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Esoteric Wizardry
Winner of the 66rd Attention-Hungry Games
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December 2018 - 8chan Transparency Report
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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

File: 31c556e67c48f44⋯.jpg (42.82 KB, 560x420, 4:3, hanz1.jpg)


can anyone help me against my mom? she is a demon and sucks my life force out of me.

is anyone of you a spiritual healer or can banish demons or something?

preferably something that can be done over the internet.

she steals my life.

if you need a picture of me, here is one. if you need a recent one, i can take one with my webcam.

urgent. pls.



nobody can change your situation but yourself.



i thought you were wizards. cant you help me?



timestamp faggot



will you help me after i sent a timestamp?


sup hanz

been a minute…you ever find that girl?


File: d93603085479cd8⋯.png (5.68 KB, 529x135, 529:135, thedayafterww3.png)


no but pic related happend and i felt it was true (i sometimes get these feelings that tell me when something is true)



I wont fight for you if you won't fight for yourself.


File: 3d44243bbedb450⋯.jpg (20.65 KB, 354x439, 354:439, succubus4.jpg)


Join the succubus collective and your problems will be over. ;^)


hanz, my boody. welcome back.





what makes you think i dont fight for myself? i tried visiting a energy healerr but i fucked up. i cant do it myself. i need actual help. pls help me get this burden off me. i would be finally a real human and have a completely different life.


Dice rollRolled 73, 31, 66, 68, 66, 25, 50, 4, 47, 11, 76, 58, 30, 32, 28, 56, 29, 13, 55, 67, 51, 48, 70, 14, 45, 17, 5, 6, 6, 25, 39, 2, 55, 28, 69, 45, 52, 43 + 2 = 1507 (38d76)

SUP hanz. you rebuild y8ur house yet or are you lodge and a cotted in an institution?





was not a joke you know.



i live at our house near berlin.





Something like a mother who is also a demon is likely an obstacle given to you by your higher self as an obstacle to overcome… or more likely, to understand. The first thing to understand about demons is that they require energy to survive, so they really do have to do what they do or they face death. The second thing to realize is that they are teachers - the only difference between a school and a prison is the attitude you take towards the situation.





I hate the "obstacles are learning experiences" thing. It reeks of Stockholm syndrome.







Need a picture of your mom. For research purposes, of course.


File: f9ed31d20b4405f⋯.png (306.87 KB, 703x534, 703:534, 150776075393470-2.png)


File: 8e4d8526a620fac⋯.jpg (1.44 MB, 2592x1936, 162:121, 1381812805268.jpg)

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