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I recently, as in only this late summer, attained the secret and practice of sacrifice, and ever since have been sacrificing things like money, belongings, time, etc. to release certain strong emotions and acquire favors.

To sacrifice properly, it has to be a true sacrifice. A hundred dollars for me causes me terrible anguish to give it away, because I might work 2 days really hard for it, and on top of that be out of work a lot, and might go hungry. I also may do works for others, knowing that I will gain nothing by it, except the compensation from God. I may also give up my very best crop, or give away something dear to me. I am glad that I have things to sacrifice, things that I care about, and which can release these emotions in me; because if I didn't I wouldn't be able to benefit at all from this practice. It is no sacrifice if the loss of that thing does not disturb the mind at all.

The first time I did a sacrifice it astounded everyone. This added to the power. They could not believe what I had did. I try to hide my sacrifices but sometimes people find out and are pissed that someone could act that way. I knew however; really KNEW as in gnosis, that god would feel what I felt and respond. What I did seemed senseless and self-defeating, but all that I felt was successfully transmuted, and I went to sleep feeling warmth, knowing that I had sent a strong message to All-Mind.

By sacrifice and by faith I have received many blessings. This ability to sacrifice is certainly built upon strong faith and contemplation of God. One day you may also be ready to sacrifice anon, and it will pain you, but you will gain much by it.



Could you give some specific examples of sacrifices you've made?I've also experienced this, just not in such a way as giving money for sacrifice.

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