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A strange thought has popped into my head after doing a scheduled meditation. "What's the Point of Becoming a God" or a "creator essence" of your own reality? Essentially, you would be able to make anything your heart wished but at the same time would you be able to go and experience the joys and wonders you create? Would you be locked to sitting in your respective zone of existence and simply monitor and observe everything for all eternity or would you be able to actually involve yourself with your creations?

I hate to sound bleak but if I would be limited to simple creation only without being able to hop into the worlds I make I'd rather stay at a lower level of existence. I mean, it would get dull and distant the longer you'd exist. Eventually you would have nothing to call your own save for the energy to bring forth. Am I alone in this thought process or would some people enjoy just being a cohesion of processing energy to draw forth creation?



Just do whatever you want. As long as you kill the ego just do whatever you want. Everyone has a different vocation, don't they? Some people see porn and immediately decide they want to be a whore and have lots of sex their whole life and I'm just like… ok.



the primary attribute of a god is firstly immortality. The short answer to your question is immortality.



Well then we also get into the stagnation issue there. Am I just existing forever as a singular essence? Would I be unable to transform? Being good at something is one thing, to be ruler of domain is another.



devils are immortal too, as are all souls

the primary attribute is whatever the god defines for himself



The meek throw out the question with a dismissing gesture once it makes them uncomfortable.

Your question OP is a misunderstanding. The power of a god is personal as well as relative. Where the interesting bit of the universe ends is only somewhat personal however, and it extends well beyond the level of a human, for many billions of light years and light millenia. Then beyond this I am sure is a great gap that, if overcome, leads one to a much much much greater reality, as an existence that can be compared to our atoms though much much less.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


How do you know you haven't already done this, and are existing simultaneously in multiple forms with a self enforced amnesia to maintain your illusion of separation?

Because that's pretty much what the majority of mystics and hallucinogen popping dope heads have been concluding since the dawn of recorded history.

Conjecture versus described experience.

All your doing now is coping with the after affects of that self enforced amnesia.


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oh shi-





Why in the seven heavens would I want to bring myself here with some form of mission then blank my mind on that mission? That is the most asinine thing I can think of. And if I'm doing so to try and fuck with that nerd, Ialdabaoth, why would I not just bully it like everyone else where I can make a bigger impact?



Because "boring".

If its easy it isn't any fun.



It'd be asinine to send yourself on a mission and give yourself amnesia so you couldn't remember the mission. But what if you didn't even have a mission, because you're God, and obviously you can make anything happen just by intending it.

Maybe your mission was just to experience not being God for a while, so you could have the fun of being miserable for a while and then eventually realizing that you're God. You have to admit that'd be a pretty glorious experience. Maybe that's what God does for fun.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Soemtiems the best you can hope for is a complete and thorough burn.



Well, maaybe when you come here the noise of the world just takes over and you'll be able to remember what you're doing here if you just silence all your human thinking…



You know that kind of reminds me of how we (in many ways) play various role-playing games.


That doesn't truly answer anything. For instance, if I was a greater cosmic being (like for instance on of Lovecraft's Great Old Ones) wouldn't I want to know just what to look for? I understand the principle that the human mind may not be able to create thoughts or patterns for things that it has never truly experienced (one of the reasons I feel dream recall may be hard at times), but the fact of the matter still remains I'd want to equip myself as best as 'godly' possible.


It do not have a good working definition. I think people worked one out and there were only so many that people shared.

It is really respectful to consider everyone in grandmaster and in generation and with an inner life of their own.



I am unsure.

I wonder if it refers to a kind of genius in propaganda.


Usually, when a soul becomes a god it becomes an existing one. Most likely because your soul was already a fragment of it before it became one.

And almost no god lives isolated in their own bubble of reality. If they do, however, they also have the ability to design a specifically designed life to reincarnate into while also controlling how much of their god-status they actually remember.

Think of it this way: Imagine you could create the best movie ever, tailored specifically towards YOUR taste, and then erase your memory of ever creating it so that you can enjoy it without remembering all the spoilers.

Keep in mind that such reality bubbles exist outside of time, though, so if a god decided to go through with such an experience he'd only be gone from this universe for as long as he wants to be gone, which is usually either forever or just a second. And usually the gods don't change themselves as much as you'd think by going through such an experience.


>but at the same time would you be able to go and experience the joys and wonders you create?

Yes, if you want.

>Would you be locked to sitting in your respective zone of existence and simply monitor and observe everything for all eternity

Only if that's the way you want it to be.

You are not really grasping the concept of a god. What you're proposing is that you are some shut-away demiurge constantly shitting out matter that he then jettisons while sitting there desiring all the things he jettisons from himself. If that's your idea of a god, then the basic terms of this question are premised on a fundamental misunderstanding of creation and the act thereof. To create a thing which you love, out of love for the thing created, is to enjoy it in the way that a parent loves a child. To understand that it is ALL your children and that even so-called 'destruction' is just change and that is your nature and also your eternal moment of victory, that is godhood, immanent and direct, and it is also perfect enjoyment.

To be a god would not involve being without pain, but it would involve being without the delusion that pain or grief or any of these things are bad or in some way say something true about your eternal state. You would enjoy them in the way that someone enjoys a good movie or a video game on hard. Plenty of people can't stop sucking Dark Souls' dick even though that whole series is 99% losing. You must follow the Dwarf Fortress model; losing is fun, pain IS pleasure, not enjoying IS enjoying, you must learn to enjoy not enjoying for its own qualities.

Basically the question itself is wrong.



This is the only thing that makes sense to me after going through so much new age hippy garbage.


"wow there is this thing that makes me feel good all the time that I need money for "

Jewkike: yes! Consent to slavery! Do my work for me and every once in awhile I'll free you from prison for a few minutes or a few seconds if you are ejaculating!

Nah fuck that. Heil fucking Hitler gas the kikes race war now Satan is amazing and im destroying earth with a meteor shower so mother earth is clean for the first time since human bacteria came into existence


Daily reminder that earth has consciousness and humans are a parasite. Kill your human self and merge with Earth or you will never exist as anything.



(((they))) want you to kill your ego.

liberal globalist democrat marxist communist zionist jews want to be the only ones with ego while they convince everyone to kill their own ego so they can rule everyone who is left as husks.

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