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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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i write lucid dreams and would like feedback on them; http://pasted.co/4c0f3c95/fullscreen.php?hash=8d37306e0b8a1d466de3c8229c9afdc3&toolbar=true&linenum=true

i have about 67 logged.



>on your dreams

How are we meant to critique an event? That's like saying "I blew my nose 67 times and I'm looking for some feedback".



He probably meant he wants someone to interpret his dreams for him.


I had a strange dream.

There a particular picture in my mind that I see on the internet. I don't know what it is. It's some kind of painting of buddhism, I think. Its a man with a very square head. He's fat and his face is fat too whilst also maintaining the square shape. The painting is yellow, I should add. There's a yellow tone to the entire painting and the man is draped in some kind of robe. Well, anyway, he appears on my computer monitor and he makes a horrifying, screaming face with sharp teeth and everything.

Now, I think it's worth noting that I'm dealing with an astral parasite and Montalk mentions that with parasites, as you address them, they actually lash back at you with horrifying imagery. That's what happened. I went to bed listening to healing-tone binaural beats and I had that nightmare. I mean, I guess that means it was working, otherwise that encounter wouldn't have happened. Nonetheless, this screaming monk thing with the sharp teeth. It turned off the screen. When I asked what the God of Jainism would do to me for rebelling against it (I assumed it was a Jainism God because I briefly considered joining an ashram although that's unnecessary now), it turned off the monitor. I couldn't turn it back on and I couldn't turn on my alarm clock. There was one thing that happened though, each time I questioned the "God" as to what could happen, something in my room would be levitated in the darkness. So the "God" had some kind of power and so I was a bit afraid of it.

Anyway, as I cautiously left my room (I did a kind of action kung-fu roll into bathroom to check corners, I don't know why I had so much self-confidence, I think it's the tones), I noticed a white old woman downstairs robbing things. I recognised her as a neighbour. I went down, got her into a chokehold from behind, the commotion got my mom's attention, the woman vomited on my arm and then it kind of peters out from there I think.


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There ought to be some sort of social network site for recording and comparing dreams. Like a giant multiuser dream diary.

there should be some way to track themes in the total dream log over time and location, i can betcha there would be many patterns of esoteric significance.

I also bet that people would start to notice when they have shared dreams a lot more often.

seriously, any techsavvy website designer wizards on here? make this happen.

this would have profound significance



would definitely help folks get into the habit of writing and remembering their dreams.

think of the mystical potential of such a site



It would be really cool and useful to compare dream journals but the magical potential would be so much higher if they were compared *after* being written rather than during. The stored energy potentials being released by synchronicity as strong as matching up dream signifiers all at once would be tremendous. One could probably punch a hole right through to tryptamine dreamspace by visualization alone under such ideal conditions.


*to tryptamine dreamspace even under normal conditions of awareness and psychic censorship, that is.


Daily reminder that there are people in the government who are torturing and killing people who are trying to establish their sovereignty. People who want to help others and help themselves and aren't harming anybody are being murdered by psychopaths. Go post about this anywhere but here and these criminals will be like omg no we aren't you are going to a mental institution not being my slave is a mental illness.

Anyone telling you to focus on anything other than dealing with this issue is an astral parasite. All these dumb ass fucking books serve no fucking purpose until this problem is dealt with. Did you know that people in China get murdered for disagreeing with aristocrats? Did you know that all these thelamite fucks are literally saying that that is not a problem and you should feed your ego instead? Did you know that zero Christian's walk the path of Jesus, but I did and it works? Did you know that I have experienced the pain of being crucified, but that is apparently not an issue because some demiurge faggot is so stupid that he thinks that he wont be held accountable?

Fucking end suffering faggots. That's all that matters. Everything you ever wanted comes after that. I even care about the people doing this barbaric shit, so let's just move on. Jubilee!



you could just use a regular website to track the use of certain twitter hashtags like #luciddream or #dreamrecall and then encourage people to use it, then display some statistics on whatever people are tweeting to that hashtag. I don't think you really need a new social network



Oh, the idea of a new social network really wasn't my idea, actually I would really probably rather pass a kidney stone than regularly use a social media site (this one quite included, depending on the day and crowd), but I like the idea of comparative dream journal study on such a scale that a tryptamine invocation will be utterly supercharged.



Yeah probably it is

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