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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

File: 236c26ab01f19ee⋯.jpg (252.22 KB, 1737x784, 1737:784, virg abrahamist chad gnost….jpg)

File: 61f0999aa882d9b⋯.jpg (106.65 KB, 1200x420, 20:7, virg preacher chad fundame….jpg)


I want to know how to fuck up my spiritual development, how to not learn lessons, how to engage in and cultivate vices, how to break taboos, how to shit all over anything held sacred, and anything else that is anti-spiritual. How to reap as much negative karma and conflict as possible, how to degrade and destroy, how to abuse and exploit, etc. A complete inversion if you will of everything (you) strive for. Some kind of, IDK, extreme STS or some shit. What does the anti-spiritual path look like? What is the complete inversion of all that is holy? How do I fuck up? Is it even possible to fuck up? If I try to be shit; will I just end up fulfilling my exact purpose and reach enlightenment? How do I post-pone, delay, prevent, etc. my development/enlightenment/ascent/gnosis?




Just be as much a bluepilled normie as possible. Or redpilled, it doesn't matter as long as you let yourself be manipulated via your emotions as much as possible and make sure to always be experiencing as much pleasure as humanly possible while actively running away from anything remotely painful or discomforting. Also make sure to blame others for all and any failures you experience and take revenge on them for that as much as possible.

That's all I can think of right now.



How can emotions manipulate oneself or others though? Isn't emotion just raw power? Isn't the manipulation from the idea that corresponds with that emotion? Aren't you saying to be irrational? How do I be irrational though? I literally can't form the irrational nonsensical thoughts normies are able to.

Also what are you sure about your statements about pleasure? Maybe you mean trying to get pleasure but in a manner which takes little effort and is self-defeating? The ascetic path produces far more intense pleasure than the hedonist path. There are mystics who are quite literally experiencing as much pleasure as humanly possible but that comes from there contemplation of God. Also concerning blame, usually in any real world case where blame has to be assigned, it's never as clear cut as "I'm responsible for it all" or "they are responsible for it all". There's always a shared responsibility. I think that taking responsibility for everything that ever happens to you is anti-spiritual as it denies the authority and responsibility of others. As for taking revenge, can't that be spiritual as fuck?


Sounds like a fast track to enlightenment if that's not who you actually are tbh



Your question is inconsistent. Some of the properties of the path you describe are spiritual advancement, some of them are not. But to attempt to apply some goodwill and interpret what you seek in the most practical manner, I'd give you the following advice: alcohol and television in excess.

You really need to push yourself here. If you're not drunk by noon (assuming you get up in the morning) and if television haven't occupied at least 3/4 of your waking hours you must assume you have failed that day.


What would Evola think of this thread?

Sounds like OP is riding the tiger.



Knowing me I'd probably fuck this up by becoming some kind of drunken monk who reads synchronicities in the crap on the television and starts to mind control the television instead of it controlling me and any mundanes present will get spooked by the weird shit the television will start doing.

Any exposure to radios or television in general causes an intense trance or "temporary madness" for me. I grew up with that shit constantly on, hating it, with true bluepilled mundanes around me; but I can't be them. Try as I might, I make an art of anything. Magick is high art; and I can't divest myself of this tendency. Every lie tells me the truth. Every truth tells me the truth. Everything is transparent. What I have been exposed to has transformed me forever, and I it, and observer and subject are measured together…

I can advance in any direction and find myself facing God again.

At every turn in the path, I am still on the path.



Ah, I thought you were serious. Well, carry on with dat edge brother.





This thread is about contemplation not action.

Hence "contemplate this faggots".

t. Knower



Contemplating your faggotry right now.



I'm telling you to be polarized.



By the way, the things you say… You are doing great! You didn't need our advice after all.



>Every lie tells me the truth. Every truth tells me the truth. Everything is transparent. What I have been exposed to has transformed me forever, and I it, and observer and subject are measured together…

This requires a little development but sometimes you have to take a step forward to take 2 backward. Learn to control your ability to find truth in things and stop doing it. If you advance as easily as you say you should have no trouble accomplishing this.



What if that just advances ones spiritual power by being in complete control of ones state of being? Being able to activate and deactivate faculties at a whim? Being able to transcend all limitations…

Really makes you think.png



I love these.


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