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/fringe/ - Fringe

Esoteric Wizardry


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Fringe material and the writings on the internet I've come across all tend to devalue the emotional experience of being a human being and focus on disassociating or distracting through tools like meditation or transmutation.

So, what are your feelings on this? How do you deal with Earthly trauma that seeps into every aspect of your life? Do you feel that there is something beneficial about rejecting your denser bodies outright?


>little OP input
>what are your feelings
>incoherent rambling

You're a woman and I would not post in your thread if I didn't have to.


Did you get thoughtraped, OP?


Emotional alchemy helps us master emotions and intensify them when need be and shut them off when need be. An example of a time to intensify emotion is during a ritual to evoke an entity.



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We do not devalue emotions, we just don't want to waste them on petty things. Emotion is but a tool best used for some purpose. We don't desire to be ruled by them, so strong they can be - nay, we wish to rule them, as we are stronger.

Emotional alchemy is a skill we are learning, or have learned.


I don't understand why you would assume these things. Putting me into boxes isn't bringing anything beneficial to the board.

Right, but none of this material pertains to the roots of what is occurring. It seems like a person learning techniques based on this viewpoint is set to push whatever is inside further into the subconscious so that they don't have to deal with it directly. Would you even need to exert this much effort to direct your emotions if you didn't have trauma controlling them?


You're not beneficial to the board, you could have started this discussion in the question thread, instead you chose to make an awful thread and attract shitposts.



>not understanding the definition of transmutation/alchemy


>angry assburger shitposting

back to /pol/ vermin


/fringe/ is /pol/ you degenerate wanker, fuck off to /x/ if you dislike it.



/fringe/ now LOOKS like /pol/ because of all the bickering and shitposting. there's a difference


hardly, a high amount of fringe illuminates or whatever you want to call us have originally come here from /pol/

even our admin is a white nationalist and many here share his views


I have been a /fringe/ user since freedomboard and never have I subscribed to white nationalism. Such tribalist tendencies are disgusting. Authentic National Socialism is for all Aryanists.


That doesnt make /fringe/ /pol/. I could don a wizard hat and keep tipping it, but no matter how hard I tip it'll never be a fedora.


/pol/ are not fedora. They are even worse. Religious cattle.


You can't master your emotions by pushing them deeper inside of you, as this causes imbalances in the first place and freezes energy in the astral body.

Emotional alchemy is done by knowing oneself to the fullest and releasing all past emotional blockages, effectively re-writing the brain to be not emotionally numb, but be in emotional equanimity (which means to stand back apart from things and watch them with a peace inside).

That being said, emotional equanimity puts one in a place to perpetuate whatever kind of emotion he likes, whether it be sad or angry, happy or love, very excited or very mild, etc.

Can you please actually do some practice of the work described and feel the emotions yourself before assuming that emotional alchemy is about "distancing" yourself?
You would have understood all of this if you would have committed to practicing emotional equilibrium rather than picking it apart and completely missing the point by not comparing it and thinking about how you could apply it to your daily life. You're really going to have to learn how to do that if you want to be using techniques that other people create, or even techniques that you create yourself.

Example: Doing energy work, notice a specific effect, assign a use for it during daily life through experience or pre-meditated use or whatever, it all depends on the circumstance.

It's about creating a peace within yourself and FEELING the emotions without BEING them.


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>if you're not an euphoric atheist you're an religious fanatic!!



Have you seen the state of /pol/ lately?

Halfchan was a containment board for the jew worshipers, now they've been set free and are flooding this site.


>White Nationalism

Why do I constantly get accused by Europeans that my WN shit is a threat to their ethnic groups then and that White Nationalism includes all white people which is too vague of a definition for them?

Isn't it clear that WN is a folk ideology not a tribalist one?


It is defining 'whites' as the tribe, like humanists define 'humanity' as their tribe. Tribalists defining their tribe as a specific subset of 'whites' obviously see WN as a threat. Gentiles rarely get along with each other. Tribes are incapable of proper cooperation.


Tribes are the only form of cooperation, you form a tribe with the people you interact with most frequently in real life


A single tribe cooperates among its own. Two or more tribes can never form a genuine alliance, the basis of tribalism is self interest so they do not trust or wish to help each other. Folks with a common goal are always willing to join collaborative efforts.


I consider the world to work as a fractal. The large movements of an ilk are the small movements of that ilk. If two tribes cannot form a genuine alliance then the intra-tribal alliances of each tribe is also a disingenuous one necessarily. How a fractal works is when you zoom in or zoom out you see the same pattern. If you see distrust when you zoom out and look at the relationships of a tribe with other tribes then there will be distrust seen when you zoom into see the inner relationships of that tribe.
I feel that I've said something obvious.


Everyone involved in any tribe is motivated by their own gain. They only work as part of the tribe as long as it serves their interests. Loyalty is not a concept they comprehend.

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