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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

File: 8adfd5fa3afd4bf⋯.jpg (13.45 KB, 852x480, 71:40, SCORPION.jpg)


Why is this a thing??? Why does it exhibit such a noticeable influence?

Begins in October 10th 2017

Ends in November 8th 2018


>Sexual power of men (sexual assaults, rape allegations, MakeApp, age of consent discussions, Podesta group etc.)

>Conspiracies and riots (JFK documents released, Catalonia, Kurdistan, Rise of Conservatism, AfD in the german parliament)

>Main themes in popular music: Romance (focused on the partner), Strippers, Call Girls, mysterious animals like Wolves, Gore, Solitude, Transcendence, Love

>Most influential/uprising artists: Liam Payne, French Montana, David Guetta, Post Malone, Quavo, Kid Cudi (expected to publish hip hop album in his old style), Marshmello (first song with his own voice), Justin Bieber, Taio Cruz (comeback)

>Almost every one of these artists has his sun or his Ascendant in Scorpio, sometimes in Taurus

Originated here


How do we use this?



>Why is this a thing??? Why does it exhibit such a noticeable influence?

The planet is a big guy 4U

>How do we use this?

Become more Scorpio-like.

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