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Can we have a thread to discuss the implications of quantum mechanics? To begin with, some things which are widely accepted in the theory

>things can exist in superimposed states, in which they are neither one thing or the other, but the two at the same time

>the evolution of these superimposed states is deterministic and given as a solution of the Schrödinger equation, except…

>…if you try to measure something, in which case the wave function collapses the system presents to you as one definite state

>this gives rise to the "measurement problem", which is a hole in the theory that one could interpret as placing conscious beings apart from the physical reality

>the act of measuring can also change the past of a particle, even if you are observing a photon which has been traveling for billions of years before reaching you (see Wheeler's delayed choice experiment)

All this seems really odd to me, like it's pointing towards something transcendent about reality. And if that wasn't enough, one could argue: why do we ourselves always assume definite states? If other things require conscious entities to look at them in order to take a state, then each of us has to be constantly observed by an external consciousness in order to exist, which could be what people have always recognized as "God".


I think this playlist is a really great introduction to all this:



>things can exist in superimposed states, in which they are neither one thing or the other, but the two at the same time

Only if by "things" you mean elementary particles or very small and simple systems of such particles, only for very short lapses of time.

>the evolution of these superimposed states is deterministic and given as a solution of the Schrödinger equation, except…

>…if you try to measure something, in which case the wave function collapses the system presents to you as one definite state

>this gives rise to the "measurement problem", which is a hole in the theory that one could interpret as placing conscious beings apart from the physical reality

>the act of measuring can also change the past of a particle, even if you are observing a photon which has been traveling for billions of years before reaching you (see Wheeler's delayed choice experiment)

Only if by "measure" you mean any interaction with a system whose wave function is already collapsed. When a superimposed or uncollapsed system interacts with a collapsed system, it is forced to collapse and become determinate. It has absolutely nothing to do (directly) with observation, consciousness or measurement. It only has to do with those things inasmuch those things involve forcing the superimposed system to interact with a collapsed one (you or your instruments).

It's a very common misconception regarding quantum physics and I thought it should be addressed here before the thread goes any further down the path of ignorance.



>All this seems really odd to me, like it's pointing towards something transcendent about reality. And if that wasn't enough, one could argue: why do we ourselves always assume definite states? If other things require conscious entities to look at them in order to take a state, then each of us has to be constantly observed by an external consciousness in order to exist, which could be what people have always recognized as "God".

No. Although I do believe consciousness pervades all of reality, this has nothing to do with quantum mechanics. You start with a fallacy. As I explained in the post above, things do not require conscious entities to look at them in order to take a state. All they require is to come in contact with things that have had their wave function collapsed already (electromagnetically, gravitationally… Any contact that makes an entity be affected in any way directly or indirectly by another).

Each of us is in direct and permanent contact with a very complex and collapsed reality, and that's what keeps us "existing" in that sense. Small, constant, short-lived fluctuations are allowed to happen, and that is, I believe, what makes magic possible, because those fluctuations of uncertainty is what our magic is able to influence.



Montalk is probably the best for this



God damn, a lot of this corroborates my intuitive theories of how the brain is a superimposed collection of states through the superposition of tryptophan molecules (I've even had that word pop up for no reason in my head many times over the years without knowing what it was).

In a way, our true mindful thoughts would exist "outside" of reality, and only come into being once we collapse to one of those states. This ties to so many other things.

For instance, to keep silent. By not speaking about your intent in magic, the only place that intent exists is in your mind. The moment you speak of it, you collapse it into reality, thus influencing reality and nudging it towards a "timeline" where your intent didn't manifest, for why would you talk about it otherwise?

Man this is exciting stuff.




Can you explain to me in more detail why speaking your intent would destroy your magic?



Quantum mechanics makes it possible to build a time telegraph

Then you can use it to receive the plans for a more complicated time machine.



It's an observation, not a hypothesis. I have no idea why that is. It just does.




Because it is spoken. The thought ceases to exist only in brainwaves/ether and begins to exist in physicality. As mentioned, letting a thoughtform become a known entity subjects it to everyone else's view on reality. If its secret then the only rules or potentialities it has to occupy are between you and your higher power.

Breath carries the energy necessary to turn on words and your body the place for that energy to take on form or intent.

Being quiet about your workings doesn't make them more potent, only less diluted.


Some things you can predict with certainty, other things you cannot. The difference between science and metaphysics is very simple: for science, the end is contained in the beginning; for metaphysics, the end is open. Let me explain this because it is a valuable concept to understand.

When you can predict what will happen at a particular moment in time, that event might as well have already happened. Throw a ball in the air at a given velocity and a physics formula will tell you when and where it will land. Its landing spot is decided the moment it leaves your hand; the beginning contains the end. This is what science strives toward: to study nature in order to predict it, to predict nature in order to control it.

But science encounters a little difficulty in the quantum domain. It’s known as the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle, which explains that you cannot completely nail down the behavior of reality at the subatomic level. For example, the more you know where a subatomic particle is located, the less you know where it’s going and vice versa.

Position and momentum, these are like the opposite views of the same cube. In one view we see three sides, in the opposite view we see the other three sides. The more we see of the first, the less we see of the second and vice versa. Yet all six sides exist simultaneously as part of the same cube.

The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle is simply a clue from our Creator that 3D space and linear time are illusory, that everything is happening in the Infinite Here and Eternal Now. Existence is an unchanging holographic fractal; the only thing that moves and changes in this fractal is the focal point of our consciousness. The “future” is an endless zoom into the fractal.

While science says the Uncertainty Principle is limited to the quantum domain, this is actually not so. Like leaves floating swiftly along a river we sense no immediate motion around us and falsely conclude the river is still. In truth, quantum principles are in full effect even on the macroscopic scale, but since our experiences through “linear time” are products of these effects, we are oblivious as leaves in a river.

But the Reality Uncertainty Principle is very evident for those with eyes to see. Here I am talking about the spiritual principle of manifestation, how the universe answers earnest requests through nothing short of surprises. Either you receive at the expected time in an unexpected manner, or receive in the expected manner at an unexpected time. Usually it’s a little of both.

Quantum mechanics concerns itself with position and momentum, but these are just questions of “what” and “when” — space and time. The timing and nature of synchronistic answers to spiritual requests are also questions of “what” and “when” — space and time. The Uncertainty Principle is as valid on the macroscopic scale as on the quantum. As above, so below.

Linear time does not exist because there is no change in the infinite fractal, only a change in our point of observation. The only true time is that which measures our sequence of freewill choices, lessons, and increments of soul growth — the measure marker of our pathway through the infinite fractal.

But the critical point is this: without choice, there is absolutely no time. In a deterministic system where the beginning contains the end, the beginning and end occur without advancement along true time.

It is for this reason that such events can be predicted with absolute certainty, for they take place within the same frame of the cosmic film strip. Metaphysical events take place between such frames. Putting it another way, the events studied by science take place within this universe, while metaphysical events like synchronicities involve dynamic shuffling between universes.

Just as rotating toward you one half of a cube rotates away the other half, so does focusing on the timing of a metaphysical event “rotate away” the expected nature of the event, and vice versa. The solution? Don’t expect at all. In other words, patience and non-anticipation. You can go through life without manifestation rituals, just a happy-go-lucky attitude that lets good things fall into place like a cube falling into a square hole. (Though, keep in mind that due to the Law of Awareness, you should indeed calmly anticipate and prepare for the bad things, in order to head them off).

But if you do make a request, follow Ron Popeil’s advice: “set it and forget it.” Through non-anticipation you leave the timing entirely ambiguous, which according to the Reality Uncertainty Principle keeps the integrity of your request entirely intact.



>Only if by "things" you mean elementary particles or very small and simple systems of such particles, only for very short lapses of time.

The equations of Quantum Mechanics are not restricted to any particular scale. You mistake the existence of decoherence for QM simply going away for macroscopic objects. It doesn't go away, it just gets overwhelmingly difficult to measure. The wave function is still there.

>interaction with a system whose wave function is already collapsed

When you detect a photon passing through a slit, the wave function of the detector has no reason to be "already collapsed". In fact it could in principle become a superimposed state of all possible measures it could display. It's not a "path of ignorance" to state that, this is the basic issue that causes so many interpretations of QM to exist, none of which more provable than the next.

You see even big names like Sean Carroll advocating for the many worlds interpretation of QM. How is bifurcating the universe into an infinitude of parallel universes more reasonable than attributing the collapse of the wave function to the interaction with a non physical Consciousness?


I really like your cube analogy.


anti-slider spam bump



Another QM tard using fad science to support whatever the fuck they want to believe in.

The only reason you can't tell both where a sub-atomic particle is and is going is due to the fact that the instruments used disrupt the particle itself.

In fact, they CAN both observe where a sub-atomic particle is and is going with "soft" methods of using 'noise' to determine the two within a decent standard of accuracy. Nothing changes at the sub-atomic level except the limit of our application of technology to measure particles.

QM is fad science for spooks and retards.


>this gives rise to the "measurement problem", which is a hole in the theory that one could interpret as placing conscious beings apart from the physical reality

Measurement is a technical term for particle interactions, it has nothing to do with consciousness. Which is hardly surprising when you consider that consciousness is beyond rational investigation. There will never be a scientific test that proves or measures consciousness, because this would only be possible if consciousness were mundane.


>this gives rise to the "measurement problem", which is a hole in the theory that one could interpret as placing conscious beings apart from the physical reality

Measurement is a technical term for particle interactions, it has nothing to do with consciousness. Which is hardly surprising when you consider that consciousness is beyond rational investigation. There will never be a scientific test that proves or measures consciousness, because this would only be possible if consciousness were mundane.



Are you talking about tachyon based telegraphs? Many think that such a telegraph is either logically impossible or else not useful for interacting with your own timeline



What is the mechanism behind the wave function collapse? Is the transformation of a particle from the superposition to a seemingly random single position truly random or an objective phenomenon?



samefag here. I never actually read this post


very interesting. yes. indeed


people tend to forget that the cat is aware of himself, he knows if hes alive or dead.



That's what I always say. It's a dumb meme for redditors anyway.

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