Meme Responsibly 09/26/17 (Tue) 00:15:27 No. 109789
>when you realize a generation of imageboard browsers got mindfucked by the memes into turning into hilarious absurdities that, rationally, you should prefer not to ever become
>when you realize you're a basement dweller NEET, weeb, abnormal, and general fuck up because you got memed on into becoming those things
>when you realize the daily rituals of shitposting and the self-concept you developed out of that and became identified with turned you into a joke
There's a huge difference between the "before imageboards me" and the one after. It changed me drastically, on a physiological level, on every level.
So many young men here whose lives have been drastically altered by pepe and wojack and other shitposting.
Time to meme ourselves into ubermensch now. There is literally no defense to the power of memes other than to avoid exposure or to pick your memes carefully.
09/26/17 (Tue) 03:41:41 No. 109816
pretty sure the problems are a little more complicated than just "getting memed on"
09/26/17 (Tue) 03:47:43 No. 109817
just try buying a house today
>Back in 1985, the median Toronto family income was approximately $31,965. So a house cost 3.41 times the median family income. Currently, family income in Toronto is about $74,366, meaning the home value to income ratio currently stands at 7.62 times income – more than double the ratio from 30 years ago. Score one for the “prices are crazy right now” team.
don't let cuckservatives and neo-liberals fool you into thinking all your problems are due to personal failings (some are, some aren't). even liberal feline and phagtasm the smug #1 pro-establishment don't-rock-the-boat neo-liberal admit they could never afford a house but their parents could
09/26/17 (Tue) 04:00:55 No. 109819
the cuckservative elitists (universities, the media, the globalist corporations, stefan molyneux, alex jones, peter joseph watson, milo yiannoplous, republicans, donald trump, etc.) and ruling class wants you to believe that all your problems are personal failings so you would never point the finger at them and demand radical changes in the system. they want you to believe its all your fault even though you have absolutely no say in how things are run yet they're the ones who designed this very system that you live in, to the benefit of themselves.
never forget the revolutionary spirit of Adolf Hitler, a wandering vagrant in his youth, when he saw how weimar republic was crumbling with staggering rate of unemployment, extreme prices, extreme inflation, could barely afford even bread, and with the german masses suffering while the rulers and the money-lending kikes were living just fine. he went from homeless painter with absolutely nothing to the leader of the socialist germany workers party and then fought his way to become chancellor of germany
09/26/17 (Tue) 14:39:47 No. 109830
Any books/videos on meme magic?
09/26/17 (Tue) 19:00:37 No. 109843
You can insult neo-liberals and cuckservatives all yoiu want but you speak as if your mind is poisoned by political ideology as well.
Just because success by the old standards are nigh impossible doesn't mean that success itself is nigh impossible.
09/26/17 (Tue) 19:21:26 No. 109845
When you learn what it means to have faith in noise, you're going to drop so much fear. So many things will make more sense to you. This reconstructs everything.
There is no point fearing any meme whatsoever. All engagement is positive! Man is driven towards truth!
09/26/17 (Tue) 20:51:45 No. 109856
uh oh, commie spotted, only commies talk about 'the evils of ideology' and 'poisoned by ideology' and such, especially Zizek.
09/26/17 (Tue) 22:15:05 No. 109860
Did you try searching for any
09/26/17 (Tue) 22:19:28 No. 109861
You're replying to The Board Owner
09/26/17 (Tue) 22:19:39 No. 109862
Nothing new under the sun.
Lets get this straight, everything affects us.
Memes are no more special than anything else.
If you allow any type of random information inside you, it is warping you and shaping you.
Its not about memes, its about general personal ecosystem awareness.
If you get "memed" in to something, its not about memes, its about you being unaware and letting things shape you.
If it were not for memes, it would be something else.
>no defence
Just like anything else.
>meme responsibility
How about responsibility in general. There is nothing edgy by staying in imageboards/pols/tv watching/9gag/porn/news/ redpill/whatever , its all the same in the sense that its information that shapes you.
If you are not aware of the shaping happening, it does not matter if you are left or right, blue pilled or red pilled, you are a vessel for thought forms, acting by their will, unknowingly.
The issue is deeper than you think.
09/26/17 (Tue) 22:22:36 No. 109864
Thoughts are things and things have gravity nigger - see attached
09/26/17 (Tue) 22:30:30 No. 109866
That anon isn't me.
Regards, the BO.
09/26/17 (Tue) 23:35:10 No. 109873
09/26/17 (Tue) 23:36:37 No. 109874
priest of ISIS/10
09/27/17 (Wed) 03:39:07 No. 109884
Even if you think pointing fingers would best improve the situation, you still have to do that yourself. Elites aren't responsible for pointing themselves out; That has to come from somewhere in the general population, and it has to come from one place first.
Hitler fought and he and his works died. Alexander Solzhenitsyn spoke and he and his works lived. I don't know about Hitler, but Solzhenitsyn took personal responsibility for his actions and it made his life better.
09/27/17 (Wed) 15:17:38 No. 109905
>There's a huge difference between the "before imageboards me" and the one after. It changed me drastically, on a physiological level, on every level.
Same for me, but I believe I changed for the better.
I used to be a head in the clouds faggot before I found 4/pol back in the day, the problem in what you do with your new personality.
So do you improve yourself, life up to the standards you decided to set for yourself?
Or do you post frogs?
Very simple.
09/27/17 (Wed) 19:18:23 No. 109913
Yes actually, I have
09/27/17 (Wed) 22:09:50 No. 109919
If you're dumb maybe. You sound like a shill.
>ruling class wants you to believe that all your problems are personal failings
Americans have this thinking bone deep it seems, even here (chans) people are calling others "losers" while using the very standard created by said elite. If you support them, you accept them, if you want them gone, stop using money and career as a measurement of success.
I have no motivation whatsoever to follow those things because I can't accept the world system I'd be doing it in, any achievement within their system, their rules, is meaningless. I'd rather just exist in a nation I control with no status, than being at the top of a democracy, it's still nothing compared to the real thing.
>Elites aren't responsible for pointing themselves out
Sure they are - and they will. Trump is an elite to most people and he is pointing them out. We just need to break their facade and manipulate them into attacking each other. D&C works on them just the same.
09/27/17 (Wed) 22:31:52 No. 109921
>Hitler fought and he and his works died.
Funny thing you claim there as I've actually read Mein Kampf and so have many other people.
09/28/17 (Thu) 00:03:39 No. 109927
Imageboards made me a better person. If you read greentext stories and see pictures that relate to people who fucked up everything and have shitty lives and you somehow meme that stuff into your own life, surely you have to have been a fuck up in the first place. I saw those things and I related to them a bit in the beginning of my time on imageboards, but I took them as examples of ways not to live my life. If you made yourself into an omega NEET because you identified with those people and LARPed on the internet, that's your own fault. There's no reason why you can't just do the same sort of thing to get yourself out of that situation, though, like OP said.
09/28/17 (Thu) 05:22:56 No. 109948
So do you have any PDF's or not?
09/26/18 (Wed) 06:40:58 No. 125286
I wake up screaming sometimes remembering how immature some of my friends sound.
09/26/18 (Wed) 07:38:50 No. 125296
That sounds really intense!
09/26/18 (Wed) 07:45:10 No. 125298
09/26/18 (Wed) 11:41:29 No. 125302
You are just a weak faggot, imageboards only did good for me, there is a lot of positive things you can abrosrb here, and the main one is "how to ignore retarded people and opinions without gettting angry or influenced".
12/23/18 (Sun) 11:03:50 No. 127038
There's this one mentioned in this video called The Complete Book of Ceremonies & Magic by Migene Gonzalez-Wippler, though for all I know it might not be that great of a book, because I have not read it.
I hate normalfag "memes". They're not. They don't know what it means.
12/23/18 (Sun) 11:05:08 No. 127039
>"how to ignore retarded people and opinions without gettting angry or influenced".
How did imageboards teach you that? Genuinely curious.
12/24/18 (Mon) 04:02:04 No. 127050
Hey mods in my thread on Nirvana you locked, I indeed had presented substantial information.
12/24/18 (Mon) 04:06:30 No. 127051
SAGE! 12/24/18 (Mon) 08:00:02 No. 127052
Hi, I'm the vol who locked that thread. Firstly, you should have posted this in a thread for which it's actually relevant, like the question thread. Otherwise people like myself aren't guaranteed to see it and reply to your complaints. Secondly, do you understand the concept of the question thread? Your thread was created for the specific reason of asking the question "what does "nirvana" mean?". That's a question. Once someone answered your question, there would be nothing else to post about in your thread. When lots of people post those kinds of threads, it removes all of the threads people use to have ongoing discussions. That's why rule 2 exists, and it's why the question thread exists. We aren't here to be mean or hostile. We're just trying to make the board efficient and keep everything within the rules.
Sage for off-topic.
SAGE! 12/24/18 (Mon) 12:07:02 No. 127054
What about that time you deleted my thread about occult meaning in the institution of science? I offered my own postulation and encouraged others to think about it and find their own. even weirder was that i had accidentally posted it twice, and requested one deleted which means the mod who left the other up for a few days must have thought the subject okay overall.
SAGE! 12/24/18 (Mon) 18:57:00 No. 127057
That probably wasn't me. I haven't deleted any threads. I've been a vol here for about two months.
SAGE! 12/24/18 (Mon) 19:38:19 No. 127059
I think i know which thread you’re talking about. If im not mistaken it got auto pruned, all threads that reach page 5 without atleast 10 replies get automatically deleted which is another reason why question threads are a problem.
SAGE! 12/25/18 (Tue) 04:50:51 No. 127063
Oh, okay. I didn't know about that feature.
01/24/19 (Thu) 00:26:57 No. 127667
Your symbol appears to say Exito Placer in l33t speak and at the center is the symbol for luciferianism and the alchemical symbol for balance, along with an arrow pointed between the X and 1. Since at the center of the image the symbols appear to resemble an X on top of a 1, that indicates this symbol represents that an exit was placed at the dead center of card. The happy face at the top of the card indicates a reference to a joyous magical being (similar to me though I doubt that was your intent) and I'd guess it represents you or a being you consider important. The wavy part that the arrow extents from seems to be the letters S and Z (or one of those bullshit rotated letter Ns/Ms), which I at face value would guess are the intiails of the joyous being's face symbolized at the top. Together this all indicates that you may be conveying an additional cipher of letters, with S Z I and X being key to deciphering what the remaining symbols 3 X 1 t O P L 4 C 3 r may mean; however I'm unsure if I should assume you made a cipher given you'd have to be smart enough to do so.
In short, I would wager this card is supposed to represent an exit from this realm of existence into a higher joyous realm, seeing as the exit is indicated to be at the center of the card while above this supposed exit is a higher-up happy being seemingly emanating with power. I'm unsure what point there is in making thus beyond inspiring those who look at it to transcend to a higher plane of existence.
~Epyc Wynn
01/27/19 (Sun) 01:58:53 No. 127762
>>avoid exposure or to pick your memes carefully.
How about reaffirming the positive values you are trying to embody when confronted by any person or media encouraging the contrary.
01/27/19 (Sun) 04:22:42 No. 127765
File: 4cc352eb1dffcf1⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 61.75 KB, 590x882, 295:441, 4cc352eb1dffcf1200a23b63a5….jpg )
File: 77a436c110c8366⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 105.78 KB, 629x476, 37:28, 77a436c110c8366b818ac168e6….jpg )
File: 2979794beb8bf07⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 69.07 KB, 604x544, 151:136, 2979794beb8bf07d9f9400630d….jpg )
File: 1501e84db95cf18⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 89.73 KB, 845x403, 65:31, 73bfd20407bb9803081d22c536….jpg )
04/01/19 (Mon) 11:16:04 No. 129768
exito = success
placer = pleasure
04/05/19 (Fri) 21:49:07 No. 129871
04/05/19 (Fri) 23:16:54 No. 129915
It ain't easy being green.
04/06/19 (Sat) 15:17:10 No. 129946