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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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The succubi won't let me sleep at night


File: e4f2bdd8759dcb4⋯.png (121.19 KB, 265x396, 265:396, targets the wallet.png)




Odd, they generally want me to go to bed earlier for cuddles. You need to be specific on what you want.



>summoning demons


You brought this on yourself


I have been visited by succubi on 3 occasions in life many years apart. All 3 times during sleep paralysis

1) a headless succubus visited me and started riding my cock cowgirl style. I willed myself to break the sleep paralysis and swing my fist at the succubus. My fist passed through her and she turned into vapor and floated through the ceiling.

2) a succubus appeared while I wasn't laying with my pregnant girlfriend and gave me oral sex.

3) 2 succubi appeared and gave me a hand job.

I have never intentionally provoked or invited succubi in my life.



how could the first one ride your cock? Did you already have an erection and your dick was standing free from underwear and all? Also how did those succubi look like?


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When you all are talking about succubi do you just refer to those entities that molest ones body during the beginning stages of sleep paralysis? It's an occasional occurrence for myself to have sleep paralysis occur, and almost always during the first five or so minutes I'll have some invisible entity start playing with my feet, and then it starts getting sexual with me, grabbing my balls, giving me a handjob, or even dry humping me with what feels like some small, feminine penis. No full flung intercourse yet though.

Always wondered what the hell is going on with these things.



I only remember what the first one looked like. Headless pale gray dead rotting skin. Nice tits though. My dick was hard and poking through the dick hole of my underwear


Why doesn't a succubus qt ever visit me?



I thought the same lol. Maybe not enough sleep paralysis


God you guys are fucking mundane. All this knowledge and weird shit you can do with your mind and you can't get past >muh dick.



Takes a mundane too to post such a degenerate reply. Nothing better to do with your time, mundane? Either post something helpful or get the fuck out


Whatever is going on in this thread isn't related to real succubus, but then you did all use the spelling with an "i"; succubi, so I guess it's just hauntings in general. It's because you have attracted them by having a mental state similar to theirs. If you want to fix it, fix your thinking.


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File: bc775339dee8292⋯.png (17.55 KB, 1334x750, 667:375, IMG_1487.PNG)


I never asked for succubi the succubi chose me. Probably because of what this anon said >>111956

My wife went full Christ cuck and our sex became 9/10 vanilla so I was extremely sexually frustrated. I was having vivid sexual fantasies and that's when I got my first visit. The third visit is the interesting one because I have had no sex drive at all for months. I have also been unemployed and manically depressed. Two succubi appeared and they got me off nicely. But I still have no sex drive. Maybe they are trying to help me?





> being spiritual without compassion

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