I have the misfortune of having to regularly be in the presence of a female sorcerer of negative constitution. She is somewhat unaware of her own power and does not identify as anything in particular. All she does in her life though is create huge problems for others and destroy people. She is an old woman and appears like a friend to those who don't see she has two faces.
She complains about negativity, shouts down and silences people she doesn't like, talks bad about people all the time. A real handful, "a typical libshit" – I've had to counter many of her bad influences on many occasions and try to mitigate the damage she does. Being subject to her attention/obsession is bathing in a psychic flow of poisonous thought-influence.
She is in a sense a regular mundane; she doesn't at all know what the fuck she is doing. Never read a magick book, no real interest in magick, but she has always had bad and deceiving entities with her for her entire life that have constantly reinforced a negative feedback loop and she blindly does what they want. Since she is not open to being challenged, can't think rationally, is fearful of everyone, psychically attacks others all the time, is stupid and completely blind to the damage she does. Can't connect the causal dots between what she does with her imagination and the thoughts she entertains and acts out on and the ultimate counter-productive results.
There are many like her - what they do with their mind constitutes black magick. Some are actual magicians and not just sorcerers unconsciously using the laws to create havoc and degenerate the world. Since a magician knows the universal laws, no matter what their alignment, they are more dangerous; more powerful. A magician knows what they are doing. Thank the All my example is only a stupid pawn of relatively lowly negative entities.
I want to warn /fringe/ about black magick and its practitioners. Black magick isn't mere aggression, edginess, and the likes. It is rather an inversion of every virtue. A real black magician excels in deception and is marked by two-facedness, impure motivations, mimicry, inversion, etc. They are usually wolves in sheeps clothing, killing you with their so called "help" and "concern" and "kindness", the kind to backstabbers who lack the proper judgement to know when they are really helping or just creating a bigger mess in the world. A prime example: the jews as a people embody black magick, creating a reality of suffering for the goyim masses. It takes a man of great discernment to see through black magick practitioners and be untouched by their evil. It takes a man of great understanding to forgive them of their evil, to recognize the essential and divine self (spirit) at the core, and see that all the things of personality are but temporal and attached (attached as in a part from self, adhered to self, not the self, a thing like a glove, a condensation or collection of energy around a central point, etc.), and lastly it takes a man of great strength to erase that evil and ennoble the souls of the wretched.
Do not fear these vectors of evil even if they can and may well do harm in your life. Do not adopt their mental attitude in dealing with them. There is way to deal with them while maintaining proper mental attitude and proper defenses. Remember this also for it is very key in setting your priorities straight and maintaining your own alignment; that just as everything and everyone may be torn down and degraded, the power may also be used to correct and purify. The theologian recognizes the love of god as having implicit in its definition a corrective aspect, an aspect which does not merely adhere to the thing loved, but transforms it. So it is that god's love does not merely embrace a man but makes the man more holy, more pure, more sacred.
Maintain your own strength and resolve and don't lock yourself into a psychic war of attrition, let these types destroy themselves and even others if you haven't the power to dominate them. Focus your energy in more productive places. The evil nature having collapsed itself, being self-defeating, it is resolved into a state of absolute subjection (akasha), where it easily takes any new form - it is freed energy released in death to be drawn on and reworked. You can't save ANYONE if you fall into the darkness yourself.
This woman I speak of as an example; she spends all day every day "worrying"/thinking about others, seeing them in a bad light, seeing them as sick, making terrible suggestions, inadvertently destroying relations and cursing others to behave as she sees them. How much do you do these things yourself? It is best to turn the mind away from others, if you can't dispassionately and objectively see what is wrong, and then exert influence to heal and mend by changing the polarities. Look upon every person you cross paths with, everyone your awareness touches, and see them compassionately, so that your every interaction with them brings out their best, and aligns them to a more positive timeline. Let thought and deed spring fourth from a desire to ennoble, let the wheat separate from the chaff, build around your center so concentrated virtue that the things of darkness touch you not.
Cultivate a presence and power that works to heal everything it touches, make your soul like a midas touch, and you will be a blessing upon all (including yourself). Work within the light of god as Positive Being, not the pseudo-light of black magick which draws in confusion, disease, stress, trouble, etc.
Remember this; though the negative circumstances and events may be provocation for you to learn and grow, it is but wearisome toil and degeneracy, and it is perfectly fine to be at rest, peace, harmony, and beauty. The heaven is here and now as is the hell; you are much in eternity now as ever. So do not think you have to suffer, you don't. Life is supposed to be easy, beautiful, and happy. There is a secret in growing "without effort"; exertions that aren't wasteful and inefficient but which bring the greatest results with great finesse. Don't let others make it hard for you. Don't let the negative thoughts, mental attitudes, and psychic sickness sink your soul; first be aware of it, then draw in its opposite and dispel the reality of the undesired influence basic arcane formulas & bardon companion.
You are welcome.