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>Enter a fucking half-chub trance focusing on an element in the 5 elements, yin or yang, a power you want to have, etc.

>Don't sleep for a week, getting deeper and deeper into channeling and mastering this shit as you go full-trance.

>After a week you are initiated into "The Great Fire" or whatever the fuck you were learning.

This is my plan to learn the 5 elements, yin and yang, martial arts, electromagnetism, science, and everything else.

Thank you shaman initiations for such a great fucking idea.



Fuck "trance". It's called focus. FOCUS.



Completely appropriate to train your body and fighting fitness during the Great Fire mind-one-pointedness initiation.



Focus is active channeling, trance is subconscious channeling.

A trance can be much more powerful.



Ah, I see. Well I mean both then. One you can do for a week, the other you can do about 100 - 1000x a day. A good strong focus used whenever in a week long trance.




Why not both at the same time?

A lot of people do it and they call it vipassana.



Because explosive high strength focus is exhausting and effective training while slight focus flexes just ain't the same thing.


I do this but 4 days not a week.

No food, no water, no sleep; just constant fixation on one idea throughout that whole time.

At the end of the 4 days, whatever insight or power I wanted, becomes mine.



If you have used the techniques in this book, can you explain your experiences with them..



I have not


What degree of strength are the powers you gain through this method? What degree of discipline do you keep to this "constant fixation"?



Do you have a job? How do you combine this practice with that?


OP power level is overkill.





Actually gave me a chuckle.



How do you pay rent, food and stuff?

I have a job I procured with magic which I enjoy a lot. Isn't that what all this is about? Having good things for you and your loved ones?

Seriously. How do people around here make a living? I'm curious, but if I ask in the question thread I'll probably get banned for being a masonic raider or something.



I mooch off my family tbh.



Wait what? So you just sit down and focus your mind on something for a week? Im not sure how you're going to learn martial arts through that




I have a job that with magic and brains let me work 4 hours a day, and then I can go home or do whatever I want and still be well paid… There is an anon over here that works full time with a job he got through magic that he is even more well paid than me and has a degree of influence as well…

>Isn't that what all this is about?

This is not the point but one of issues imo




I wish I didn't have a job.



Focus on martial arts.



Martial arts require refinement of physical techniques, as in, using your body very precisely, it's not just going to come to you in your visualisation of you being a master at some martial art in 4 days.

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