, you arent the initiate or the master, you are both and the spark they create when they touch, the question. The look, the chase.

The sound of a mothers wet lips putting it bam smack on the cheek and giving you a :3

I dont want to touch this with gloves but if you still insist on ranks then it would be I defining you. Only a mundane would accept that.


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>but why would i trust any of you with such an integral part of my future

Good question, I'm glad you're taking a cautious route.

For myself personally, if it makes you feel any better, one of my Bodhisattva vows is to not lie, and I am telling you that I would do the absolute best to my ability.

>but if you still insist on ranks

I could care less about ranks, just offering my help.



Duly noted.


Smiles, what are your thoughts? Still want to be part of the community in the same way we trusted your crazy ass about it before?


What if your home page, with its own referral link had a section devoted to your posts?

Others could have an overview of what you write and follow, if you toggle visible.

Maybe this is the solution for deciding who is be allowed visit and post access to anything other than the public boards?

Everyone gets an acc and nobody will miss what they dont know exist.


>option to allow for sharing post history for a 5/10/15 minute intervall


The way I see it, we can't have user profiles à la Reddit. Remember it's still an imageboard. You can choose to be anonymous if you want, and it is your right to lie.

The mods can see you as a user profile of sorts, so that they can ban you if all you're doing is shitting up the place, but users should never be able to identify you unless you want them to.


I think this is unnecessarily complex the way you are laying it out. Let me explain my point of view.

I personally think having publicly visible "user profiles", even if optional, is not a good idea, because people in forums tend to treat those as their little personal piece or property and their ego gets attached to that persona very easily, and that steers away from the conversation.

One of the charms of the imageboard is that through forced anonymity, posters have no choice but to show their persona in their posts and not rely in their "public profile" to paint a picture of who they are. IDs and trips give a sense of individuality, but they're still nothing more than a label attached to the posts.

If we introduce personal spaces and whatnot, we break the imageboard model and we should just stop pretending and build a regular forum instead (or a subreddit), because we would be robbing it of one of its greatest strengths.

That's my opinion. What do you think?

The "home page" is a great idea as a tool, like a dashboard, where you can get an idea of what's going on, follow threads, even follow specific tripfags. But beyond that, turning it into a public profile… I don't know, I think that would be a mistake.

>Everyone gets an acc and nobody will miss what they dont know exist.

Yeah, that's the idea, right? Have public boards where anyone can post (but only those with a key can post images), and then have a private one that can only be seen with your key. In fact I would only make 1 public and 1 private, given the size of the community.

Hell, perhaps even just one board, and the OP can choose between public or private when creating a thread.

By the way, I'm calling them "keys" and not "profiles" because I would like to reinforce the idea that they should only be a tool for moderation, not for building a personality around them. That's what tripcodes are for, and anyone should be able to do that, even without a key.

We can implement cryptographically stronger trips if necessary.


"Gauging everyone's skill" is an unrealistic and immature way of looking at it. It's a terrible idea. Ranks are bullshit because "progression" in this path does not work like that. I guess you don't know because you are in large part roleplaying here. And yes, that is meant to (try to) offend you because you need a slap in the hand. Please stop talking about things you obviously don't understand and acting like it because you will never learn shit that way.

See if you need more clarification




Besides, the place wouldn't be big enough to need half this stuff yet. I'd say we start simple and add things as they are needed.

A basic layout:

>one board, only posters with keys can create threads

>threads are created public or private by the OP

>you can post images only with a key

>tripcodes and names as usual

>a dashboard or side panel (or top bar) were you can keep track of followed threads

And for now that would be it. More stuff can be added as we deem it necessary as we use it. Adding things by committee while it's in the drawing board is a recipe for disaster.


We still have to determine how to create keys. Email I think would not be a good idea.

Systemspace made people draw something and send it as an application of sorts, to make sure people were committed to a certain degree and not just fooling around.

Since we would already have public posting in certain places, I think the procedure for requesting a key should involve you writing a couple of lines explaining how you got into magic, at what level you are, what you are doing or working on, etc.

Everyone who is interested in this stuff can answer that (and is often eager to) anyway.

All this is just my opinion, obviously.


>users should never be able to identify you unless you want them to.


Thank you for some fantastic input.



Im compressing large amounts of information in as little as possible, you say it is complex, i laid it out to you as the simplest, most natural thing ever.

We will continue this after either you are able to see it or i take the time to write it out in full length.


Im good with patience, got myself to talk to.


And to boot im lazy like a fat cat, for both our sakes i hope you read it through twice.


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I liked fringechan, it was nice and cozy, but then it got fucked up. I liked it because it was obscure and wasnt filled with shills, mundanes, or skeptics like 4chan /x/ is now. And this place on 8 chan always seems at risk of being baleeted (because they have been coming down on censoring sites that do wrong think lately) or dying due to lack of users.

If you are going to go as far as making us log into a chan board i wont post there.

You might as well just make an old school forum with profiles, passwords, mods, things like that.

I have always dreamt of doing that myself, but i have no computer skills or money.

There would be way less shitposting and actual discussion i think.



Ill fix this for you m8, itll be the best of both worlds and you will enjoy logging in to post anonymously.



I'm just afraid of feature creep because I've seen it wreck projects a lot of times.

In any case the sooner we implement something that can be used and we start testing instead of discussing stuff just on paper, the better, I think.


Sounds like a bunch of fag shit. I hope the site gets made so all you bullshit occultist tripfags will fuck off.


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>bawww I want to create an overmoderated Fringechan 3.0 even though the last one was a failure, slow as fuck, never gained traction, etc.

Usurpers? When will you learn. Go ahead and build yet another splinter site; it doesn't have my blessing though. At least Fringechan 2.0 functioned as a good archive because of how slow it is.

Eris will be aghast when she figures out how you want to suppress the chaos.



We do need a bunker site though in case 8chan goes down, thing is, it better operate under the moderation principles as here, and be structured much the same way; none of this requiring an account to sign up bullshit.

As it is right now we don't have a proper back-up in case this place goes kaput.



It's not unrealistic and it's not immature. The rank idea was based on the assumption that there would be a generic 3+ skills that would define someone capable or not of basic wizardry. And there ARE basic and generic, "industry standard" measures of competency. Stop pretending there isn't. 3+ skills tested in 3+ ways, and we know what you AREN'T and that is totally full of shit. The ranks aren't the point though. Fuck that. Just knowing what someone is capable of is good. A list, some words, that verify that person A can do X, Y and Z.

Progression is progression. The way it works isn't impeded by recognition of one's abilities. If you are so afraid of being defined that you can't fucking function, then you aren't all that powerful are you? You're just escaping the perceptions of others and that's cowardly bullshit insecurity. If you are that scared of your self, that you can't let yourself around a bit of official competition and standards, skill and achievement, then you and everyone else isn't much more than a mundane are you? If being compared to others makes you throw up in your mouth and knees quake, you're not even a fucking man are you? Let alone a high and mighty, all powerful and magical fucking WIZARD. Jesus christ there is no logical point to this phobic shit.

You really don't seem to understand the point of objective standards and standards of growth. Fucking pathetic pompous empty fucking gestures of superior knowledge and understanding.


Here are 3 basic categories of magic as a quick example :




Didn't think it through like an existential crisis but you can think of 3 fucking skills of each of these categories that a Neophyte, Initiate, etc should be able to do. Bottom line.

A "skill tree", or rather, specializations, can be integrated. Shaman manifestation, perception, negation. Eastern manifestation, perception, negation. Western, etc. But it's so fucking easy just to have people get skills vetted then PLOP it gets added to their account or trip or whatever the fuck. "why oh why would I do that" look at the previous paragraphs. You can ask someone who can do something to teach you the way they learned. Now you know that it isn't someone repeating something from a book, and people are encouraged to have their own fucking methods and opinions.

"People have been asking me how to sigil cast for a while and they like my advice, but I've found that it was a shitty method so I might as well update everyone on this NEW MAGICAL SHIT." – and now it's known that all that previous advice is in question and that we should consider this NEW MAGICAL SHIT instead. Maybe Franz Bardon was a simple Initiate after all?

"People just lie about what they can do though."

IT HAS TO BE PROVEN AND VERIFIED BY ADMINS OR MODS. Or publicly, shit. If you can't rely on your skills well enough to perform under pressure (performance anxiety giving you limp dick?) then you needed the rude fucking awakening. And that's what it's about. A rude awakening.


Trips rather than profiles makes sense. Profiles could still be good, but just for the user. Private profiles only, with the only public identifier being a trip or ID. Best of both worlds. Low board number is necessary though. All the threads being on the same board is a good idea actually, with privileges deciding what invisible threads you can see.


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>Maybe Franz Bardon was a simple Initiate after all?



It's not "I DEFINING YOU" because you can't fucking define someone with less magic than a rat's shit into having reality warping powers, and you can't define someone OUT of reality warping powers either.

If people don't like the way you decide if something is legit or not, then they can just say they are legit and you're shit in the forum, and prove themselves IF THEY WANT TO.

Nothing objective or reasonable about these objections. We're here to actually learn and grow and achieve. We need SOMETHING to encourage more growth, learning and achievement… if you have other suggestions I'd like to hear them.

Honestly though… I've been vehement, but it's the reasons not to do it that people are giving that are infuriating. The true issue at hand is the actual means of verification. How do you verify someone? That seems more the issue.


A non-platonic solid mode of thought would be great as well.







And my criticisms of platonism is somehow psychosis.



To the feature list it goes

>allow OP to activate IDs on his thread, thus making that thread samefag-proof

>have a pre-generated trip for each poster (poster with key) that he can choose to show so he doesn't need to remember a password

>optional name field as always


I really like you, you know that? This will be the best archive you could dream of.



Although why not have IDs on always? What good is samefagging but to shitpost?

I say IDs always on. That way you can identify posters in a thread without needing a key (if it is a public thread) or a global identity. What do you think?

I can't think of a good reason not to have IDs.



Take note:

>If there's no Unique IDs, you can't mass block a shitposter.



IDs have nothing to do with moderation. We are talking publicly shown IDs for anti-samefagging and identifying who has said what within a single thread.

What the mods and the server can see has nothing to do with this. There are several measures you can take:

-Block their key (if they're using one): prevents posting images and accessing private threads altogether.

-Block their IP.

-In extreme cases (raids and such), make the thread private or read only without a key.



The user can't mass hide/filter a shitposter



No, he can't. If we get per thread IDs the regular way, you can filter whoever you want from a thread, the usual way.

If someone is shitting up the board to the point that he needs banning, that's a job for the mods. Mass hiding/filtering someone like that as a user is something you would only want to do to please your ego.

Again, that promotes focusing more on people than the conversation itself. Bad for business.

I say let the mods care about individual people.



In fact, you got me thinking. Perhaps having IDs is not a good idea after all, because it begets bullshit like


We need to discuss this. If someone is detrimental to the conversation, mods should take care of them, but if someone is just hurting your ego, perhaps we should force you to deal with it instead of giving you the option of turning the thread into your safe space by filtering them.



I at first thought you meant Unique IDs for a thread.

But you can't have a conversation with a robot. Knowing who is posting what, matters.

As for filtering, thread specific IDs work well enough. There's plenty of shitposting that needs filtering without having to go through every single fucking "You're all cringe schizo faggots" in every thread. That's a legitimate feature.

But board wide IDs are important because you can connect multiple conversations that way. When someone says one thing in one thread, and another in a different thread; completely contradictory things, you have a chance to call them out so they can explain themselves. As well, when you see someone say things in multiple threads, you have a chance to ask them a question that weaves all of these threads together into a fabric. Free-association breeds creativity. No-association doesn't. We're suppose to be creators.

And get your "wah ego" shit the fuck out of here. It's about adding to the conversation, which is much easier, with more unique opportunities, when you know who is posting what.



You know what I'll concede the whole board ID thing. Better to play it thread specific.



>But board wide IDs are important because you can connect multiple conversations that way

I'd say we use tripcodes for that. That way it's the poster's choice to present you with an identity.

>you have a chance to call them out so they can explain themselves

>you have a chance to ask them a question that weaves all of these threads together into a fabric

I think it should be a choice for the poster to let you know they are the same person across threads. We shouldn't force it onto him.

As for how that is done, in my opinion every feature should have a clear and separate use:

>Thread IDs for avoiding samefagging and having an identity within a thread

>Trips for having an identity across the board

>Keys as an invisible tool for the mods and regulating persmissions


Speak out if you don't agree, though.



Thread IDs are always on (or are they? I don't know), while trips are optional.



Could be another optional toggle


Time to light these trees up. Recognizing high skilled, high knowledge folk still seems like a good idea. Never mind recognizing who is who, that seems fairly done >>107172

>Thread IDs for avoiding samefagging and having an identity within a thread

>Trips for having an identity across the board

>Keys as an invisible tool for the mods and regulating persmissions

This seems basically good. Besides that, a bit more creative intentionality should be considered here. I'm thinking we promote some culture, content generation, competition (promotes growth afterall), growth (growth promotes growth afterall), motivation, discipline, fun, spontaneity, creativity and some other buzzwords. The question of HOW and WHAT, in promoting these things effectively, is what I'm more interested in. Can we discuss how the website itself could promote these?



>the website itself

Yeah, we should discuss things that go beyond the technical features of the site.

I insist that it's better to expand on those once the site is up and running. That way we can see what works and what doesn't instead of building sand castles in our heads.

back to writing code



Instead of the WOD of Crossfit, how about the Magic of the Week? or Objectives? Skills to learn? of the Month, 3 month cycle, 6 month cycle?

There could be a challenge or something every month. Or a competition > Who has the bigger staff – no, Who can create, inscribe and enchant a better staff? Of course there's always looks, but can you get it to actually do some shit? Can a regular person feel its presence even when hidden nearby? Can you cast extra strong magic with it? Prove it. Ah, better yet, how about the enchantment is already given in the challenge "Create an animal attracting staff that is functional without a person around to charge it." That would be a great month. Someone will have like 1000 birds, squirrels, raccoons, stray dogs and insects in their back yard where they stuck it in the ground and we get to see the results. That would be absolutely inspiring…

If no one can do it then we know we're shit. Badaboom. Monthly and/or weekly challenges/competitions/to-does sounds awesome though. If that was a real thing that people participated in regularly on the website, I would be absolutely hooked.

The astrological/ba zi calendar stuff is good. Website-wide rituals to fill the website with awesome energies and intentions would be great. Synch it to the moon and/or planetary stuff. I hope you choose some good intentions though, or you might just lose all the old userbase and replace it with some completely different folk. There could be a ritual where everyone dumps their own personal intentions for the direction of the website into it, and rituals for collectively agreed upon intentions.

A book of the month club. Good use of Goodreads or whatever. Path of the quarter. This school quarter we'll be learning about Chaos magic! That's 3 moon cycles and however many chaos books… that's a weird idea eh? A sort of learning program…



Its not just that, anyone I sanction with a title can speak on behalf of my authority, I dont want that. For many reasons.



No I was just quoting the fedora, has nothing to do with my actual opinion



Ah I half suspected much, but I'm leaning on the side of explosive self-righteousness right about now.


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To Tipp/Travis, do we have an ETA on when the site will be up?



Nope. I try to relegate myself to the position of codemonkey as much as possible. The other guy has bravely accepted to take care of the human political and administrative component.

Perhaps he'll know.


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we still have this issue.



















>.church (legit)


































chose before i do or regret it.



There hasn't been much discussion about that here. Let's wait and see what people has to say.

I think it depends on what idea you have for what the site is supposed to be, what it represents.

fringe.church and fringe.tips are funny.

You should make sure to choose domain privacy protection when you register it. If you have doubts contact me privately.


Why is this thread bumplocked?



Whatever, just decide a dot and were done here.



>We do need a bunker site though in case 8chan goes down

You're welcome to make new board at meguca. We had several attempts at an occult board but it collapsed every time. Last BO deleted the lot of it and doxxed himself in the worst way possible. If you make something realiable you will have the support of the current userbase. We only have /pol/ and /a/ currently.



Heey, were you looking for /nervecenter/?

This board is for /fringe/, no normies allowed. /pol/ and /a/ can go wherever they wish but not here.



>implying /fringe/ isn't a /pol/ board

Also this was not a reply to you, go ahead and make your tippfag forum.



>implying /pol/ isn't a /fringe/ board



How about fringe.chan from opennic?


You guys should be discussing this shit in >>>/fringemeta/ just recreate this thread over there.




anyone who feel like they should be in here get in here.


I have been spending a lot of time on imageboards and I have been spending a lot of time thinking about how to improve on the model out of necessity but without the skills to do so, especially these last few years which have seen an influx of astroturfing both in the form of shills and aggressive chan takeovers in order to sell information, no doubt backed by the guys who want the info to begin with.

I'm tired of that shit, I just want to shitpost in peace.

Luck is that one of the regular regulars of 8/fringe/ can code really well, he mentioned his work when someone QQ'd on the site being shit and wanting a new one, I inquired further then I pretty much kidnapped him. Hes next to me in my basement. I'm having the imps stick him with pointy stuff so he codes faster. The poster with the wiggly snek flag that I had been having lots of good conversations with during the past years goes under Outeanos, turns out we talked about stuff over discord 9 months ago so I'm fairly certain hes not some plant. Don't get me wrong, I don't trust anyone or anything, despite that and this seemingly divine fortune I trust him. To boot, at every twist and turn when I've suggested alternatives or downright dumb shit he has always opted for the choice that reaffirms anonymity and freedom. Coincidences coincidences. As we started talking he was so hype about getting to work I didn't need to ask if we were doing this, he already was. We looked over the basic utilities of a chan and then started talking about features, minor, seemingly worthless features that wont ever touch a majority of the users but features that in their wholeness create something new.

Our approach is not to limit the users but to expand their powers in most subtle ways, among things, adding a soft userbase moderation, making moderation easy - But first and foremost it is designed to eliminate shills without infringing on the freedoms of the users. They will never be able to shut this down.

Once we started talking about what to implement and what not to and to what degrees he started talking about things I've been thinking about so I just kept quiet for a few days and let him do his thing, a couple of days ago now, a week(?) after he started he sent me a key to the site and its fucking awesome. He made it from scratch. It looks like a chan but doesn't feel like a chan, its smooth like a virgins butt. Smooth.

It will be open source and it will be the golden standard of future chans.

I've got this great vision of a chan, a little bit of both worlds, Outeanos is great enough to deliver (If I don't manage to tick him off permanently with requests for features I'm having a hard time explaining why for because they're considered from to many POVs to count and intermingles with many other features), hes got those itchy coders fingers, skill and drive that make me envy.

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