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Tipp's Fringe Bunker


It is often assumed that virtue or purity = closer to God = more affinity for the divine, more of "God's favor" aka luck aka synchronicity. Even the New Age guru types encourage us to "raise our vibrations" by ditching evil thoughts and emotions and transmuting the baser energies of the bodies into higher ones, increasing the potency of the astral body, increasing one's psychic energy, thinning the divide between the physical and spirtual worlds etc….

So what does that mean for the hateful and angry bastards out there? Sorry for being a fucking rockhead but I want to increase by abilities and transmuting myself into a lighthearted fairy is not in the cards …

Also it seems that as I increase my strength and discipline to actually meditate and practice visualization and other techniques I become even more of a ham handed mundane.

How do I increase my magic quotient fringe? Is it even possible for a meat jockey like myself to practice magic?


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Virtue is good and the wrath of God is good. Most of the new-age/post-new-age stuff is a psyop but it can be useful. You can have positive (conscious) emotions and negative (unconscious) emotions. I would suggest becoming a master of your anger and embodying your anger. The important thing is that it is conscious, you can even see it as roleplaying, or a chariot or a mechanism with you at the head of it. The dangerous thing is to let anger carry you away. Smiley's books in the FAQ are all compatible with this and lots of others are too, its just the new-age psyop which is confusing you (which I believe originates from the CIA-induced drug culture in the '60s), warriors are some of the most virtuous people around. I remember watching Bear Heart's videos and they embody the whole magical warrior archetype so I recommend watching those. Or you can take the left hand path, although I don't recommend that, whatever you want really. Think of it this way, you're fighting two Holy Wars, as in Islam– one Greater Holy War– internal mental battle over yourself, another Lesser Holy War– struggle against external enemies.


If you find you are losing spiritual strength by gaining physical strength that probably just means you are being spiritually tested (by someone, for some reason.) I recommend ignoring it and continuing to gain strength in both the physical and spiritual realms until these two realms start echoing and paralleling each-other and inducing each-other like electricity and magnetism.

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