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This is just a fun topic I thought we could discuss: What is the process to mastering magic? As an archetype the Hero has been mapped out rather well, Joseph Campbell did an excellent work examining this. But what about the magician as an archetype? What is his journey? It is certainly harder to describe as much of magic is an inner-art, unable to be communicated by words.

This is certainly something up for debate, and it would be nice to get some discussion going. So what do you think is the process to becoming a Magus? Are the patterns as easy to spot as in other archetypes? And better yet: What has been your journey in the occult? What led you to it; what have you done since, and where do you see yourself in the future?


I've heard that Jesus was a magician an there were many other such magicians in Israel around the time of Christ.

I'm personally do not intend any disrespect to Jesus, nor am I persecuting the Christians by saying this.

I've heard people on /x/ say Jesus was a magician bad also I've read that the 'wandering magician' archetype was quite popular an frequent during the time of Christ in Israel.




Based on what this guy said then perhaps Elijah the Tishbite could be a well developed Magus archetype. Moses as well.


I think the path begins with a goal, something to achieve through magical means because it wouldn't be possible otherwise. Be it knowledge, power, revenge, you name it. The curious would take the first steps.

The path that an aspiring mage must walk is difficult and long, maybe even endless, with many sideroads and distractions.

What happens after this goal is achieved and the mage has all his knowledge and power is the question.


First of all a quick sidenote: Just because you are practicing magic doesn't mean your archetype has to be the magician if the tarot arcana.

But anyway, in my personal opinion, the biggest challenge of every mages journey is dealing with his own madness - be it getting rid of it, turning it into something positive, embracing it or learning to control it, it is something every advanced mage has to deal with.

The journey definetly always starts with opening up towards something you believed impossible before, or didn't consider, often (but not always) because of a very strange event happening in your life.

But while I find those "typical" starting points and challenges quite obvious I think otherwise the journey is pretty different for each mage, simply because of how many different perspectives there are on magic. You could walk the path of mastering astral projection, channeling, tulpamancing, summoning, vampirism, bilocation, martial arts, prophecies, crystalmancy, sigils, drugs… and I could keep this list going for a while but you get the idea. They are just too different from each other.


This is a fair point. The goal also plays a huge role for the journey, of course. But I'd argue that the journey of the mage is more defined by its goal than that of the hero. For the hero, the journey IS often the goal. But this just can't that often be said for the mage - in fact, it might even often be the opposite for him, the goal being the journey. Especially with goals like aquiring power or achieving astral projection, this goal becomes a journey in itself.

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