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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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So this one time me and my buddy were hanging out in my jeep smoking a joint when suddenly I got this weird feeling. I turned my head and saw what looked like a pinprick in the air (just a point, really) circling my buddies head in a quick, smooth circling motion, leaving ripples in the air as it moved like an insect sliding across the surface of a pond …

The flying point circled his head for about 2.5 seconds, picked up speed, and flew straight into his forehead, causing him to drop his head backward and let his mouth fall open as though he had been shot. I asked him "Dude, did something just go in your head?", to which he replied, "Yeah."

That was all that we ever said about it. What did I witness that night?



a yes saying demon



Is a "yes saying demon" different than any other old demon?

Perhaps a demon with a unique character? Or does this demon access the mind of an individual through some strange psychic mechanism that gives this creature its name?

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