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The rules are simple and mostly apply to the creation of threads on /fringe/:
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Shills, gtfo out of /fringe/.

If you are here to harass people for the sake of you or your organization's targeting of those individuals or if you are here to push your organization's agenda on /fringe/ through social engineering, the likes of whose behavior we would expect from IRC cops or 'tabloid agents' please gtfo.


This really didn't deserve its own thread. You should have posted this in a pre-existing thread. This thread pretty much breaks rule 3 or 4.



What makes you sure that they actually are goveremnt agents and not just some normiefags or unhealthy sceptics?



He didn't say anywhere that it was government agents but it is very clear some have come here to try and spread misinformation and cause the community to be derailed and split. We had very productive threads with hardly any squabbling for a while until a few days ago when many shills came into the board to try and distract/disrupt us. Either way I don't think it will work to well, this isn't /pol/ or something and we are not so easily manipulated by consistent memetic attack.



Hm some days ago you say? Hasn't it been always like that?



Here and there yes there is the odd spike of shills and trolls aiming to destabalise the board and distort the views of lurkers and anyone new to the board but it hasn't really been like that for a few months. I think the worst we had was that guy who just went through every thread calling everyone a schizo. Generally over the past little while the board has been very positive a decent share of information and us all contributing to each others enlightenment and wisdom. Of course there is always one or two, but overall the discussions were very forward and fulfilling, now we can see clearly many coming here to try and stop that. They are probably satanists tbh I don't think they are government shills or anything. There are those out there that don't want us to continue the way we are and want to hijack /fringe/ for a bit to engage in spiritual warfare. It is more than simple trolling it is an organised agenda against our principles and beliefs. The spiritual satanists and left hand paths would like nothing more than for all the rest of us to be disintegrated and get away from the board so we can't progress on our way. It won't work, to many of us are above that shit and communicate to often outside of the board.



Hm similar things is going on on 4chans /x/ aswell


no homo, 4chan /lgbt/ is like 24/7 shilling Asian ops and leftist social cleansing


People who don't believe in /x/ and want to become

people who don't believe in /x/ and don't want to become

people who believe in /x/ and don't want to become

people who believe in /x/ and want to become

people who don't believe in /x/ and want to.


When the "right-wing controlled leftist system" f*cks up, they just revert back to pointing the finger and ridiculing others




These are only my personal and subjective personal opinions…..I don't really have any conclusive proofs of all this.



Shut up, tavistock.


Daily reminder people are trying very hard to stop us from continuing our paths of enlightenment on /fringe/

Why do you assholes hate what we are doing here so much that you need to try stop us all from communicating and exchanging ideas? Your path is arrogant and without compassion, it leads no where but to more suffering.



It may be a spiritual entity like the concept of Satan or something.

Perhaps an outer space spiritual entity that wants to fulfil their agenda or keep us in bondage.

Many attacks are. of course spiritual in nature, and sometimes I feel that it is not humans behind it but rather powerful spiritual adversarial figures…



I think thats going to far, from a supernatural entity I would expect a lot more than just childish trolling and derailing a board. More likely these people just came from another board or are spiritual satanists who are pissed off so many here turned to the right hand path and became advocates of the Light and Wisdom.

They may like to pretend they are supernatural entities but I think it is more likely they are teenagers within nothing better to do. It's really the kind of thing I'd expect from little bastards those age and there are lots of them continually trying to troll on the chans for no apparent reason other than their own egotistical gains.



I was referring to adversarial spirits and powers in a general way, such as that of in life as well as that here on /fringe/ or on the internet.

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