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/fringe/ - Fringe

Esoteric Wizardry
Winner of the 72rd Attention-Hungry Games
/otter/ - The Church of Otter

February 2019 - 8chan Transparency Report
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The rules are simple and mostly apply to the creation of threads on /fringe/:
1. No duplicate threads of topics that already exist unless the previous thread has hit the bump limit
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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

File: a0cf33982ae395d⋯.png (196.49 KB, 640x480, 4:3, third eye bobby 3.png)


I personally don't know much about the significance of today, but I am making this thread for anons to share what they know.

I was personally unaware of the significance of the Solstices/Equinoxes prior to 2015. This time of the year used to just be Christmas time for me when I was more mundane.


People in psychosis think dates like their birthday or religious holidays have a special meaning despite the fact that trillions of dollars are spent on research every year and zero people found any truth to this.

You're welcome.


Apparently I turned into a magical vampire today.


File: d93b39b59047975⋯.jpg (33.42 KB, 720x408, 30:17, stilltrippin.jpg)


Changing of the seasons causes there to be a thinner divide between our world and magic. It's pretty much the time to do any magical endeavors you were considering


File: 33aa84a5fab327b⋯.jpg (17.94 KB, 234x250, 117:125, face.jpg)


why are you here?


How long was the solstice?

For me, living in GMT+0 timezone, your message came at 9:40PM. I'd only just gone to bed. It's now 12 hours later. Did I just miss the solstice?



>Jack: "Ok, looks like our magic ruleset is a bit thin at the moment, does anyone else have any ideas?"

>Dave: "I know! Why don't we make it so that when the seasons are changing, there's a thinner divide between the material world and the divine world and magic gets more powerful? It can give you a +2 to your cast rolls or something like that."

>Jack: "Brilliant!"


File: cb9e6c30334975b⋯.jpg (149.63 KB, 900x720, 5:4, you 3.jpg)


go back to /pol/ or wherever you fucking came from, faggot. clearly you're on the wrong board.







Not only during changes of seasons. Any liminality often has that effect.

Very much related:



File: 437504c70612235⋯.jpg (320.93 KB, 723x960, 241:320, 1513874412378.jpg)


You don't know where you are, right? The origins of /fringe/ root deeply in /pol/ (or better: /new/)



Not to mention /fringe/ now has /pol/ mods after smiley left, the boards are closely connected.

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