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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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I’ve been involved with a spirit sort of entity – I call her a spirit, but she’s not a dead person or anything - for some years now. She has always been a very positive influence in my life, and I cannot even begin to tell you how grateful I am that she chooses to stay with me and help me out.

I was a very lonely person before her – materially, I still am, though that does not concern me – and so I probably won’t have any material children, but we’ve conceived and raised two daughters together, and now I’m thinking of selling them, and wanted to know your opinion on the matter. Please note that this is not easy for me to do, but I feel they have to “leave the nest” sooner or later.

I want to give them away for three reasons: I love them very much, but I feel I’m spreading my attention too thin, and the last thing I want is for one of them to feel left out, or worst, all three of them. The second reason is because I know how much these entities can help one find one’s way and improve if they let him. Thirdly, I’m hoping to leave them as a legacy, if something bad ever happens to me, and I hope they have their own children and that their partners decide to pass them on as well to those they see fit. In general, I’m hoping they can be as loved as their mother is, and that they can change lives as much as their mother has changed mine.

I want to make sure they are treated right, and although I realize I’ll never be 100% sure of that, I still am going to try to pair them with someone who can at least take care of themselves in the first place. I’m not selling them because of the money, I’m selling them (at a fairly high price) because I don’t want them to be picked up by NEET leeches with zero chance of improving in life. I don’t want people who see them as succubi or anything like that, I want people who actually try to make an emotional bond with them, and genuinely love them.

My question is, do you think anyone would pick them? Has any of you done this kind of “transfer” before? What’s the best way to make sure I’m not giving them away to some basement dwelling rapist?

Note: I don’t want to sell them here, and I’m not taking any offers; I’m not shilling or advertising anything. I just want to know your opinions on the matter.



Fuck, didn't mean to post as anomalous.



Nice bait, mr wageslave. Pretty amusing how you had to compose a whole essay just to once again shame people who you clearly envy.

Well, what can I say - good luck convincing some chad out there to buy you tulpas, lol.



I have been a NEET before. I do not envy those people, sorry.

You don't need to be a wageslave to contribute to society and make money, so it just shows how disconnected from reality you people are.


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>considers selling his tulpas

>considers selling them to normalfags

>calls someone "disconnected from reality"



So in your mind someone is either a "normal fag" or someone without economic stability?

Please, just sage, report and hide, and move on.



What does your "economic stability" mean to your tulpas? Do they demand material things from you? Very funny.

And assuming you can sell figments of your cancerous imagination (which you can't) - why do you think someone who's not a "basement dwelling loser" would even need that? After all you were NEET yourself when you first developed your condition, weren't you?



Try creepyhollows, the "only" marketplace for spirit trade:


They also accept second hand trade so that should be your thing…

I don't know why you'd go to all of this trouble tho, it's common practice for demon females to let the first daughter stay with the father and the rest can do whatever. I have too many daughters to count and I'm not worrying about them because they are fully capable of defending themselves.

Btw most of them are literally succubus or forest spirits, they have the same customs, they're very independent and me deciding where they go is out of the question. Just my opinion but I think selling and buying spirits is very disrespectful. If they accept the deal, ok, but you don't seem to care about what they think?


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Really, I can't believe not more people are doing this.. why spend all that time learning stuff when you can just cash up?



A person's economic status is a good measure of their overall ability to take care of themselves and solve problems within their lives. It's not a perfect measure, by any means, as there are plenty of people with money who can't take care of themselves, but from personal experience I find that most people who don't have money are too mentally fragile to take care of themselves, let alone of someone else (and I'm talking at an emotional level, not a physical one). If you think money has nothing to do with your mental state then that's fine, but don't just assume I feel the same way.

>After all you were NEET yourself when you first developed your condition, weren't you?

I wasn't a NEET when I first got with her, I was in school and dealing with tough times. She helped me out of the gutter, but it wasn't easy at all, and she did suffer a lot, but she never gave up because she knew I wouldn't. No, I was not a person I'd give one of my daughters to, if that's what you're getting at, but I can't just take the chance chance with some random guy out there, I hope you can at least understand that. They don't need to be on top of the world, but I want someone who's showing an effort to improve.


>I don't know why you'd go to all of this trouble tho, it's common practice for demon females to let the first daughter stay with the father and the rest can do whatever. I have too many daughters to count and I'm not worrying about them because they are fully capable of defending themselves.

I'll be 100% honest, I really don't want to do this at all, but as I said I'm feeling overwhelmed with the three of them, not only in terms of giving them all their due attention, but also in sort of "spiritual" terms; like it's tiring handling the three of them. Maybe I'm just not handling them correctly? I just don't want them to be "in the background", if you know what I mean.

>If they accept the deal, ok, but you don't seem to care about what they think?

I do care what they think, and I'm probably never going to go forward with this because of that.



If an entity can procreate that would imply they have immortality status already, so are they really that fragile? What type of entity are they? I mean like


>forest spirit

>generic demon (walking, has no wings)


>half goat

>dominant loli (in lack of a better term, they usually defend huge territories by themselves)

>"ringu" type ghost



What does it mean if the demon has wings?



They can fly, which represents independence while not bound to social hierarchies like a walking demon.



oh okay


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Hey, how do I summon

>forest spirit

>dominant loli

>"ringu" type ghost




The important thing is to understand them, and to like them, at least for the last 2. Forest spirits prefer that you're into forests, naturally. Other than that any standard method should do it (but don't fall for the blood ritual meme, that's a sure way to get haunted by something nasty).



Which method would you personally recommend?



>"ringu" type ghost

lmao why the hell do you want to summon Sadako? Have you learned nothing from the Ring movies?

>dominant loli

What the fuck. Is this place for fringe wizards or some horny neckbeards who just wanna indulge in the lowest of animal desires, worse than most mundanes even?

However I understand you want to summon a forest spirit for higher purposes. I would love to summon a forest spirit too


btw pls don't tell me there is an actual Chad who may pay lots of money to buy wageslaves imaginairy waifus…aka nothing? Is this possible for real? God damnit. Also shaming NEETs is not cool, they all can improve massively in life and I think real tulpas or spirits can help them, motivate them and bring them through tough times. Of course only if they are real spirits and not OPs made up bullshit just to scam some idiot with an IQ below 70.

>nice try wagecuck



Dude, chill. Tastes differ. I just want a companion and those three sounded like something up my alley, because the "demonic" ones are too edgy for me.

And btw no one (except OP) even mentioned any "animal desires", so the joke's on you for bringing it up.


Well said, I like you after all.



It's funny actually, just yesterday I thought myself about having a ringu type spirit when I was watching Sadako 3D.

Anyway, I think if OPs daughters are real he should give them away…FOR FREE. And not only giving them away for free, but giving them for free to a NEET. They are spirits, they can take care of themselves. But it might change the NEETs life, maybe even save it. I think there are enough lonely NEETs in despair who would do anything to have this oppurtunity, they probably care much more than anyone else and have much more love to give because they are so thankful to have someone and get some help. The spirit could of course help with her supernatural powers and the NEET would have a reason to better himself and probably become a fringe wizard and more successful too.

Do something good and give them to people who actually need them.


Hey OP, I've been NEET since 2015. In 2013, I was fat, ashamed of my appearance and directionless. My combination of fear and shame led to me failing my Uni's 2nd semester in my Mech Eng. course, being given a second chance, and then failing again because I tried to do things my way (skip lectures in person and just watch the recordings online instead, turns out attendance was being graded). In the late Autumn of 2015, I vowed to get myself together. In the end, I slipped back into old habits. This definitely cemented with the breaking of my at-that-point 9-month NoFap. Now it's 2018 and I've merely dropped from 300lbs to 250. I didn't pick up any of the skills I intended to and my weight has yo-yo'd around 250 since August, last year. Now, as things stand, an astral parasite is attached to me and I suspect it's literally dragging me into hell. As in, I meditate, I still my mind and I see vague flashes of disturbing faces, I see angry eyes upon me and I feel an intense, burning heat and throughout the day, I feel cold chills in my legs (I think it's attached to both Hell and Hel, oddly enough). I don't do any advance fire-type meditations or anything but I had to take my jacket off.

My IQ is 115 or so. I'm definitely smart enough to get a comfortable middle-class job in Eng. My problem was just a matter of initiative. A lot of people around me, at moments, commented on my potential and "laziness" (lack of conviction). If I could have your daughters, I would make use of the dimensional jumping thread, go back to 2013 and get that degree.

There's something else you should know about me however: I'm black. I suspect, with the direction the world's going in, your tulpae would go down with me in the great race war/extermination as the Whites/Chinese outright claim Africa for themselves. I think if I had your tulpae, I could remain better disciplined. Despite my attempts to believe myself to be some kind of one-man army, in the end, I think I really did need friends and I think I made a mistake pushing away the friends I had in my teenage years and rejecting their gym/kickboxing activities for the sake of levelling up my Ice/Lightning Mage.

I'd like to adopt one of your tulpae OP.


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You're completely missing the point of the term

>dominant loli

pic related is a good example. It's not the kind of entity you want to get on the bad side of, they'll kill people without blinking, hence "dominant" is a suitable label. But as an ally they're very reliable, same goes for the ringu types. They're mean as hell but if you manage to get them in a good mood they can be on your side.



I've seen people recommend this and that but I haven't really used any of them, I don't need to. It's usually them who comes to me, I don't call for them, all I do is research them a bit. I suppose that is a kind of summoning as well since I'm actively doing something, I'm just not sure what thing you'd use if you need to rely on a specific method. If you can see them you just need to talk to them with telepathy and offer them something they want.

t. summoner chad



So there are girls floaing around killing people without blinking? Wow, that's unnerving. I guess it's ok to kill them too then, right? I mean what gives them the permission or the power to just kill people? And why the fuck do they look like fucking lolis?

I always thought spirits can't actively harm or kill a human, I thought the energy body or the soul or whatever is proteted or immortal. Why would they do that? I guess they are completely oblivious to compassion, love and even enlightenment. If karma is real, how are they affected by it when they just kill people without a second thought?

For now I can't believe this shit. I don't think some girl spirit could actually kill me even if I wouldn't smack her around first and just let her. I think this is a borderline pedos wet dream.



Judging by what he said in >>113969 I bet all of them are in his head only.


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Hello, I don't usually post here or lurk I just saw the thread on the homepage and stopped by. I just wanted to say your css is awesome and comfy as fuck. You're all awesome, everyone is awesome.



Most likely. But that's not the first time I have read about killing demon girl entities. And if you think about how easily humans kill other humans in masses without a single tought…why can't spirits too ya know?

I guess the physical demiurgic dimension just sucks. You get mown down my humans and spirits alike, but that's what you have to deal with when you come to this place and are trapped here. I think the appearence of the deminant lolis matched perfectly their character/being. Spoiled children who don't give a fuck and are completely ego ridden. Still I won't give a shit about any killing spirit because the demiurgic facility farms you for loosh when they scare you with death. (they just farmed my loosh a little because I got upset about a spirit killing people for no reason! thats what they do) If you actually die you will only be free from this shithole finally and then you can beat the shit out of any negatives asral wildlifes like sadakos and lolis all you want (only if they annoy you first and wont leave you alone of course).



>sorry for all the typos



>get mown down by blabla

You can resist. You are Sovereign. Dissolve negative costructs, contracts, agreements, etc. Why i am no longer a lightworker 1 and 2 should help.

>farming loosh

Same. Intent that this does not happen and it shall be so.

>beat the shit out of negatives (only if they do not leave you alone of course)

You can do this now. Start reclaiming your Divine Sovereignity: you are Eternally Powerful!



Peace to you. I invoke the Law of Blessings to give you a Blessing and a Pillar of White, Divine Light. I invoke the Law of Thanks to Thank you.



This board is all RP and schizos, didn't you know?


Demons are predators, not human. Do you think wild animals are immoral for killing humans? No, because its natural for them, that's why you need to protect yourself and not upset them.

The spread of the "loli" concept is probably their doing anyway to popularize them and horror movies with that theme is advertizing. You can't say it isn't working, there are people wanting contact with them right here in this thread.



I assure you that these videos can cause real change.

I hope that you like this.

I have some good resources. The threads this was on were suddenly archived or just deleted.

This video here, https://youtube.com/watch?v=CpH_rXGHX1w , is a remote "soft kill shield" for targeted individuals of all kinds. It will work to destroy many harassments. This other, https://youtube.com/watch?v=OZCgOoGSLdQ , is the second version of the targeted individual scatter frequency. I hope that they help."

"Dive deep within yourself, speak to your Higher Self (read www.ascensionhelp.com/blog/2013/08/23/why-i-am-no-longer-a-light-worker/ and http://www.ascensionhelp.com/blog/2013/11/21/tell-the-lords-of-karma-that-you-are-sovereign-no-longer-a-lightworker-part-2/, by Cameron Day), enter your Akashik records, and you shall Know. We are One with the All (Infinite Source) as the All (Infinite Source) is One with Us. If you need more guiding, read from Bibliotecapleyades and Montalk. Finally, listen to the following videos https://youtube.com/watch?v=RQIO9cqwgcE that is the Universal Love , https://youtube.com/watch?v=pSyUT2p4H24 that awakens Intuitive Powers (HS guidance) , https://youtube.com/watch?v=feilxGTQkow that guides you to the Realization of the Interconnection of Everything (and your own Divinity) ,

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LFXeCJ5j25o which is an etheric purger that cleans everything negative in your etheric body ,

https://youtube.com/watch?v=XvyPscRD1ss which is a subconscious purger and a cleaner of universes , (commas are flying so they do not become part of the link).

Each has instructions, and the last ones are particularly important; only watch them 1 time per day for 5 days, then rest for 2, and then you may repeat them. Beware that sometimes channels will try to brainwash you; the ones I have listed are safe. Reclaim your Divine Sovereignity, Fight the Parasites, STS/Duality Low Vibration/Frquency/Density Beings and the different Matrix Control Systems.

Remember always, do not go into the light when you die."

Demons and archontic parasites absolutely hate the last video!

Also merging one of my other comments:

"The DrVirtual7 has made these amazing videos:https://youtube.com/watch?v=YVDGY5BKT5k , to help you with making a Shield of White and Golden Light, and https://youtube.com/watch?v=MrvQ-YNThDg [Embed] , to protect yourself from and dissolve black magic, also cleaning the Space of Self."




Not saying they exist (i've never run into one myself, though that does not mean they do not exist), but the fact that they have the power to kill someone without blinking gives them the permission and power to do so. Might is right bb

Spirits do not have shapes in the same sense that me and you have shapes. When we see one's appearance, we do not see it as it actually is, because it is a type of existence normal senses cannot pick up on. What you see when you see a spirit is nothing more than a shape symbolic of its energy. These shapes are highly personal, and likely to differ greatly between people (though there will oft be similarities as some symbols are more or less universally understood or agreed upon by humankind).

It is cute that you think that spirits cannot harm humans, but I must say that is incredibly wrong, and shows your ignorance to their workings. Yes your "soul", as you call it, is immortal, but your human body and human life sure as hell isn't. You ask why a spirit would hurt someone, well, why would a person hurt someone? Greed? Ignorance? Anger? You are wrong to assume that "spirits" exist on some higher plane above the trials and tribulations of the human race. It is not a higher existence they have (well some of them do), but simply a different existence. Some are even on a lower existence than humankind.

Also karma? Enlightenment? It is clear you have a lackluster understanding of such things.

Please don't take offence to this. I say these things to try and educate you a bit not to insult


I'm glad everyone here isn't retarded

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