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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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alright, im going to try and describe this in as simple a way as possible, and hopefully not sound like a total nut while i do it (although we ARE on an esoterica board, so hopefully im in good company).

since my early adolescence, ive experienced a weird phenomena in my vision from time to time, and ive yet to find anyone else who has experienced it. i call them "drips". they are very small pinpoints of white light that travel downward in my vision. it doesnt happen very often, but ive been writing down some of the occurrences lately to try and discern a pattern out of them.

first ill try to describe what they look like visually, in detail. size-wise they are about the size of a large housefly, maybe a quarter inch in "diameter". i say diameter in quotations because they arent perfect circles, but more like a tear drop, or a streak. color-wise, they are not just the color white, but rather like a hole in an old film reel. perfectly white. but NOT bright, per say. they dont appear to give off any light, and it doesnt hurt to look directly at them. but they are without a doubt, the "brightest" color of white ive ever seen in my life. but its not something that i can actually look at or focus on for one simple reason: they are fast as fuck. they ALWAYS start at the top of my vision and travel downward to the bottom of my vision until they are out of sight (hence "drips"). the speed that they move at is much faster than free-fall. more like when an MLB pitcher throws a fastball and youre in the front row looking at the space in between the pitcher and the catcher. very quick. the whole sighting lasts a fraction of a second, but ive never been able to record the time it takes from top to bottom because they dont happen at a consistent rate (believe me, ive tried sitting in a particular spot and timing them… its just not gonna happen, i dont have the reflexes). the rate, does however appear to be uniform. they are ALWAYS this fast, as far as i can tell.

now, on to some of the patterns ive noticed with them. for one, they only happen whilst im on foot. never in a car, on a bicycle, or any vehicle for that matter. they do however, happen sometimes while i am in buildings, but only when both my feet are on the floor/ground. lifting both or one of my feet results in them stopping altogether. there is also a correlation between where they occur. if i find a "spot" where they happen, i can stay at that spot and wait for an indefinite time and continue seeing them (but like i said, not at a constant rate. there is no rhythm to them). if i leave that spot and return to it at a later time, i can see them again, but the "point" seems to be very small. if i move an inch in any direction, they stop happening. the compass orientation of which way im facing also seems to be irrelevant, and this is what leads me to believe that they arent some sort of "eye glitch" like floaters or photopsia (they are also never accompanied by a headache or migraine as photopsia generally is).

webm unrelated, but cute, and necessary to post

cont in next post…



so basically, if im on a point, i can rotate any direction i want, and continue seeing drips from time to time. also, the pitch of my head doesnt seem to matter. if i look up or down, they continue to do the same thing: top of my vision to the bottom. so if i were to plot the tracks of them over time around a "point" where i was standing, after looking in every direction possible, they would create a sort of raindrop shape, or something similar to a tulip bud around where i was standing.

the only time ive ever heard of anything remotely similar to this is in some of the

carlos castenada books about the teachings of the yaqui shamans. they refer to a similar phenomena called "threads of power", but their description of them is of pulsating threads moving downwards. these are supposedly threads of energy that connect all living things to the earth/stars/universe et al. they are "taught" to be seen through the ritual use of some psylocibe mexicana/datura mixture that is very ritualistically cultivated and dried. ive never done either of them, let alone together and under ritual, and in general, i havent done many psychs at all (mushrooms about a dozen times and acid maybe 7 times, and never in a dosage of anything over what most people would refer to as "mild". all these trips were over the course of about 10 years). the drips also happened to me LONG before i ever dabbled with any of them, although the amount of points i find DO seem to have increased in frequency since my mild psychonaut days.

so TL;DR (although id rather you read the full description) has anyone ever experienced a phenomena where small drips of intensely white light fall from the top of their vision to the bottom when they are on a specific point?

any corroborative anecdotal evidence, or literature, myths or esoterica/magics that mentions such a phenomena would also be greatly appreciated. thanks again anons, and i hope my rambling blogpost hasnt bored the ever-loving shit out of you. ive just found it curious that i seem to be the only one who has ever experienced such a phenomena. i apologize in advanced if i didnt follow standard protocol in posting here, as this is not my main board. i only occasionally lurk here, and have never really dabbled in the occult in any meaningful way. also thanks in advanced for anyone that can help me figure out what exactly is going on.



I can see what looks like soap bubbles moving slowly down. Heard on the radio this is a known phenomenon caused by dust or something on the surface of your eyes. Even if most people are not aware of it, it's normal.


It sounds like something I have experienced regularly, mine always start at the top of my vision somewhere and I go to look at it and it floats up and away or just disappears/fades away; I believe I've only noticed them in the last few years though, and I suppose after a few years of light to heavy psychedelic use (mostly acid).



I definitely started noticing these as well after I started doing intense Tumo practices. I feel it as an entity walking by. It doesn't notice me though it's simply existing in another dimension that seems to start to overlap with mine when I'm walking around or standing with both feet on the ground as you described. If I try to look at them directly I get a visual representation of a black spot flashing for a split second before popping out of existence. I'm reading a book from the fringe library called "Magical Use of Thoughtforms" perhaps the practices in this book will allow me to fully manifest these flickerings into full blown hallucinations. Is this cultivating madness? Perhaps. Though I'm already on SSDI so it's not like I need to keep a steady job or anything.




yeah those are floaters. i get those too, but this is something else. the floaters are mostly transparent, but i can see their outlines, and they have weird irregular shapes. they almost look like bacteria under a microscope. they seem to kind of gently float down unless i move my eyeball and look in a different direction, in which case they jump in that direction, sometimes out of sight. like you said, it is dust particles inside of the eye itself. i notice them the most against a clear blue sky.

but these "drips" are something else entirely. appreciate the responses though.


weird. you say youve seen similar things, but they are black?

>It doesn't notice me though it's simply existing in another dimension that seems to start to overlap with mine when I'm walking around or standing with both feet on the ground as you described

ive entertained that thought as well (the overlapping dimension thing) especially since they seem to occur in certain points exclusively.

also, careful with the cultivation of madness, anon. schizophrenia is no joke, and that shit doesnt go away. even if you do find a mild, self inflicted version of it to be fun, think about how it will effect those that care about you. ive seen that disease tear families completely apart.



I know what floaters are, I'm talking about a white swirly hole like you described I've just never seen them 'drip' down my vision they always seem to stay in the top half. It's been a while since I've observed one but I'll post again when I do


I´m not sure what you´re talking about, but to me its always raining everywhere.

I can only tell actual weather by going outside.


Sounds somewhat similar to sprites, which I know can call you to dream for various reasons. White sprites are "good"/friendly, ones that look amber/orange/red (like sparks off a lighter or cigarette) are dark. I've known sprites to hop off of my skin, clothing, watch, plumbing fixtures, blankets, my dog, everything around me given the time was right.

What you're describing sounds slightly different, though. The sprites looked almost like static electricity flashes, like when you peel wool socks apart from the dryer in a dark room, but off of everything. If they were wooshing from the top of my vision down to the bottom, they'd look like what you described, though. Mine were clustered to objects, even when I moved my vision they'd be happening in the same "spot" (such as on my dog's paws while he was jumping around, didn't matter where I was focused, they clustered around his paws).

I don't know too much about sprites, so they may still be responsible for what you're seeing. Maybe you see them in their inactive state, in the places where they tend to cluster (thus the same spot always having them, even if you move), whereas what I saw was their active state, when they're excited and moving towards something.

I'd try meditating on them in a place familiar to you where you've seen them before. Don't try to force them, but call out to them, let them know you can see them, and ask them to speak to you. You might be able to alter their flow or make them move to you or something nearby, as a start. See where that takes you.


I've seen something similar. For the past 5 years or so, I will occasionally see what appears to be pure white, fairly translucent and not very bright, swirling threads of white light at the top of my vision.

I see this effect at the very top of my vision, I can't look directly at it but I see it out of the corner (or top) of my eye. It's especially obvious when I'm looking towards something dark colored, like a wall.

When it does occur, it's usually in the morning after I wake up, and the effect only sticks around for a couple minutes.



Floaters are basically clumps of collagen. You could have larger than normal clumps floating around in there. Turn on a lamp light, look at it, then look away.



Don't worry about me. My family has come to terms with my wackiness and I have been invoking angels to help me stick to the righteous path.



"The rain" is an indicative of being in a state of gnosis. All the time being like that… I don't know man.



Not him. I've had it as long as I can remember. It's not like raining, it's like drips landing on a window. Does that mean I have been in a state of gnosis since I was borned?




Can you elaborate? I'm not him, but I frequently hear phantom sounds of various sorts. Lately I've generally attribute it to the dead, but I suspect there are multiple sources.


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I always assumed this stuff is a lapse of visual processing blocking out the optic nerve blind spots.

If you close your left eye and move your face close to the screen while looking at the dot you'll eventually be unable to see the x, since this part of the retina is occupied by the nerve.


bro i have the same exact thing


>>110907 I've been having the same thing, I thought it was my spirit from the future watching me like some recording and dripping tears on me.


one time on 4chan I read a story from a guy who claimed there was some kind of entity in his basement, he described it as a mass of light moving like a liquid

does that sound familiar at all?


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I've heard about these, my grandmother has seen them, also, my friend told me that all his mother, father and uncle saw this light creature. From what I heard, people from the old days don't give a flying fuck about them and would scare new people by driving into them.


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A- You're not crazy.

B- This is totally a normal thing.

Sorry i didn't read your entire post but i also had these 'visions' while looking at a clear sky.



>The dots are white blood cells moving in the capillaries in front of the retina of the eye.

nibbas we wuz larpin n shieeet


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I've had these. Happened the first time on magic mushrooms and about every 6 mo since then for 10 years. They are exactly like you describe except I haven't had a chance to really 'look' at them.

Makes me think the roof is leaking every damn time.


There is a very good chance that those are clumps of white blood cells in your eye. Also, look up "floaters" in your eye. You get a thread on /fringe/ every now and then about them because people think they are something spiritual. Also, it's normal that when there is a lot of blood pressure in your eyes (for example after sneezing) you see those white little particles everywhere. Might be related.

Again: MIGHT be related. What you describe does sound a little different than the usual suspects. So I can't tell you what it is or isn't with certainty. Just wanted to throw my idea into the ring.

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