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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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You know those thoughts that seem to appear in your consciousness with no rhyme or reason to them? I'm talking about things like an inexplicable urge to throw a child off a balcony or push someone standing close to a flight of stairs, chances are, you've probably experienced something like this at least once.

But the fundamentals of both hermetic esotericism and mainstream science agrees that nothing can just happen randomly, therefore, I came up with a theory of my own, it came to me when I was reading about "the despair code", which to my understanding is a self progressing meditation pattern that can be forced on someone unwilling and possibly drive them to reach either insanity or enlightenment. This is just a theory attempting to explain what the despair code actually is and the phenomenon behind its workings.

Beware though, that this may be an actual cognitohazard (something which can be harmful to have knowledge about), like a certain basilisk, so unless you're willing to risk that, you shouldn't read past the spoiler.

A patient with split-brain syndrome (the condition that follows having your corpus callosum severed) can be asked to perform a task, and perform it while simultaneously saying he does not understand the request, and then, when asked why he performed the requested task, will make an excuse unrelated to the request he was given, meaning that he is capable of doing things without being aware of it himself. This phenomenon obviously seems to contradict many well known scientific facts

The aforementioned medical science also tells us that each half of the brain serve different tasks, notably, that the left side of the brain is responsible for logic, math and language, while the right brain half processes abstract concepts, art, and emotional thinking. Also notably is that the brain is wired in such a way that the left side of the brain is responsible for the motor functions of the right side of the body and vice versa. As you undoubtedly know already, most people are right handed, this makes sense, because humans are social animals that require the use of language to function, logic and math are also very useful skills to have for a human, so much so that the aspects of the right brain half become expendable, almost useless in day to day life for the average human spare for its assigned motor skills

Since the right side of the brain sees so little use compared to the left side of the brain, the left side begins to gain dominion over the right, the corpus callosum is the only physical link between the two halves, meaning that communication between the two is possible, and due to the extreme adaptability of the brain, it's not unthinkable that the left half would be able to reassign the motor functions of the almost inert right to itself (albeit with less dexterity), meaning that the entire right half of the brain becomes subservient to the left side, its abstract and creative abilities only able to be exerted when called upon by the logical left half

But of course, not all people are right handed, while being right handed is the norm, a minority of people use their left hand and their left leg predominantly over the other, people with this condition are more likely to become schizophrenics, commit suicide and abuse substances. People who use the powers of the right brain frequently are more likely to become mentally unstable, which is why there are so many well known mad creatives. women over 40 are more than twice as likely to have a child who becomes left handed (having children with older women is also linked to various undesirable traits such as autism). Historically, the left handed have faced discrimination, notoriously, violence or threats of violence in their early life in order to "correct" their defect, the english word for left comes from an older word which means "weak" or "broken", the french word for left also comes from an older word, which translates to "evil" or "sinister". In norse mythology and many other mythologies, the left eye is considered the evil eye, which is why Odin chose to sacrifice it over his right eye to attain enlightenment. The Eye of Horus symbol from egypt is shown with makeup which implies it is a right eye. In Arabic cultures the left hand is reserved for wiping one's feces after defecation, I could go on, but I'll stop, the point being that historically and mythologically, the left side of things has had a less than favorable association, and perhaps, for a good reason.



Now, back to the topic of split-brain syndrome, by removing the corpus callosum late in a person's life, the left side (which at this point is where your identity is stored) physically loses its ability to control the right side, and it starts acting on its own, effectively meaning that now, you share your body with the persona that represents the suppressed right brain. Split brain patients even show signs that the two halves have different personalities with patterns such as grabbing two shirts from a clothes rack at once with each arm, trying to eat with one arm and drink with another at the same time, lighting a cigarette with one hand before instantly throwing it away with the other, you can probably find footage of this on the web if you search for it

When a person becomes aware of the specifics of the despair code, they are unable to dismiss the psychotic thoughts that appear to them in their minds, this is the right brain's dysfunctional consciousness trying to gain dominion. A commonality between all such thoughts is that they are nonverbal, meaning it is ideas and concepts that are being communicated, not instructive sentences, this goes back to the right brain half, since it is incapable of speech. At a certain point in early childhood, a human consciousness undergoes a partition, one half becomes able to fully control its body, while the other half is forced to obey the former, unable to do as it wishes and forced to do work for its master, it is only natural that this persona would exert the dysfunctional behavior seen in left-handed people (who simply allow their right slightly more freedom), or it could simply be its innate nature. Keep in mind that this entity is no less "you" than the "you" you commonly think of as "you", yet it's quite like how a magician can shed a part of their soul to create a new enitity, a tulpa. However, this is different, like a tree with two stems it is not simply a small part of a soul, it's 50%

TL;DR: you have a psychotic monster living inside you, constantly trying to gain control over your body so it can rampage freely, the twist being that this monster is you, and you are it, and if you acknowledge it, it can speak to you, because now you are listening.

Again, I can't prove any of this, excluding the scientific facts stated, if you have any knowledge on this topic feel free to elaborate.



It's been shown that in people who had sever brain damage as a result of external violence destroying either half of the brain, the other half has been able to assume the role of the missing part. The brain simply isn't as easy to understand, while it has its functions in different parts, it seems parts can emulate the whole brain with no seeming disadvantage if those become unavailable.



This is explained in Holographic Universe theory. The brain acts like a hologram.


I'm left handed and have issues with addiction and mild schizophrenia. I'm also one of those mad creative types. Does that mean I have a part of my brain that wants to be rigid intellectual or something? I definitely have problems with organization.




That's only partially true, damage to the brain usually lead to permanent changes in personality and or permanently reduced ability, you could even become unable to form new memories.


>A commonality between all such thoughts is that they are nonverbal

If the right brain can't think verbally, what would these thoughts be like?



the SOUL is seperate from the material world, its on a higher plane of existance, the brain is just a LENS to focus the SOUL to this REALM



Lenses can be disrupted, one beam of light can split in half when shone through a prism


Can you only think in words? Do you need to format every thought you have with language before you can comprehend it?

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