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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

File: c08ae7e7d895a94⋯.png (116.3 KB, 500x514, 250:257, youve-been-visited-by-meme….png)


How do you use magick to make a meme disappear?

Also, have you ever destroyed a meme with magick?

(2. No making threads just to ask questions, actually present substantial information if you're going to make a thread )



a meme is just an idea

ideas a bulletproof

you have to get it from the inside

how does one erase ideas from their mind? through realization


If you don't like annoying uncreative simpletons repeating somebody elses joke millions of times you are antisocial. If you can't walk into a bar and see 20 of you that you can circlejerk with you are a fucking loser. You are just jealous. And you are just made you can't stare at the tv during the designated hours as good as us. And you don't have tattoos because you aren't proud of being me like all the other mes. And I just take other peoples joke. And le meme. And i just said libtard. And i just said cuck. And i just said incel. And i said troll. And he said troll. Lol. And then we both said loser. Haha lol. We just said the same thing. Like. Come on get in this infinite positive feedback loop. Like. You look so good right now. I am looking in a mirror, but that is you, the person that I want to see. Wow. Look at you go, me.



Ok. Is there some sort of special meditation I have to do? Will that make me not care about memes or something? I was thinking more along the lines of influencing other people rather than making me not care/forget


File: 9cefb0f85e924fa⋯.png (75.9 KB, 400x460, 20:23, c42b3ee4ee8a5c544668fa7f6d….png)


>"maek idd stobb :'("


File: 1a2166a302cd2ec⋯.jpg (65.17 KB, 484x651, 484:651, IMG_20170921_072704.jpg)


>"idds nod eben funny"




You could've put both phrases on the same post, samefag-kun. I appreciate the input regardless.


File: 7a4921096ccdd0f⋯.png (183.61 KB, 1076x1644, 269:411, 5fd.png)


>Everyone I don't like is one person


File: de28fb8ec948064⋯.jpg (23.8 KB, 480x480, 1:1, f0b19b245e206f3eae01e922c2….jpg)


It actually was.

>somali pirate "dis a meme thread naow"



lol sure then.


File: 486994310cb4043⋯.jpg (41.9 KB, 404x611, 404:611, 6b52ba18d4ca7078f21c825671….jpg)








To destroy a meme, you have to have in account that they are thoughtforms given power by the ones who believe in them. Target the thoughtform: hold its individual concept in your mind. DNA is required to have a true soul/spirit, but I'm not clear if sufficiently strong thoughtforms have free will if its creator has not already granted it, or if they're always bound to its creator.

Anyway, you target the thoughtform's individuality and intention "You are now being destroyed.". Will it. Intention it. When it's done you shall know.


File: 5cb8e8b066bb219⋯.jpg (277.45 KB, 1920x1010, 192:101, 29ff91fd0c268214e40ef5979c….jpg)


You can't stop the memes. You created the memes, and now they have become too powerful. Perhaps you are the thought-form?

>Somali pirate "you de meme naow"



What's this meme defence force faggotry?


File: efbdbe66e12ef93⋯.gif (336.71 KB, 492x376, 123:94, 122f23b90d8ae4a4d7f4b03bbd….gif)


We're from the MDL, the Meme Defence League. We come to defend against defamation of The Meme, lest it lead to antimemeticism and a repeat of the lolocaust when 6 quadrillion memes were deleted.



Thank you for your serious response. I hope this thread receives additional serious responses.



What's realisation? Please. You have to talk more.


File: afac845ae46df26⋯.jpg (109.66 KB, 750x600, 5:4, dd150a1596f0e00a51472dc8af….jpg)


Memes are an idea, anonsan. If you want to beat the idea, you must present a superior alternative - but be warned, by doing so you will only make the Memetic field stronger.


This thread is pure shitpost. I can't believe people are talking about this garbage here.

If you're serious about muh "memez" then this isn't how you understand it. This is just shitposting for the sake of "lulz".

For those serious /fringe/ people who want to understand what memes are and how to work with them, I'd suggest looking into general semantics. Korzybski is a good place to start.

For starters,a meme is…

> an element of a culture or system of behaviour passed from one individual to another by imitation or other non-genetic means.

In other words, a way of thinking, how people interact with each other / their environment/culture - learned behaviours.


> an image, video, piece of text, etc., typically humorous in nature, that is copied and spread rapidly by Internet users, often with slight variations.

Ie, a configuration of words and symbols (pictographs)

And General Semantics is …

>a discipline and/or methodology intended to improve the ways people interact with their environment and with one another, especially through training in the critical use of words and other symbols.

WORDS and SYMBOLS - that is what a meme is, at its purest level.

This is how you understand and ultimately control memes, not by lame-ass shitposting without understanding at any level whatsoever what the fuck you are doing. Which is what every single idiot here is doing. (with the exception of >>112593) I recommend locking/deleting this useless thread.

git gud, scrub



That lets you understand them, but how do you control them?

Also, I'm going to assume it'd be useful to read Science and Sanity by Korzybski.


File: 9e7b4e978748b90⋯.png (94.62 KB, 1067x489, 1067:489, 1507259674652.png)




What if it's a not a mere instance of being annoyed by a meme? What if a person wandered into what was supposed to be a "good luck" thread and ended up being cursed? What if this curse takes away your good luck and gradually ruins your life unless you too, worship the deity associated with the curse (in which case, it just wrecks your life less)?

I can understand the silliness of not simply applying Quiet Mind Meditation to remove any troublesome thoughtforms but what if, each time you think of a particular string of words, you feel your energy drain and more bodily pain and you have to repeat this stupid phrase at the start of every month otherwise your wife will just be worse?






do not worship false deities which really are only parasites, you are sovereign!


File: d309d4ef6230517⋯.png (1.12 MB, 810x1048, 405:524, 9b494ccbb076fad36543413b95….png)

I wouldn't even try OP. You're in over your head m8.


File: ca6fdb71fb20bbb⋯.jpg (189.16 KB, 1024x1148, 256:287, IMG_20170928_210532.jpg)


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